What’s In Your Bookmarks?
I’ve been feeling the need to find some new blogs to squeeze into my already overfull Google reader! So I figured, it’s Friday, let’s chat about our favorite stops on the Internet these days!
For Fatosphere stuff, I read the Notes from the Fatosphere feed, as well as the Alltop Fatosphere listing, and of course Fatshionista and The Curvy Fashionista.
For discussions on feminism, I hit Jezebel and Tiger Beatdown. For race, I check out Racialicious. (The closest I get to a blog about gayness is just the apolitical Tom and Lorenzo, so I would love any recs you may have.)
I get my TV chatter from the recently relocated Alan Sepinwall, celebrity gossip from Crazy Days and Nights (best experienced in Google Reader), and I’m passionately devoted to Go Fug Yourself (celebrity fashion) and Monkey See (general pop culture stuff).
I also follow a bunch of great lists on Twitter, most of which I found because @bigfatdeal is on them.
That’s a lot, but it’s not enough! What fat-themed and feminist blogs are your favorites? (Feel free to mention your own, too.) Or is BFD the only one you read? And what are the blogs, on any subject, that you couldn’t live without?
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Fashion, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Gossip, Meta, Question
hey mo pie! some of these are my abbbbsolute favorite internet reads (as are you for that matter ;) I wanted to put my blog forth as a good body positive, inspiring read. http://www.medicinalmarzipan.com, I also love love Already Pretty, http://www.alreadypretty.com, and Fitarella, http://www.fitarella.com, as awesome reads.
Eep! http://slacKtivist.typepad.com
I have you on my feed, just cuz you are awesome!
Manolo for the Big Girl is awesome. Actually, the entire Manolo Shoe Blogs roster is pretty cool. I tend towards the Manolo himself and Ayyyyyy! in addition to the Big Girl blog.
Yes, it’s an entire blog family with an emphasis on the shoes. Some may find it frivolous. I find it superfantastic.
My favorite feminist blogs are:
Feministe (www.feministe.us/blog)
FwD (www.disabledfeminists.com)
Feministing (www.feministing.com)
I also love Sociological Images: http://contexts.org/socimages/
Thanks for sharing! I’m now following The Curvy Fashionista. One of my already favorites is BigGirlBombshell as well.
My favorite feminist blog (not a primer!):
I’d love to have Big Fat Deal on my Google Reader, but your RSS feed only has partial posts! Any chance you’d change to a full RSS feed, so I can read you via google reader? Pretty-please?
Oh, and The Sexist is a great feminist blog:
Thanks for reminding me; I’ve been meaning to fix that! It should be fixed now. :)