You’ve probably heard of pro-ana groups online. They’re pro-anorexia groups where people, mostly young girls, of course, go to share their sources of “thinspiration” and talk about their strategies for ingesting the bare minimum of calories. Well now there’s We Bite Back, a post-pro-ana group dedicated to helping and supporting people who are recovering from anorexia or anorexic behavior. From their FAQ:
Post-proana is an online subculture made up of people actively working to decrease disordered eating habits. Recognizing that proana communities provided teens and adults alike with an appreciated supportive environment, we have created a community that provides support without encouraging anorexic or bulimic behavior patterns. When the mirror lies, each person must learn to rely on the eyes of those who care about us. Those eyes are reading these pages. Working together as a team, we are overcoming our eating disorders together.
The site also has support forums and a section for essays, like this one from Karly:
So what will prevent my girls from pursuing their dreams? If they buy the lie that they have to be superthin and youthful to be beautiful, that they have to loathe and control and try to shape their female form into something unnaturally unattainable, that will hold them back. The other freedoms won’t matter, if they aren’t free in their mind: free to love and accept themselves.
I have the power to change that. You do, too. That is why, as a woman, loving your body is some of the most important work that you can do.
I’m so glad this site exists; spread the word. And speaking of which, thanks to Anne for the link!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advocacy, Eating Disorders, Feminism, Kids, Media
Thank you for shareing that, it’s nice to hear that somebody is doing something for these girls that might make a difference for them.
I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for bringing this post/site to my attention. I found you through google reader as a suggestion to subscribe to. I have only recently stumbled upon the concept of the fatosphere and its really opened my eyes. The positive attitude which comes across in so many of the posts is a breath of fresh air. I am currently embarking on recovery from Anorexia, and am using some of the ideas gleaned from these websites, as true inspiration, of strength, positivity and self acceptance. The website mentioned above (we bite back), is going to prove invaluable to me, as i am attempting to extract myself from the twisted logic of pro-ana. Thanks so much for your writing, i’ll be accepting this recommendation for sure!
Best wishes
Lola Snow