I Guess That Was What You’d Call A Hiatus
Hi everyone out there in BFD land! I certainly have missed you. And how has everyone been? Do we have stuff to catch up on or what? I guess I should first explain why I went away so abruptly and without explanation. Well, it’s Wigburg’s fault. Wigburg, who is currently, even as I type this, kicking me in the bladder. Yes, I’m pregnant! 25 weeks tomorrow.
And here’s the thing: I got really really really really really really sick. I wish I could convey to you how incapacitated I was. I was so sick that I could barely function. Just to get to work and home again was all I could do, for many weeks. Looking at a computer screen made me nauseous, so I didn’t reply to emails (my inbox is still stuffed) or moderate comments or post to the blog. Other things that made me throw up included eating, not eating, thinking about eating, moving around, looking at things, and talking (which made lecturing fun, let me tell you). At one point I was driving to campus and in the middle of the faculty parking lot I had to slam on the brakes, open the door, and puke on the concrete. Then I had to go brush my teeth and give a lecture. That was a fun day.
I got so sick, in fact, that I’m actually still a little sick. (It’s supposed to go away at 16 weeks. This in my case was a terrible lie.) It’s just that when I got to the point where I couldn’t leave my bed and was in fact doing nothing but curling up in the fetal position while occasionally projectile vomiting, I finally got some Zofran, an anti-emetic that I probably should have asked for weeks before I did. But in the meantime I was busy trying every remedy under the sun, from Vitamin B6 and Unisom to special Sri Lankan ginger cookies procured by a friend. And I was busy puking! Let’s not forget the puking.
In the meantime, and in addition, we bought a house! (I know. Lots of news from these here parts.) It’s a fixer-upper, and we’ve been working on fixing it up. That’s also been taking a lot of time. Add in teaching and traveling for the holidays, and there you have it. Where I’ve been.
The thing is, I have a lot of stuff I want to post about. We never talked about important things like Huge being cancelled (nooooooo!!!) (still sad) or the Harry Potter Theme Park adding fat-people seats to their ride just in time for me not to be able to ride roller coasters. Plus, now there’s all this fat and pregnant stuff to talk about, such as the fact that I still don’t really look pregnant and what that means (in fact, so far I’ve lost 15 pounds, even though none of my pants fit), or the fact that Wigburg is a girl, and that I need advice from all of you about how to help her grow up feminist and confident and awesome. And also, the fact that none of my bras fit, because apparently no matter how big your boobs are, they can still get bigger. Scientific fact.
I’m not going to commit to posting every day quite yet, but I will commit to at least one post per week, and see how that goes. I will also try not to turn into a mommyblog. But you know. There might be more mommyblog-esque content here and there. Once again: it’s Wigburg’s fault.
Posted by mo pie
Wow sounds like a whirlwind of activities for you. Congrats on being pregnant!!! That’s so exciting.
I’m sorry about your being sick. I hope you feel 100% soon. Welcome back! I wondered where you’ve been.
BRING ON the fat and pregnant stuff. I’ve had two babies in the last four years and I am a big birth nerd and I am all ’bout talking about some fat and pregnant.
Oh, and congratulations!!
Well, congratulations….on the baby, not on the being sick all the time. Been there, done that…didn’t enjoy it at all.
Hoping you are feeling better soon.
Glad to see you back too!
Huzzah for little Wigburg! I look forward to hearing all about her – and you – as you navigate the world of fat and pregnant.
I was wondering where you’d gone to, but seriously, just do what you feel up to doing. You and Wigburg are your priorities right now.
(sends tummy-settling thoughts your way)
I second what Twistie said! Congrats on Wigburg and the house, hope you feel superbly very soon amd I can’t wait to hear more about, well, everything!
Wow, congrats on being pregnant!! Excellent news!!
However, sympathy on the whole hyperemesis thing. I never had it but I had pretty bad morning sickness with my first. It just SUCKED. Everyone and their brother will give you “the cure” but if it’s true hyperemesis, not much helps except the big-gun drugs. However, I have to jump on the suggestion bandwagon and suggest acupuncture. It can make a difference for some, even when nothing else works. But fair disclosure, it doesn’t help everyone with hyperemesis either.
