If you’re new to Big Fat Deal and want to know what the heck we’ve been talking about for four years, here are some highlights. (Best of April (2007); Best of May; Best of June; best of July; Best of August; Best of September; Best of October, All of November (oops); Best of December and January (2008); Best of February.
Way back at the beginning, in 2004, we talked about the lexicon of fatness, argued with fat bashers in the comments, and insisted that we were beautiful.
Since then, many lively conversations have ensued when we’ve asked questions such as does society “enable” fat people? or do you engage in “fatty talk”? or are obesity billboards a good idea? How about weight-loss surgery?
We get mad when people tell us fat people are miserable or that we are extra- miserable.
We talk about people like Tyra Banks and Lindsay Lohan and of course, our favorite, Star Jones.
Sometimes we review products and talk about movies and read Harry Potter. We also watch television, especially American Idol.
Also, sometimes we get all public service announcementy. For instance: binge eating is an eating disorder; if you need help, get help. And you are beautiful.
And finally, as I’m reading through the archives, I feel the need to point out that mo pie is obsessed with The Office, and anne is obsessed with ham. Thus far, Weetabix is merely obsessed with being fabulous. But stay tuned.
What a great new feature! The whole new site is fantabulous. I will never do any work ever again- I’m having too much fun reading!
My problem is that because I feel so badly about my weight, I look at everyone so critically about theirs. Then I think because I look so critically at their weight, they must be looking me the same way. It is a vicious cycle. Which comes first – the fat me or the fat thee. The first thing I notice about a person is their weight. If they are overweight, I am comfortable, especially if they are heavier than me. If they are thin, they have to win my approval and acceptance. I literally don’t like them as well. I have to be come used to them to feel at ease.
What is this obsession called? I have thoughts about weight, mine or theirs, at least
20 times a day. More or less. Is this a result of society or am I the weird one. Even when I was young and thin, I always felt I was fat. Go figure.
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