January 30th, 2012
I will confess that I used to love Jane magazine and was very sad when it went out of print. (I sadly missed out on the whole Sassy thing, probably because when I was in junior high, I wasn’t cool enough for anyone to tell me it existed.) But I loved Jane. I know that […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Fat Positive, Feminism, Kids, Magazines, Project Runway | 5 Comments »
October 4th, 2010
Beth Ditto recently walked the runway in a Jean Paul Gaultier show, and she looks fabulous. Gaultier is, of course, the same designer who used Velvet D’Amour in a previous runway show. More pictures at HuffPo, where they pair the slideshow with this recent quote from Ditto: “It’s really interesting to me that people will […]
Filed under: Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Fashion, Fat Positive, Tidbit | 13 Comments »
September 30th, 2010
Over at The Rotund, Marianne recently posted a piece about the normalizing power of shoe shopping. Because they are never JUST shoes. They’re what I was, for a long time, allowed – when you’re fat and your options are limited, sometimes shoes become the thing you use to express yourself… It’s one of the only […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Question | 52 Comments »
September 29th, 2010
With a special shout-out to Brianna, here are some links that popped up in Google Reader this week! 1. From Feed Me: Fat women are paid less than men in the workplace. So obviously, we should lose weight. Wait, what? Fat women are paid less than women who aren’t fat; fat men, on average, earn […]
Filed under: BFDudes, Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Gabby Sidibe, Humor, Links, Personal, Work | 4 Comments »
September 20th, 2010
Just a quick post to remind everyone that Mike & Molly begins tonight, and the reviews are coming in. Linda Holmes at NPR: It has a lot of dumb jokes and broad (har har) portrayals, and everyone in the writers’ room should do 20 laps for the moment where two fat guys don’t know enough […]
Filed under: Fat Positive, Fatism, Mike & Molly, Tidbit, TV | 19 Comments »
September 20th, 2010
We already knew that, but here’s a quote from this interview (embedded below) with Perez Hilton where, at around 5:50, he says this: If I were to do a clothing line, it would be for sizes 16 and higher. Because I really believe that those women are truly a neglected population, and when I visit […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fashion, Fat Positive, Tidbit, Video | 23 Comments »
September 17th, 2010
The title of this article, “Finding Fat Lit,” is promising. I was like, yeah! We need more fat characters! And then I read the article. Matt Stewart, who describes himself at his heaviest as “a hideous 239 pounds,” wants books about fat people—but only the ones who are trying to lose weight. Millions of Americans […]
Filed under: Art, Biggest Loser, Books, Fat Positive, Fatism, Mike & Molly, Oprah, TV | 44 Comments »
August 26th, 2010
The days are growing shorter and the air smells like freshly-sharpened pencils. After Labor Day, bare legs are verboten if you adhere to Miss Manners, so what’s a girl to do? Tights, baby. Tights. Finding a decent pair of plus size tights is a bit of a challenge. Sometimes tight purveyors make gigantically long tights […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Weetabix | 26 Comments »
August 18th, 2010
The Rotund writes about reclaiming the word fat. That’s why I object to “overweight” as a descriptor. Over what weight? The weight other people think I should be even though they have no experience with my body composition beyond looking at me? The weight a BMI chart says I should be? The weight a fashion […]
Filed under: BFD Classic, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Question | 28 Comments »
August 10th, 2010
Cubicalgirl in the comments alerted us to the existence of this shirt, saying: It’s got the universal man/woman icons on it, only the woman is bigger and it says “Team Player” underneath, the implication being that the guy wearing the shirt will “take one for the team” and chat up the fat friend so his […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Humor, Sex & Romance | 19 Comments »
July 30th, 2010
This seems to be the week for celebrity women to advocate for body positivity—or at least, it’s the week I found all these links! First off, from Becky on Twitter comes this story about Penelope Cruz, who says you don’t have to be thin to be pretty. “I would close down all those teenage magazines […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Gossip, Hayley Hasselhoff, Huge, International, Kids, Magazines, TV | 7 Comments »
July 27th, 2010
1. Plus-size model Velvet D’Amour emailed me about her new photography site, Velvetography, which features both “regular” and plus-sized models like the one pictured here. Some of the photos are nudes, so consider this your NSFW warning! 2. I think I’m in love with Amanda Piasecki, who coined the term “Fatshionista,” after reading this interview […]
Filed under: Art, Celebrities, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Humor, NSFW, Velvet d'Amour | 9 Comments »
July 1st, 2010
