March 11th, 2011
I’ve really been wanting to post something non-pregnancy related, and go through the links in my inbox, but it’s still a little chaotic around here! I’m freelancing part time, teaching full time, and moving into our new house. So a lot is going on, and I thank you for your patience while I get things […]
Filed under: Kids, Mommyblog, Personal, Question, Weight Loss | 33 Comments »
August 17th, 2010
This email landed in our inbox this week, and it inspired me to add a new category called “Ask BFD” to file this post under. I’m going to try and go back and tag some of the terrific posts that have sprung from reader questions. In the meantime, I think this is a great question, […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Ask BFD, Exercise, Question, Weight Loss | 34 Comments »
August 3rd, 2010
If you’ve never heard of Happy News, it’s a website devoted to news and lifestyle stories that are meant to be “always positive.” But an anonymous tipster wrote in and pointed out that often on the site, weight loss is equated to “happy,” and fatness is equated to “unhappy.” Curious, I did a couple of […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Fatism, Media, Weight Loss, WLS | 7 Comments »
June 23rd, 2010
Jenfu sends along a link to bad weight loss advice for women. Such as laugh off the pounds, or chew gum for an hour, or this: “Try an almond stacked on top of a dried apricot — it tastes like a cookie. Really.” Um… no. I’m not exactly a foodologist, but I’m pretty sure that […]
Filed under: Food, Glee, Humor, Tidbit, TV, Video, Weight Loss | 15 Comments »
June 14th, 2010
I’ve read a couple of articles in the past few days about Tracy Morgan “unofficially” becoming a spokesman for NutriSystem, because he’s lost 10 pounds on their program, reportedly. His diet entails “whatever I can eat” on NutriSystem, which is also favored by Tori Spelling, Marie Osmond and Boy Meet’s World Danielle Fishel. “Corn Flakes, […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, TV, Weight Loss | 19 Comments »
June 11th, 2010
1. April catches grief because she doesn’t want to follow someone’s weight-loss diary on Facebook. I’ve already “hidden” posts on my news feed from folks who seem to think that a running litany of everything they ate/didn’t eat wanted to eat/didn’t want to eat or weight they lost/gained inexplicably was the utmost in fascinating conversation… […]
Filed under: Feminism, Links, Old Timey, Politics, Weight Loss | 5 Comments »
May 21st, 2010
So this is like, a blog/Twitter crossover event! On Twitter, they have “Follow Fridays,” where you tell people who to follow on Twitter. So here’s my Follow Friday for you–The Illusionists, No Country for Young Women, and Revolution of Real Women. Because these three Twitter streams (in addition to being consistently awesome) are where I […]
Filed under: Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Diet Talk, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Magazines, Music, Photoshop, Video, Weight Loss | 4 Comments »
May 13th, 2010
We’ve talked about Passive Aggressive Notes before, when a woman sent a tragically misspelled note to some strangers at lunch, suggesting they should lose weight. Well, here we go again! Please do not take this the wrong way, I am just concerned for your health. Have you considered Weight Watchers? This was sent to a […]
Filed under: Fatism, Tidbit, TV, Weight Loss | 15 Comments »
May 6th, 2010 is sending people here because Jennifer Aniston is reportedly on the Baby Food Diet. But she was on the Baby Food Diet all the way back in 2007! I guess this is news because now her trainer is referring to it as the “Baby Food Cleanse.” The diet involves eating 14 servings of baby […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Food, Gossip, Jennifer Aniston, Meta, Personal, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 23 Comments »
April 27th, 2010
Our own Jenfu is featured in this article at MSNBC, along with Pasta Queen and a tiny little piece of my hair in Jen’s “before” photo. (Here’s the original photo.) Although it shares a theme with Kate Harding’s The Fantasy of Weight Loss, be aware that the article discusses diets and WLS and has some […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Jenfu, Meta, Personal, Weight Loss, WLS | 7 Comments »
March 16th, 2010
One of my favorite Project Runway designers, Jay McCarroll, was on Celebrity Fit Club this season, which I only knew because they show clips of it on The Soup. The Project Rungay boys interviewed him about the experience. A few quotes, which I’ll put behind a jump because there’s a bunch of diet talk.
