June 17th, 2010
1. We talked about April Flores, the plus-size pinup and adult film star awhile back. She’s in the news again, criticizing the ridiculous American Apparel for their sizing prejudices, and talking about her work, body confidence, and fat prejudice. As if you needed more evidence that she’s both gorgeous and awesome. I now know that […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Art, Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Comics, Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Humor, Media | 11 Comments »
June 14th, 2010
I’ve read a couple of articles in the past few days about Tracy Morgan “unofficially” becoming a spokesman for NutriSystem, because he’s lost 10 pounds on their program, reportedly. His diet entails “whatever I can eat” on NutriSystem, which is also favored by Tori Spelling, Marie Osmond and Boy Meet’s World Danielle Fishel. “Corn Flakes, […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, TV, Weight Loss | 19 Comments »
June 11th, 2010
If you’ve been reading for a while, you know of my conflicted feelings about Ricky Gervais. But, the problem is, he keeps hating on fat people and making it more and more difficult for me to love him. (I have the same issue with Joel McHale on The Soup. I love his shows—especially Community—and I […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Drop Dead Diva, Fatism, Feminism, Guest Post, Humor, Magazines, Ricky Gervais, The Office, TV | 12 Comments »
June 10th, 2010
A few days ago, I had never heard of Huge, but it occurred to me that we hadn’t heard from Nikki Blonsky in a while. Lo and behold, IMDB informed me that she (and Glee’s Ashley Fink) were starring in a new show on ABC Family called Huge. Here’s the description from Wikipedia: Huge is […]
Filed under: Biggest Loser, Celebrities, Glee, Magazines, Nikki Blonsky, Photoshop, Question, TV | 22 Comments »
June 2nd, 2010
1. We all know I get ridiculous PR spam, but a real doozy landed in my mailbox yesterday, featuring the top five “Flabulous Celebrity Love Handle Offenders” who can fix their “offensive” love handles with a Spanx-type product that we should all run out and buy too! (Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of mentioning the […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Art, Beth Ditto, Beyonce, Books, Britney Spears, Celebrities, Crystal Renn, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Health, International, Jessica Simpson, Kirstie Alley, Links, Music, Nikki Blonsky, Science, TV | 8 Comments »
May 28th, 2010
Cindy in the comments alerted us to a couple of posts on SF Gate that I thought were worthy of their own post. First, an article with the headline Fat people deny their [sic] plus size: In the same way as anorexics may have a distorted self-perception of being fat, some overweight and obese people […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fatism, International, Media, Movies, Queen Latifah, Sex & Romance | 40 Comments »
May 26th, 2010
Last week’s performance of “Dream a Little Dream” on Glee reminded me that it’s been 40 years since Cass Elliott sang that song. She had one of the most beautiful voices of the mid-1900’s, right up there with Streisand and Karen Carpenter, but she almost never makes the lists of amazing influential female singers. I’m […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fatism, Old Timey, Video, Weetabix | 15 Comments »
May 24th, 2010
1. I thought this was really fascinating: A professional model talks very personally about her body image issues and the modeling industry, in a guest post on the always awesome Already Pretty. I started modeling in 1998, at the age of 19, at 5’11” (180 cm) and 120 pounds (55 kg). I grew up hating […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Eating Disorders, Gossip, Kevin Smith, Kirstie Alley, Links, Media, Movies, TV | 14 Comments »
May 21st, 2010
For Feel-Good Friday, a picture that made me feel good. Check out that insane eye makeup and lipstick! The awesome shape of that dress, which breaks all the fat-girl muumuu rules! The ruffly crazy thing! The color! The attitude. Makes me want to pack something wacky to wear to Forbidden Zone this weekend. Beth Ditto, […]
Filed under: Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Fashion, Feel Good Friday, Tidbit | 6 Comments »
May 21st, 2010
So this is like, a blog/Twitter crossover event! On Twitter, they have “Follow Fridays,” where you tell people who to follow on Twitter. So here’s my Follow Friday for you–The Illusionists, No Country for Young Women, and Revolution of Real Women. Because these three Twitter streams (in addition to being consistently awesome) are where I […]
Filed under: Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Diet Talk, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Magazines, Music, Photoshop, Video, Weight Loss | 4 Comments »
May 17th, 2010
Jezebel republished an essay by Tasha Fierce at Red Vinyl Shoes called “As Fat As I Wanna Be,” articulating the idea that if you eat junk food, and are lazy, and don’t exercise, and are fat, you still don’t deserve to be shamed and concern trolled and vilified for your fatness. The Jezebel post is […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Carnie Wilson, Celebrities, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Health, Kirstie Alley | 17 Comments »
May 10th, 2010
Okay, I know almost nothing about Elena Kagan at this point, except what Jezebel told me. So this isn’t about politics. It’s about the fact that as soon as I saw her picture, I knew exactly what was coming: fat jokes. A random sampling: First Impressions: Kagan looks like a fat drag queen. Yeash that […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Feminism, Movies, Politics | 20 Comments »
May 7th, 2010