There are support groups out there for women with hyperemesis. I hope you connect up with one of them. And I hope you feel better soon!
Look forward to talking fat and pregnancy with you too. It’s so rarely discussed on FA groups that it will be refreshing to have someone besides me talking about it.
You know how sometimes random people just pop into your head and then later – well there they are? I’m not even kidding about this – this morning I was brushing my teeth and I thought of this blog and then later, well here’s a post. Seriously, why can’t this power be harnessed to make me rich?
Congrats on the pregnancy, though I’m sorry you are so sick. I do hope you find some relief very soon!
Congratulations on being pregnant! I’m happy for you!
I apparently suck at reading comprehension, because at first I got all worked up and thought, oh no, you have gastroparesis too! Then I read “16 weeks” and remembered about the more common, baby-induced cause of chronic nausea/vomiting. So, congrats on the baby!
I found the fat acceptance movement after I started throwing up things a day ago and finally got diagnosed with severe gastroparesis, which pretty much means that I’m not even physically capable of overeating. And yet every doctor I meet still blames teh fat on what I eat. >:(
Congrats on your baby! And the that is house is wicked looking.
Sorry you have been so sick but Squee, a baby Mo Pie! Congrats! I heard on another venue, but didn’t know it you were having a girl. Do you have names picked out?
Congratulations!!! If you haven’t found kmom’s website (http://www.plus-size-pregnancy.org/) and blog (http://wellroundedmama.blogspot.com/) you MUST go rightnow. Best resource on being fat n’ preggo I’ve seen.
Thank you for the shout-out, Sarah!
Congrats on the pregnancy and best wishes :-)
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I only just discovered this blog a few weeks before the hiatus. I was wondering if it was something I’d done…. ;)
I’ve had 3 babies while I had a BMI of 35 or above, but they’ve all been healthy and happy and the last two were born at home with natural drug free births.
Enjoy this very special time (now the puking has stopped)
Awww! Congratulations on both a new house and baby.
I’m not a frequent commenter, but had missed you on da webz. Glad to hear you were doing great things. Except for the being sick parts, anyway.
Congrats on little Wigburg-huge bummer about the sickness. I’m 17 weeks along in my fat pregnancy, and have been sooooo fortunate so far, just nausea, no vomiting (touch wood). I will say a rousing “here here” about the boobs thing. For some reason, my pants fit fine (lost about 5 pounds with the nausea) but my 38 DDD bras are not cutting it at all! I’m scared of what will happen when they are actually filling up with milk. Ack! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothl. Someone beat me to the recommendation about wellroundedmama and plus size pregancy sites. They’re the best sites I’ve found so far too. I look forward to hearing your take on things.
Seriously – go buy nice nursing bras now. 1st trimester is the big breast-o-rama time. (I went from 40D to 42FF )Your breasts will not continue to expand exponentially. Really!
As someone who has had two little ones and been a proud fat kid during both, I will tell you there is a very good chance that they will stay bigger. Mine did. I lost 60 lbs my last pregnancy(half of which I swear i gained back in back fat) but my boobs STILL got bigger. It sucks so definitely invest in some bigger bras, but keep in mind they will change even more after the baby and your milk comes in ( they may even change shape, I hope i am not scaring you)so dont spend a mint on them either. Oh and Congrats on the little one. *smacks forehead for not saying that first*
Currently perking my second baby (18 weeks, boy) and wish I had known you were pregnant earlier because I would have told you about the Zofran! I also do Zantac as well. JCPenney.com has really good selection of plus size maternity bras and basic clothing. I recommend the nursing bra that has a weird pattern fr baby to look at inside the flap. I’d look for the brand, but I’m wearing it right now in a restaurant eating Nutella crepes and I can’t get my face out of the trough long enough to look. ;)
Welcome back! Congrats on the baby and the house and I hope you start feeling better very soon!
Wow, have you been busy! Congrats on the house, and on being in a state of infanticipation! And glad you found something for the sickness. (My mother was sick as a dog for all nine months with both my brother and me, but that was back before they had really effective drugs for it.)
Also, Wigburg is one of the coolest fetus-names I’ve encountered.