Filed under: Carnie Wilson, Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Fashion, Kirstie Alley, Project Runway, TV, Weight Loss | 9 Comments »
December 15th, 2009
Watching less TV = weight loss! At least that’s what the headlines will be saying about this “not statistically significant” study of 20 people whose TVs were electronically restricted. When their TV watching was cut by half, they burned more calories. Overweight and obese individuals whose TVs were fitted with an electronic “lock-out” device to […]
Filed under: American Idol, Glee, Humor, Science, TV, Weight Loss | 22 Comments »
December 10th, 2009
In case you’re wondering where I’ve gone this week, it’s finals week (well it’s the first of two finals weeks, but we won’t talk about that) and I am busy writing, giving, and grading finals! In the meantime I’m loving the fashion do’s and don’ts you guys have come up with; it’s given me wardrobe […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Meta, Personal, Weight Loss | 9 Comments »
December 3rd, 2009
Thanks to @lilowen, who apparently has a long memory, for the heads up on this item! We first wrote about Sara Rue all the way back in aught six, when she lost a bunch of weight and it was speculated (by gossipy people) that she’d had weight loss surgery and had to have it reversed. […]
Filed under: Advertising, Celebrities, Gossip, Reese Witherspoon, Sara Rue, Weight Loss, WLS | 30 Comments »
November 9th, 2009
Oh, Kirstie Alley. You’re a ridiculously beautiful woman. You’re reasonably talented, you’re fairly charming, you’re actually pretty hilarious, even. My point is, you have many excellent qualities, all of which are ripe for the picking and/or exploitation. You could have a career, Kirstie Alley! You could be an Actress, full stop. You don’t have to […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Diet Talk Warning, Fatism, Gossip, Humor, Kirstie Alley, Media, TV, Weight Loss | 16 Comments »
October 29th, 2009
Do you remember when Karl Lagerfield was fat, and you got the feeling he sort of hated himself? He wore a lot of big, black clothes that covered him all the way up, and wandered around flapping a little fan in front of his face, in order, one assumes, to hide his double chin. It […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Fashion, Fatism, Gossip, Humor, International, Media, Weight Loss | 12 Comments »
August 11th, 2009
I’m writing this post in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, after a long and taxing Monday that those of you who follow me on Twitter are sick of hearing about, I’m sure. So my brain is broken, and instead of a real post, I give you… the five Google Alert e-mails that I clicked […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Exercise, Fatism, Humor, International, Links, Magazines, Ricky Gervais, Science, Sex & Romance, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 13 Comments »
July 28th, 2009
From BFDiva Jez comes this article, an expose of the Weight Watchers menu at Applebee’s. According to an independent lab, the nutritional info apparently does not always fall within or even come close to the advertised numbers on the menu, and lawsuits have ensued: [L]ast year Scripps News hired a food lab to test the […]
Filed under: Advertising, Advocacy, Fatism, Food, Weight Loss | 20 Comments »
July 15th, 2009
On this list of 10 Dumbest iPhone Apps is something called FatBurner2k: It’s a good thing Apple put this app in the “Entertainment” category. Otherwise one might be tempted to take seriously the claim that it can “help your body consume fat molecules using disharmonic, molecule to molecule, physical oscillations.” Translation: It vibrates on your […]
Filed under: Humor, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 7 Comments »
July 6th, 2009
I ran across this hilarious article in the always-reliable and utterly trustworthy very serious newspaper, the Daily Mail: a woman in London decided that she wanted to lose weight, and that weight-loss surgery was too risky, but that she would pay a hypnotherapist to trick her into believing she had! At Joh’s first session with […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Humor, International, Media, Science, Weight Loss, WLS | 21 Comments »
June 25th, 2009
Nia Vardalos, star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding who is married to Ian Gomez from Felicity, talks about “fatist” Hollywood (bolding mine): On the publicity tour of My Big Fat Greek Wedding I was asked over and over again, if, as the writer, I felt it was a fair depiction of real life to […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Feminism, Gossip, Magazines, Media, Movies, Seth Rogan, TV, Weight Loss | 18 Comments »
June 4th, 2009
While I was off hiatusing, Kirstie Alley was on the cover of People magazine talking about how she had
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Food, Gossip, Humor, Kirstie Alley, Magazines, Media, TV, Weight Loss | 19 Comments »
May 26th, 2009
The Gruen Transfer is an Australian show about advertising which dissects and analyzes the affects of advertising on the average human brain. As part of their show, they frequently issue challenges to agencies–create This Kind of advertisement. Sell this seemingly impossible-to-sell idea. This time around, it was make an ad about fat discrimination. One entrant […]
Filed under: Advertising, Advocacy, Fatism, International, Media, NSFW, Politics, Question, Race & Ethnicity, TV, Video, Weight Loss | 26 Comments »
May 18th, 2009
Does this new show strike you as fatist or fat positive? And why do you think so?
Filed under: Advertising, Dance Your Ass Off, Hairspray, Tidbit, TV, Weight Loss | 28 Comments »
May 1st, 2009
The FDA has issued a warning against the diet drug Hydroxycut, which, as it turns out, can kill you. (It killed a teenager in 2007, but apparently the FDA was just alerted to this now.) Other patients experienced symptoms ranging from jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, to liver failure. One received a transplant and […]
Filed under: Advertising, Health, Science, Weight Loss | 25 Comments »