Slim Fast Ad Jumps On The “Brides Should Lose Weight” Bandwagon
This ad was posted on Wedinator with the caption, “Hey Look, It’s The Worst Ad Ever.” Of course, in their writeup, they kind of undermine that headline a little by missing the point:
Seriously, it’s one thing to encourage your overweight friend or relative to lose a little weight for general health reasons. But to imply that a woman needs to lose weight for just one freaking day?
Our tipster Heather let us know that the comments had some pretty good responses, though—at least before it all totally goes to hell—and also a lot of back and forth with concern trolls and regular troll trolls, so be forewarned if you decide to visit. But here’s a selection:
Don’t even “encourage your overweight friend or relative to lose a little weight for general health reasons” unless you know for a FACT that that’s a concept that’s totally new to her (or him). Most fat people have heard it many times, and many have been publicly insulted by total strangers.
I’m interested in who this ad is targeting… Brides only seems a bit wrong to me. It’s not that I don’t see the humor; I just think there are better ways to convey the joke without isolating brides as the people who need to lose weight…
The guys don’t realize that (no matter whether you’re large, normal, or tiny) the minute, say, facebook realizes you’re engaged you start getting “bridal weight loss” ads targeted to you. It’s annoying as f*ck!
Responding to someone calling her “a big fat fatty” because she criticized the ad:
Not that it’s any of your business, but I have never had weight issues and have been “skinny as a beanpole” (?!) according to my Grandma for my entire life. I think that’s part of why I hate this ad: I hate seeing so many products targeting women who are overweight and making them feel bad about themselves. I especially hate when they target brides because it’s 100% gimmicky. Plus, many women who aren’t overweight feel fat because of advertising. It’s sad.
But anyway, you sound like a helluva guy. A real ace. Keep it up!
Obviously, it isn’t just the ad, but the product itself that’s an issue here. Back in my dieting days I too tried SlimFast, and then felt like a loser because—for some strange reason—one can of chocolate-flavored chemicals actually did not satisfy my hunger. Possibly because I am a human person with a stomach.
Miraculously, I managed to get married anyway! Who would have thought!?
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advertising, Diet Talk, Feminism, Humor
I also managed to get married anyway; in my gorgeous size 24 dress with the cathedral length train right out of the Sound of Music.
I will admit, though, that I used to use SF as a quick breakfast because I figured it was better than nothing. That is, until I discovered Carnation Instant Breakfast, which in addition to being cheaper doesn’t have that ‘Super Colon Blow’ feature. And it doesn’t taste like ass.
Ugh, Slimfast. I tried that back in college and, in addition to still being hungry and not losing weight, got weird tiny bumps all over my body. That stuff is nasty.
“Back in my dieting days I too tried SlimFast, and then felt like a loser because—for some strange reason—one can of chocolate-flavored chemicals actually did not satisfy my hunger.”
Amen to that!
This mindset drives me crazy. I guess it’s because women want to look “thin” in their wedding pictures. But then what? Do they spend the rest of their lives beating themselves up because they can’t fit into the wedding dress anymore.
I guess I’m glad to say I’ve never tried SlimFast. It sounds disgusting, though.
I wanted to try Slimfast when I was a preteen but my grandmother absolutely refused to buy it for me because she thought it would lead to gall bladder problems. I ended up having to have my gall bladder out anyway, but never did the Slimfast diet. I did end up drinking a former co-worker’s can to see what it tastes like. All I can say is, ugh!
Also, why is it only brides that have to lose weight? The grooms are hardly ever targeted. It’s such a double standard—guys can be as big as they want, but god forbid a bride be over a size 10! Hypocrisy rules in the weight loss world.
I thought I was the only one who got the “Super Colon Blow” added bonus. Huh. That stuff is digusting in so many ways.
