September 19th, 2011
Movie actors gain and lose weight for roles all the time. Remember when Russell Crowe gained weight for A Beautiful Mind, or Renee Zellweger did for Bridget Jones (and it was a way bigger deal because she’s a woman, even though she was a size ten at most, but that’s another story)? While Friends had […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Feminism, Renee Zelwegger, TV | 12 Comments »
April 22nd, 2009
The New York Times did an article a few days ago about A-list male stars gaining weight. Amid jokes about extra chins and such, the article lists Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, John Travolta, and Leonardo DiCaprio as examples of male stars who have fattened up. Hugh Grant, 48, who played the skinny cad to a […]
Filed under: Angelina Jolie, Celebrities, Feminism, Gossip, Gwyneth Paltrow, Media, Movies, Renee Zelwegger, Sarah Jessica Parker | 19 Comments »
April 15th, 2008
There’s a conversation going on in the comments about whether some people look better when they’re heavier. The discussion started with Rhonwyn’s comment right here: [w]hile I’m on the subject of Queen Latifah and losing weight: do any of you think some people just look better when they’re heavier? I hardly recognized Star Jones after […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Goldilocks Paradox, Gossip, Meta, Queen Latifah, Question, Renee Zelwegger, Star Jones, Weight Loss, WLS | 18 Comments »
December 18th, 2007
Maybe we can declare this fat suit week at Big Fat Deal! We talked about J. Love in a fat suit (in the wake of Tom Cruise and Posh Spice fat suit news, oh god, is this a trend or what) and now, there’s more! First of all, there’s a Santa in Scotland who is […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fat Suits, Fatism, Hairspray, International, Kids, Movies, Renee Zelwegger | 9 Comments »
December 17th, 2007
Renee Zellweger may end up in a fat suit for Bridget Jones 3, if there is one. She doesn’t want to gain that weight again. “Can I just tell you my body is whacked by the time we finish one of those,” the actress confessed. “It doesn’t know what has happened because it thinks there’s […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Meta, Renee Zelwegger | 23 Comments »
September 4th, 2007
Here’s one of those pages of pictures of celebrities without makeup, looking frumpy and normal. Drew Barrymore has a mustache, Natalie Portman has a double chin, and Renee Zellwegger looks all squinchy-faced. (Wait, that’s how she always looks. God, she annoys me.) (Oh, she’s also really skinny now.) Anyway, the moral of the story is […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Gossip, Kirstie Alley, Media, Renee Zelwegger | 14 Comments »
April 17th, 2007
The Impact Lab photoshopped “a few extra pounds” onto some popular celebrities and asked, what would celebrities look like if they were fat? Celebrities include Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Lopez, and Shakira: “Food can be an evil thing in the wrong hands. Here are a series of obesity-enhanced photos to show you what your favorite celebrity […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Elizabeth Hurley, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Renee Zelwegger | 13 Comments »