You have to admire the creativity of PR people sometimes, desperately trying to shoehorn their products into stories about whatever might be making headlines, and then blindly sending those stories to bloggers whose blogs may or may not be at all related to the products they’re trying to sell. Here are some ridiculous pitches I’ve […]
Filed under: Advertising, American Idol, Celebrities, Feel Good Friday, Hairspray, Humor, Kids, Magazines, Meta, Music, TV | 7 Comments »
May 6th, 2010
Bing.com is sending people here because Jennifer Aniston is reportedly on the Baby Food Diet. But she was on the Baby Food Diet all the way back in 2007! I guess this is news because now her trainer is referring to it as the “Baby Food Cleanse.” The diet involves eating 14 servings of baby […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Food, Gossip, Jennifer Aniston, Meta, Personal, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 23 Comments »
May 6th, 2010
1. Thanks to La Wade for this link: Chelsea Clinton asks her dad to lose 15 pounds before walking her down the aisle. “She doesn’t think I’m in shape to handle it. You know, she told me the other day, she said, ‘Dad the only thing you gotta do is walk me down the aisle […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Feminism, Humor, Jenfu, Links, Meta, Movies | 3 Comments »
May 3rd, 2010
This post at Racialicious (originally posted at Red Vinyl Shoes) is about black plus-size models in mainstream fashion, but the part that really struck me was this (bolding mine): A popular (white) misconception is that fat is more acceptable in the black community. This is patently untrue. Hip-hop culture is often pointed to when one […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Fashion, Fatism, Gabby Sidibe, Question, Race & Ethnicity | 7 Comments »
April 30th, 2010
I had to snap a quick picture of this when I saw it on the cover of the National Enquirer at the grocery store. 200 pounds is DEADLY now. You will DROP DEAD if you hit 200 pounds! Out of curiosity I opened the magazine and there was some article about how she got married […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fatism, Magazines, Mariah Carey, Music | 27 Comments »
April 27th, 2010
Our own Jenfu is featured in this article at MSNBC, along with Pasta Queen and a tiny little piece of my hair in Jen’s “before” photo. (Here’s the original photo.) Although it shares a theme with Kate Harding’s The Fantasy of Weight Loss, be aware that the article discusses diets and WLS and has some […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Jenfu, Meta, Personal, Weight Loss, WLS | 7 Comments »
April 22nd, 2010
I got an email this morning about a controversy brewing at ABC, who is refusing to air a lingerie ad for Lane Bryant that features a plus-sized model. Specifically, “a pleasantly plump model [who] gracefully shows off her curves before the camera in a slew of sexy poses.” (Because she’s sexy she gets to be […]
Filed under: Advertising, American Idol, Celebrities, Fashion, Fatism, Question, Sex & Romance, TV, Video | 50 Comments »
April 22nd, 2010
1. The new Oprah biography contains a shocking allegation about pecan pie (and, perhaps, an opportunity to become educated about food addiction). From Michelle Coppola: Oprah once ordered two pecan pies from room service and *shudder* ATE THEM BOTH!! And what, Kitty Kelley? The earth tilted on its axis from Oprah’s subsequent weight gain? As […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Eating Disorders, Feminism, Food, Kids, Links, Magazines, Meta, Oprah, Race & Ethnicity | 17 Comments »
April 18th, 2010
I talked about roles written for men going to women in this post, and serendipitously, my issue of Entertainment Weekly this week has an article about Angelina Jolie’s sex change in Salt. However, check out this line: “In the original script, there was a huge sequence where Edwin Salt saves his wife, who’s in danger,” […]
Filed under: Angelina Jolie, Celebrities, Feminism, The Office, TV | 3 Comments »
April 8th, 2010
You can click the “Links” category for our previous links roundups, which so far have a different name each time. Maybe one of these days I’ll do a poll! Okay, let’s not go crazy. But anyway, here are some links! 1. Celebrity gossip and internet drama, two of my favorite things! But seriously, an interesting […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Christina Hendricks, Fashion, Health, Jennifer Hudson, Links, Mad Men, Meta, Race & Ethnicity, TV | 6 Comments »
April 2nd, 2010
I do so love it when women get to play roles originally written for men. Angelina Jolie is starring in an action film that was written for Tom Cruise. (The eponymous Edwin A. Salt became Evelyn Salt in the movie now called Salt.) Lucy Liu took on the role of Agent Sever in Ecks vs. […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Kathy Bates, Magazines, The Office, TV | 7 Comments »
April 1st, 2010
A few months after signing up to be the spokesperson for the Yennj Giarc campaign, Sara Rue has succeeded beyond her wildest dreams: she’s already gained 30 pounds! “I used to eat these horrible boxed meals,” Rue explained. “They were all these processed, microwaveable meals full of preservatives.” Rue spent hours a day on the […]
Filed under: April Fools!, Celebrities, Diet Talk Warning, Humor, Meta, Sara Rue | 12 Comments »
March 19th, 2010
In an interview with the Examiner, Amanda Seyfried admits she’s “not naturally thin,” and goes to extremes to make sure she gets acting work. “I’m on a raw-food diet,” says Seyfried. “It’s intense, and sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach and some seeds… If I didn’t run and work out, there’s no way I […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Eating Disorders, Exercise, Movies, Tidbit | 20 Comments »