Brides are an easy target for weight loss because of the dresses. Generally, when a bride chooses her gown, she tries a sample, which is usually either too big or too small for her. Then she orders her usual size or maybe a size up if the sales person takes pity on her. Well, in general, bridal gowns are 1-2 sizes smaller than street clothes. So, she gets her dress in, its too late to get another size, if she is even at a place that will let her change her mind, and whats her option? Loose the weight or pay several hundred more dollars for alterations, or a new dress. Built in target.
Add me to the list of people who got married while fat lol… and stayed that way for 15 years and counting.
I wonder if they think my husband, then fiancé, just didn’t NOTICE his bride to be was fat?
Am I really that strange for liking Slimfast? I think it tastes good and like that it is a bit thicker than Carnation Instant Breakfast. (Even though it doesn’t mix as well.) I never used it for dieting though, only for breakfast or other times I knew I needed nutrition and calories but didn’t feel like eating.
This ad is horrible. I didn’t notice how much weight loss was targeted at brides until after I got engaged. My local library has 7 different “lose weight for your wedding” dvds. -_-
I wanted SlimFast to work. It seemed to make sense to me. I’m totally and emotional eater, and I thought dieting would be easier if I could go “cold turkey.” Drink a few chocolate shakes and never actually sit down and eat anything. I actually did lose weight, like every other diet in my entire life – – FOR A WHILE. You lose, but you can’t LIVE like that. Then you “cheat” or “go off” or whatever negative word you plant in your head. Then you feel like a failure. Then you gain everything back, plus interest. I will never, ever go on any eating plan that tells me I can’t eat a certain type of food or cuts out categories of foods ever again. They are the absolute worst, and SlimFast is probably the worst of the worst.
I had a friend who was “zaftig” in shape and who worried about her weight. (She wasn’t overweight – just thought she was.) She dieted before her wedding so severely that – on her wedding day – they had to postpone the ceremony b/c she came close to fainting. They had to sit her down and get something in her before she could go forward.
Silly, silly.
ha! I found Fat acceptance just before my engagement – I put weight during my engagement and now I am a big fat bride. Pfui on you, Slime-Fast!
that Slimfast stuff is WEIRD. Also, that ad is totally messed up, but so is all the “Lose weight before your wedding” bullcrap. My friend bought a dress that was WAY too small. She ended up losing quite a bit of weight, but not enough. She spent several grand on a dress that caused her physical pain, and made her uncomfortable through what was supposed to be a wonderful day.
I just have to say, do yourself a favor and never read any of the comments at any of the “I can haz cheezburger” network sites (of which Wedinator is one). They will make you feel homicidal. At least that’s what happens to me every time I forget at read them.
I was a fat bride too. Never occurred to me to diet for my wedding. That was 16 years ago. Still happily married. Still fat. Proud to say I have never once had a slimfast.
Uggh, Slim Fast. A more appropriate name would be “makes me windy.” I think it’s the sorbitol that makes it “Super Colon Blow.” It’s in a lot of “fat free” franken-foods, especially ice creams, which I don’t eat unless I want to challenge my boy friend to a fart-off…
Of course it would have to be the bride to lose weight because fat men are OK, just not fat women, right?
I feel bad for anyone that feels they have to change their body for their significant other. If they don’t love you as you are then they really aren’t worth it. They are involved with YOU not your dress size….unless….they want to steal and wear your clothes then go them but they can still buy their own in their own size.
Um….anyway…I lost my point somehow thinking about men in dresses. Go figure.
It didn’t really hit me until I read this post and comments how much the bride’s appearance is focused on at a wedding. I think every single person at my wedding commented on my dress/hair/etc at least once, but I’m not sure anyone but my M-I-L commented on my husband’s appearance that day. I realize that’s expected, but isn’t it weird that we expect women to look drastically different/better for this one particular event?
I left a comment telling the poster off for her “it’s one thing to encourage your overweight friend or relative to lose a little weight for general health reasons” crack, but I haven’t had the nerve to look at any responses.
OK, I went back and looked and no one replied to my comment. I left it under the name “Yo”
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