1. Some reviews of Huge! Or as The Frisky put it, “Fat People Were On TV And, Whaddya Know, The World Didn’t End.” Entertainment Weekly L.A. Times ABC News MTV STLToday New York Times The Frisky 2. An awesome 18-year-old spent a month following Seventeen magazine dictates and blogging about it, calling it the Seventeen Magazine Project. Her intent […]
Filed under: Cold Hard Cash, Fashion, Fat Positive, Gabby Sidibe, Huge, Magazines, Media, TV | 5 Comments »
June 24th, 2010
1. Stella Ellis, of BettyConfidential.com, put together a story all about how to stay hot when you’re hot (via Shine). It’s a beauty and fashion round-up that’s got a ton of gorgeous dresses I covet, and some very cheering words about being comfortable in your skin and whatever you put on it. The important thing is […]
Filed under: Advertising, Advocacy, Celebrities, Fashion, Fat Positive, Humor, International, Media, Photoshop | 2 Comments »
June 17th, 2010
1. We talked about April Flores, the plus-size pinup and adult film star awhile back. She’s in the news again, criticizing the ridiculous American Apparel for their sizing prejudices, and talking about her work, body confidence, and fat prejudice. As if you needed more evidence that she’s both gorgeous and awesome. I now know that […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Art, Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Comics, Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Humor, Media | 11 Comments »
June 4th, 2010
It’s Feel Good Friday, so how about some topless plus-size models? Follow this link! NSFW! (And thanks to Laurie for the link!) For its June 2010 issue, French Marie Claire has gone curvy with editorials featuring plus-size models in lingerie and swimsuits à la française–that’s right, only bottoms, no tops! Of course, these are all […]
Filed under: Art, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, International, Magazines, NSFW, Personal, Sex & Romance, Tidbit | 11 Comments »
June 2nd, 2010
1. We all know I get ridiculous PR spam, but a real doozy landed in my mailbox yesterday, featuring the top five “Flabulous Celebrity Love Handle Offenders” who can fix their “offensive” love handles with a Spanx-type product that we should all run out and buy too! (Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of mentioning the […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Art, Beth Ditto, Beyonce, Books, Britney Spears, Celebrities, Crystal Renn, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Health, International, Jessica Simpson, Kirstie Alley, Links, Music, Nikki Blonsky, Science, TV | 8 Comments »
May 17th, 2010
Jezebel republished an essay by Tasha Fierce at Red Vinyl Shoes called “As Fat As I Wanna Be,” articulating the idea that if you eat junk food, and are lazy, and don’t exercise, and are fat, you still don’t deserve to be shamed and concern trolled and vilified for your fatness. The Jezebel post is […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Carnie Wilson, Celebrities, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Health, Kirstie Alley | 17 Comments »
May 14th, 2010
I’ve been feeling the need to find some new blogs to squeeze into my already overfull Google reader! So I figured, it’s Friday, let’s chat about our favorite stops on the Internet these days! For Fatosphere stuff, I read the Notes from the Fatosphere feed, as well as the Alltop Fatosphere listing, and of course […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Gossip, Meta, Question | 11 Comments »
May 5th, 2010
Emily alerted us in the comments about this TV pilot going into production. From the WSJ: The formula: “Mad About You” meets “The Biggest Loser” The plot: A romantic comedy about a couple that meets at a support group for overeating. The brand names: Co-creator Chuck Lorre can do no wrong for CBS lately with […]
Filed under: Fat Positive, Fatism, Magazines, TV | 17 Comments »
April 23rd, 2010
Chinese reader Maya sends along a link to photos of an “obesity competition” held in a shopping mall in China’s Shenyang, Liaoning province. Maya adds: What do you think? Aside from the fact that those dresses are FANTASTIC, I feel like this is really exploititive and just a way to make the general population laugh. […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, International | 7 Comments »
April 21st, 2010
Raymond de Felitta, writer/director of the film City Island, discusses his film’s attention-getting subplot in this article in Salon. A subplot involves the Rizzo family’s youngest son (the brilliant Ezra Miller) who is secretly ashamed of his adolescent yearning for the woman next door, an Internet “goddess” named Denise who is 400 pounds and a […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Fat Positive, Kids, Movies | 7 Comments »
April 9th, 2010
As our Dating While Fat conversation continues, I feel I was remiss in not include a link to this video. Woo!
Filed under: Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Sex & Romance, Tidbit, Video | 8 Comments »
March 30th, 2010
Trabb’s Boy suggested this title in our previous links roundup. I can’t decide if it’s cute, scientific, or terroristy! In the meantime, here are some links for you, and a picture of cute animals, after the jump.
Filed under: Advocacy, Fashion, Fat Positive, Food, Links, Meta | 15 Comments »