April 18th, 2010
I talked about roles written for men going to women in this post, and serendipitously, my issue of Entertainment Weekly this week has an article about Angelina Jolie’s sex change in Salt. However, check out this line: “In the original script, there was a huge sequence where Edwin Salt saves his wife, who’s in danger,” […]
Filed under: Angelina Jolie, Celebrities, Feminism, The Office, TV | 3 Comments »
April 22nd, 2009
The New York Times did an article a few days ago about A-list male stars gaining weight. Amid jokes about extra chins and such, the article lists Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, John Travolta, and Leonardo DiCaprio as examples of male stars who have fattened up. Hugh Grant, 48, who played the skinny cad to a […]
Filed under: Angelina Jolie, Celebrities, Feminism, Gossip, Gwyneth Paltrow, Media, Movies, Renee Zelwegger, Sarah Jessica Parker | 19 Comments »
July 7th, 2008
Thanks to Lucinda, who sent in the following review! I didn’t see Wanted this weekend, but my students have told me it’s really good. Did you guys see it over the holiday weekend? Did you have the same reaction as Lucinda did? I was psyched to see WANTED, the new summer blockbuster action flick — […]
Filed under: Angelina Jolie, Art, Celebrities, Fatism, Guest Post, Movies | 26 Comments »