Welcome back and congrats on the little one, house and not throwing up anymore. I sympathize really. My first pregnancy I had horrible morning sickness and then proceeded to catch the stomach flu my sister brought home just in time for Thanksgiving. And dont stress yourself. We all love you and understand so take care of you and your little bundle first and foremost, we can wait. Just glad to hear it is good news and not bad.
Welcome back, and congratulations! I have serious homesickness and house-envy looking at your pictures on Flickr, by the way.
I hope that you continue to feel better, and that you can find good nursing bras quickly (I love herroom, but they’ve got some L O N G delays on certain styles in the larger sizes – if I ever get pregnant, I’m just thankful that they *do* go up so high, since stores are a joke when you’re looking at L and M cup sizes.)
Ugh, hyperemesis is awful, and I’ve only witnessed a friend of mine struggle with it. Hang in there.
About being fat and pregnant: I’m sure you are well read about the absurdity we big fat mamas are exposed to. My “favorite” is the fat twat hypothesis. I catch up on the science at The Well-Rounded Mama and vent at My OB Said What?! The dead-tree publications that did the most to set my mind at ease were by Ina May Gaskin, God bless her.
Birth politics aside, I recommend not spending on maternity clothes except for a couple of nice outfits for special occasions and of course your underwear. Sweats, the most comfortable bras you can find (non-underwire nursing bras are a good idea), and comfortable tops that you can pull up or down for later nursing work well. You can use them for exercise later on whether or not you end up breastfeeding. If sweats do not fit your work dress code, I find that lightweight, sweeping skirts with some really good maternity hose are much more comfortable and versatile than maternity slacks–check out the selection at Deva Lifewear, or buy wool or cotton jersey that will drape nicely. Elastic waistbands with a soft lining are an excellent choice. If heels are required, look at Zappo’s for a shoe whose sole is a block of foam. I think the style is called a wedge? In any case they look quite nice and provide a lot of support.
Re: the fat twat hypothesis, my doctor tried to push me straight to a c-section because my pelvis was, in his opinion, too narrow. I said, “But I’m kind of a big person…?” (large feet, ring size, generally big boned as well as fat) and he told me I was small on the inside. Oh, skinny ole me and my frail little lady pelvis!
He was wrong, by the way. I did have a c-section with my first, but had no trouble pushing out a 8lb11oz baby with my skinny lady pelvis the second time around.
Yay, congratulations! (On the baby, not on the puking… that sounds hideous and I’m sorry.) But yay babies and houses.
Mazel tov! Aw, delicious babyness!
And yes, ante up with confidence-inspiring fat-and-pregnant stories, all. Bonus points if you’re fat, forty, and PG…I want to believe that it’s possible.
Kim, I had my last baby when I was deathfat and 42. Best birth of the four!
Definitely possible!
I am a big fat mama of three children. My LONGEST labor took 12 hours start to finish. The ONLY time I spent at a hospital for any of them was after the first, when the placenta didn’t want to come and my midwife advised me to have it removed with an IV in place just in case it was still attached in there. (She reckons that it was when they got me into the minivan, but it detached properly on the 15-minute drive and came out quite well on the gurney. I did appreciate the IV, however, because I had thrown up everything including water! Ringer’s, Ringer’s, I love you so.)
Aside from the throwing up and diarrhea and the placenta issue, that first labor was amazing. It took 2.5 hours start to finish, which is probably why I puked so much; I was going at superspeed and my mommy hindbrain was signaling CLEAR THE DECKS NOW, PEOPLE, BABY ON THE WAY. I was high as a kite on my own birth hormones when they laid her on my chest and announced that I would happily have another baby anytime. My husband called me a Goddess of Birth.
My best friend had both of her babies in that state. :) I believe she was 41 and 42 when she had her them.
I’m so glad to see you back! I was worried, so I’m glad you were gone for happy reasons (even with all the puking). Yay babies!
Just swinging by with a big fat virtual hug and a CONGRATULATIONS!
Yo dogg! Wanted to give you heads up about this article on Mothering.com I found about super morning sickness: http://mothering.com/pregnancy-birth/medical-marijuana-a-surprising-solution-to-severe-morning-sickness#
JC Penny maternity pants suck if you have a double belly (panniculus) because you feel like you are going to be cleft in twain. Just get pants two to four sizes bigger, that’s been working for me (due 13 May) and forget nursing bras if you can, just get some bras from Decent Exposures. You can go up or down a size and keep the same ones because most of them are stretchy. Make sure you get the lined ones though, it helps with leak through later.
