Thank You, Google Reader: Links
With a special shout-out to Brianna, here are some links that popped up in Google Reader this week!
1. From Feed Me: Fat women are paid less than men in the workplace. So obviously, we should lose weight. Wait, what?
Fat women are paid less than women who aren’t fat; fat men, on average, earn comparable salaries to men who aren’t fat. So women are penalized by employers for being fat… All the young women who don’t identify as feminists because they don’t have to fly that flag anymore should take note of studies like this one. Gender discrimination is alive and well in 21st-century America.
But that’s not where the writer of this story went. No, her conclusion was quite different. She wrote, “It’s bad news, but maybe it will help fund better prevention strategies and new treatment methods for this growing scourge.”
Excuse me? Did I hear you right? The answer to discrimination is getting rid of the quality that’s being discriminated against?
2. From Already Pretty: the problem with “she shouldn’t wear that.”
[S]tylistic shoulds and shouldn’ts reinforce the idea that there are absolute rights and wrongs in clothing choices, tastes, and body shapes. Saying a woman “shouldn’t” wear something because of her figure supports the idea that there is one way to look good. And there isn’t. In fact, women who push social comfort levels with their stylistic choices may gradually force the observing public to accept that. Although some may prefer that women with cellulite conceal it, women with bony clavicles mask them, and women with zits apply cover-up, each woman is entitled to make her own choices.
3. The theme of the comp class I’m teaching this semester is feminism (actually, I told them it was unofficially called “F the Patriarchy”—it’s led to some terrific debate and discussion) and I shared this tidbit from Shakesville with them the other day. A headline reads “Man badly burned when girlfriend’s house set on fire” when, in actuality, he was her ex-boyfriend and stalker. And oh yeah, he set the fire.
[A]n amazing example of how violence against women is minimized in news reporting… the violent stalker is badly burned. His intended victims, who merely were doused with gasoline and terrorized, are OK.
4. From Womanist Musings: Gabourey Sidibe as “Mammy.”
There can be no denial that there are some people who will look at Gabourey and see mammy smiling back at them both consciously and unconsciously, yet that is not a function of her, but a function of Whiteness. When we use fat hatred to claim that her success is obscuring the talents of other Black women, we are only playing into the divisive strategy that Whiteness has long used to control people of colour. Even the Black women that some believe are deserving of greater accolades, are still perceived by Whiteness as fitting into either the jezebel or sapphire trope, and therefore; the way to divest ourselves of these horrible caricatures, is not to further demean another Black woman, but to defeat the idea that any of these labels are representative of Black womanhood. The entity that needs to disappear is mammy and not Gabourey.
5. Terrific satirical essay from Lesley about the importance of the “suffering ween.”
The sight of fat women is a heavy cross said men must bear every moment they step out into the public spaces where people congregate, be they city streets or shopping malls or public transportation or the dentist’s office. Their eyes burning as though filled with a raging fire, their inability to control their speech — the inescapable, uncontrollable need to instruct the offending woman on the pain she is selfishly causing them — this is hardly their fault! They must say something, in the hope that their words will drive the fat woman back into the shadows and thereby cause the unthinkable torture being imposed upon their enfeebled weens to finally relent. They cannot be responsible for the things they say and do while in such agony. We cannot rightly blame them when it is men, and the relative rigidity of their supremely important peckers, who are being attacked here, attacked by fat women who dare to allow themselves to be seen.
Pretty awesome collection of links, am I right? Let’s discuss in the comments!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: BFDudes, Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Fashion, Fat Positive, Fatism, Feminism, Gabby Sidibe, Humor, Links, Personal, Work
Why, it all makes sense now! The key to ending sexual and gender discrimination in the workplace?
Yeah, it’s unfortunate, but hopefully the news that women are still making less money for equal work will “help fund better prevention strategies and new treatment methods” for having a vagina.
Thanks, Meredith!
(Slight props, however, for them using a picture of an actual person rather than a headless fatty. She’s gorgeous, too. Hey mystery woman, call me?)
Oh gawd, that article for the poor woman who’s house burnt down is HORRIBLE! There’s not even any mention of what happened to her house either! What happened? Does she have a house? Because not having a house anymore, in addition to having suffered that kind of abuse from your ex and a terrifying near death experience does NOT constitute OK in my book. SHEESH!
And the comments are totz awesome too. “Why do da stooopid wiminz date dese losers? It’s der fault cuz she stooopid and dated ‘im.” GAH. I’m getting a headache. The stupid literally hurts.
P.S. Melba, your response is hilarious and demonstrates the ridiculousness of this lady’s claim. Would you tell a kid getting picked on by a bully to just toughen up and take it until he graduates? NO! You’d tell him to tell a teacher, YOU’D tell the teacher, or at worst, tell him to stand up to the bully. GRAAA! What is wrong with people?!?
Suffering ween? HA! Love it! I’m so gonna use that the next time I refer to my ex!