February 21st, 2008
I watched this rather amazing video showing Ron Lester (Varsity Blues and Popular) and his amazing weight loss from gastric bypass surgery (and subsequent plastic surgeries to remove excess skin) and was struck by the fact that not only does his girlfriend get trotted out like some kind of prize for having lost weight, but […]
Filed under: Media, Weight Loss, WLS | 43 Comments »
August 6th, 2007
Melinda, who just had weight-loss surgery, identifies what she calls the blue zone and the red zone of the weight-loss surgery world. On the one side are the people who truly believe with every bit of their being that WLS is bad and evil and unnecessary…They will call WLS mutilation and amputation and deformation, because […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Star Jones, Weight Loss, WLS | 25 Comments »
July 31st, 2007
Star Jones admits she had gastric bypass surgery and was “intentionally evasive” when questions were asked. “[T]he complete truth is, I was scared of what people might think of me,” she continues. “I was afraid to be vulnerable, and ashamed at not being able to get myself under control without this procedure.” “I used to […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Gossip, Magazines, Star Jones, Weight Loss, WLS | 25 Comments »
July 29th, 2007
Remember Dagny, whose posts about being a formerly fat person sparked an interesting conversation here back in May? Here were some comments from that thread: A formerly fat person is fed countless cues all day long to repudiate fat and sing the praises of weight loss. It never ceased to fascinate me how people seemed […]
Filed under: Fatism, Weight Loss, WLS | 41 Comments »
April 19th, 2007
Well this is very handy: a compliation of all the diet stories in this week’s National Enquirer. I’d heard some of these tidbits before (for instance, that Star Jones needs a body lift to remove extra skin, which is totally normal if you’ve had weight-loss surgery). And yet here they are, all in one place. […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Courtney Love, Fatism, Kelly Clarkson, Kirstie Alley, Magazines, Star Jones, WLS | 9 Comments »