Also compression stockings up to 20 mmHg. They look like crap but they are the only thing that helps prevent swelling.
Glad to see you’re back and congrats on the baby!
But speaking of being pregnant, I thought my question my fit in here, kind of.
I was out with family the other night and a woman walked up to me, touched my stomach, and asked “When are you due?” (I’m only 21 and not pregnant btw) I was initially shocked and asked “Are you serious?” She smiled, said yes, and when I said I wasn’t pregnant, she thought I was joking :/ I said I was serious and she just walked away, no apology (but is an apology even necessary?)
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel/react/respond after something like that. I was with family so it was extra awkward. Being mistaken for a pregnant woman must happen to to us all at one time or another, right? But how do you handle the situation? Should we be flattered or offended that they assume we’re pregnant and not just another fat lady? I don’t know what to think about this and would really like to have a response ready if it ever happens again. Thanks :)
If you don’t mind a random person responding here, I’ll go ahead and weigh in.
I think the first thing that I would do in a situation like this (which I haven’t experienced myself, thank heavens) is to very flatly and bluntly tell her to remove her hand. Even if you -were- pregnant, having a stranger touch you like that without your permission would be unacceptable. It’s important that people be made to understand the concept of personal space, and it’s also a good way to establish the fact that it is -your- body, and not a matter for public comment (or groping).
As to what you say after that, there are several different ways you can go, depending on how polite you feel like being. (I would give some examples, but my favorite one might be triggering for people, so I think I’ll err on the side of caution.) It’s all just a matter of personal preference, but the key is to remember that it’s okay to let someone know that their behavior is unwelcome and/or offensive.
Congrats on little Wigburg! The big seats at the Harry Potter ride, I have been on several rollercoasters that have managed to accomadate people of various sizes.
I think they should just admit the person they hired to design the coaster failed Roller Coaster 101. So now their answer is to still humilate fat people. Did they forget their biggest competition Disneyworld, has managed to deal with the issue of fat people not fitting on roller coasters without making a spectacle of it?
It’s an improvement, but only on the teeniest tiniest scale, the one stored next to the world’s smallest violin. I think NAAFA should sned them something or hold a protest, explaining that it’s ridiculous for them to make a spectacle of fat riders. That their current answer to the problem is virtually meaningless.
I feel almost more offended than the idea they hired a company who apparently doesn’t understand the basics of restraint mechanisms in roller coasters. Now they think adding cars made especially for fat people is the answer? No, they cannot just put a Band-Aid on this. Any competent theme park, would see that all the seats were expanded. A competent theme park would know you don’t single out park goers for humiliation.
I guess they’ll have their answer, when all the fat people take their money to Disneyworld, instead of their park where something as basic as building a roller coaster that fits all park goers eludes them.
First, congratulations and hooray for baby! ^_^
Second, Huge. *cries* I’m pretty sure I’ll never quite get over its untimely cancellation. It was such a brilliant show, and had such a wonderful balance between the characters. One of my favorite things about it was that it managed to make all of the characters sympathetic in their own ways, instead of taking the easy way out by picking one side over another. Oh, ‘Huge’, you will be greatly missed.
On a similar note, I’m wondering if any of you watch ‘Community’, and if so what your thoughts on the latest episode (“Advanced Dungeons & Dragons”) might be. I’m still conflicted after two viewings, and I’d be interested in hearing your take on it!
Congratulations, and I’m glad to see you back and blogging again. I never comment but I wondered where everyone was…
After I had my first baby I was introduced to rebounding from another mother that I met from a parenting class – and it really helped me lose the extra weight I had accumutaled from the pregnancy. I reccomend it to any new mother, especially if, you cant afford or have the time to go to the gym, which I certainly didn’t.
Congrats! “) Sorry I missed this before. Welcome back!
Hey, I completely missed this. Welcome back and congratulations! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy and all the best in the coming months!
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House and baby and back to blogging! Congrats!