August 3rd, 2010
If you’ve never heard of Happy News, it’s a website devoted to news and lifestyle stories that are meant to be “always positive.” But an anonymous tipster wrote in and pointed out that often on the site, weight loss is equated to “happy,” and fatness is equated to “unhappy.” Curious, I did a couple of […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Fatism, Media, Weight Loss, WLS | 7 Comments »
July 13th, 2010
In the annals of Stupid Diets, I don’t think we’ve talked about the Cookie Diet yet. But now the silence must be broken! Because Snooki is involved. Threat level orange, if you will. Threat level fake-tan, oompa-loompa orange. On the diet, she eats only one meal a day (usually chicken) — and six cookies, each […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Diet Talk Warning | 20 Comments »
April 27th, 2010
Our own Jenfu is featured in this article at MSNBC, along with Pasta Queen and a tiny little piece of my hair in Jen’s “before” photo. (Here’s the original photo.) Although it shares a theme with Kate Harding’s The Fantasy of Weight Loss, be aware that the article discusses diets and WLS and has some […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Jenfu, Meta, Personal, Weight Loss, WLS | 7 Comments »
April 1st, 2010
A few months after signing up to be the spokesperson for the Yennj Giarc campaign, Sara Rue has succeeded beyond her wildest dreams: she’s already gained 30 pounds! “I used to eat these horrible boxed meals,” Rue explained. “They were all these processed, microwaveable meals full of preservatives.” Rue spent hours a day on the […]
Filed under: April Fools!, Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Humor, Meta, Sara Rue | 12 Comments »
March 16th, 2010
One of my favorite Project Runway designers, Jay McCarroll, was on Celebrity Fit Club this season, which I only knew because they show clips of it on The Soup. The Project Rungay boys interviewed him about the experience. A few quotes, which I’ll put behind a jump because there’s a bunch of diet talk.
Filed under: Carnie Wilson, Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Fashion, Kirstie Alley, Project Runway, TV, Weight Loss | 9 Comments »
November 16th, 2009
Pepsi Max – Save the calories for baconOriginally uploaded by jsmjr Women drink Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi; men drink Coke Zero and Pepsi Max, aka the diet sodas without the word “diet” in the name. Since diets are for girls! Feminist blogs such as The Gender Bender Blog and I Blame the Patriarchy both […]
Filed under: Advertising, Advocacy, Diet Talk Warning, Feminism, Media, Personal | 46 Comments »
November 9th, 2009
Oh, Kirstie Alley. You’re a ridiculously beautiful woman. You’re reasonably talented, you’re fairly charming, you’re actually pretty hilarious, even. My point is, you have many excellent qualities, all of which are ripe for the picking and/or exploitation. You could have a career, Kirstie Alley! You could be an Actress, full stop. You don’t have to […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Diet Talk Warning, Fatism, Gossip, Humor, Kirstie Alley, Media, TV, Weight Loss | 16 Comments »
October 29th, 2009
Do you remember when Karl Lagerfield was fat, and you got the feeling he sort of hated himself? He wore a lot of big, black clothes that covered him all the way up, and wandered around flapping a little fan in front of his face, in order, one assumes, to hide his double chin. It […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Fashion, Fatism, Gossip, Humor, International, Media, Weight Loss | 12 Comments »
July 6th, 2009
I ran across this hilarious article in the always-reliable and utterly trustworthy very serious newspaper, the Daily Mail: a woman in London decided that she wanted to lose weight, and that weight-loss surgery was too risky, but that she would pay a hypnotherapist to trick her into believing she had! At Joh’s first session with […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Humor, International, Media, Science, Weight Loss, WLS | 21 Comments »
April 10th, 2009
I was entertained and sort of fascinated by Mike’s post about the new Big Mac Snack Wrap, currently being tested in Canada, the home of the Maple Leafs, half of Niagara Falls, and Robin Sparkles. The sad, sad, Big Mac Snack Wrap. It is apparently half a hamburger patty with some sauce, pickles, and lettuce, […]
Filed under: Advertising, Diet Talk Warning, Food, Humor, International, Kids, Personal, Science | 23 Comments »
January 16th, 2009
I saw a thought-provoking post on suethsayings this week about a contestant from The Biggest Loser named Eric, who lost 214 pounds on the show and then went on Oprah to talk about gaining back 107 of them. (Oprah and The Biggest Loser in the same post! When categories collide!) Oprah had invited him a […]
Filed under: Biggest Loser, Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Exercise, Health, Oprah, Personal, Question, TV, Weight Loss | 53 Comments »
January 5th, 2009
Out of the ashes of the late, lamented Elastic Waist, a phoenix has arisen. A phoenix with one feather that is me! It is a web portal called Dearest Mabel featuring the writing talents of Weetabix, Jen (aka Anne) and Kim from Elastic Waist, as well as me and Jennette. It will feature links to […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Jenfu, Meta, Weetabix | 1 Comment »
November 12th, 2008
Oatmealapalooza Originally uploaded by mo pie If you were following my Twitters last weekend, you may have noaticed I was in Chicago, where Quaker Oats hosted an all-expenses paid weekend for a bunch of bloggers who turned out to be mostly food, weight loss, and fitness bloggers. (I say this because I’m about to give […]
Filed under: BlogHerOff, Diet Talk Warning, Food, Health, Meta, Personal, TV | 24 Comments »