I was catching up on my e-mail and noticed a number of people sent in the link to this PETA ad: Susan, Veronica, Lynette, Amy, and Kim, thank you!
The only reason I didn’t post about it was that I didn’t feel like I had anything new to say; it’s been covered so well! For instance, here are some snippets of posts from:
Seriously? This shit is just shameful. Consider this woman’s reaction after seeing the billboard: “I was planning on taking [my family] to the beach to enjoy the beautiful day when I saw a billboard that made me want to cry…”
In honor of [PETA], I’ve compiled a list of vegetarian foods that will definitely make you skinny:
* Häagen-Dazs
* French fries*
* Funnel cake
* Nachos
* Onion rings…
So, basically, this billboard is not merely fat-hating and based on false premises, but completely nonsensical. And in its nonsense, it’s echoing a trend in most of the public discussions of fat, food, and health that take place in this culture — speaking about fat people as if we’re not in the fucking room and have nothing to say on the matter. As if we’re merely a problem for thin people to solve.
…and Rachel:
The good news: Peta has removed its highly offensive “Save the Whales†billboards. The bad news: They still don’t quite *get* it… according to Peta’s circular “logic,†a world in which people feel good about themselves and their bodies is awesome, but until then we’re going to shame and ridicule them — for their own good, of course!!
Rachel is referring to PETA’s statement:
We agree that a world where self-esteem is unrelated to body size would be a wonderful place, but we also know that most people feel depressed and embarrassed about their weight and often need some tough love.
Fat shaming disguised as tough love? Oh hello, MY CHILDHOOD. And also, fuck you, PETA.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advertising, Advocacy, Fatism, Kids, Media
That’s pretty appalling. It’s PETA that should be depressed and embarrassed over their mean-spirited “promotion”.
What Peta replaced the sign with was just a notch better, but I don’t think I expected anything but!
I was vegan for eight years. I subsisted on tofu, tempeh, brown rice, veggies, processed soy products (boca burgers, etc.) hummus,
pasta, potatoes… and I mostly ate healthy, lots of veggies and
fruits, rarely did I indulge in junk food and when I did, it was
vegan junk food (tofutti “ice cream,” a vegan cookie here and
there…) but it was rare occurence. Anyway, I was a good 20
pounds overweight. I started eating meat at 30 years old and
dropped those 20 pounds in 4 months without trying. I’ve
kept it off too. So espousing a vegetarian or vegan diet for
weight loss is total bullshit. PETA is dumb.
I’d like to give a little “tough love” to the people behind that billboard and the people who made that statement about it.
Question: Is it cheating on a vegetarian diet if you accidentally swallow a few of your own teeth that someone knocked out?
(Paul H., LMOA!!!!)
PETA sucks. This billboard comes after a bunch of PETA members dressed up as the KKK during the Westminster dog show, and compared rotisserie chickens to Holocaust victims, never mind the horrible exploitation of their “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” campaign.
PETA can kiss my big pasty ass.
Um, I meant LMAO. My big pasty ass, that is!)
Thanks, Alyssa!
I actually admire wanting to protect animals to a point, but of course can’t stand PETA for their bizarrely offensive shock tactics. I wonder, have they ever accomplished anything other than alienating people to their cause?
P.S., Big, pasty asses are the BEST!!!
Nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones! PETA can eat a sock!!
Always classy, PETA.
Ugh, PETA are wankers. How about using some of that money they use for these sorts of publicity stunts and actually HELP?!
Whales would die without blubber. Just sayin’
Liza: but… they’d be so much prettier!
Some research has also suggested that for a lot of people being a vegetarian or vegan is actually a way of covering up an eating disorder – a lot of what you can find in restaurants that’s vegan would be considered “safe food” by eating disordered people (ex. plain salads.) Or they can claim they’re not eating because they have no options available (like at a party or BBQ.)
But that’s fine, because they’re thin and therefore healthy!
One of the largest women I ever knew was vegan. As her ex commented once, “I guess chocolate is a vegetable!”
So PETA thinks that humiliating people who may already be “depressed” is “tough love”? This is the kind of “tough love” that leads to suicidality, eating disorders, chronic depression, and a host of other great things.
I always thought those at PETA were a little over the top but respected their impulses. I now see that they are as cruel as any group or individual they picket against. And delusional and self-righteous to boot.
Truth hurts, eh? Fat is ugly and slim is beautiful, period. And all your efforts to present black as white are pathetic and laughable. That’s why americans are dying out nicely and naturally, due to fat, diabetes and heart diseases. If you want to make up reasons for your laziness and gluttony go on, but no offense at such billboards and ads, which are funny, brilliant and spot on.
Well Name required (too wussy to put YOUR name, I see) Americans are living much longer, despite your constant bitching to the contrary. I guess you missed that article last week, huh? Sticks are for campfires, not for ppl. Want to explain how the fat ppl in my family live well into their 80’s and 90’s? Oh, that’s right you can’t. Hhhmmm…
And I LOVE PETA, the People for Eating Tasty Animals.
Has it not occurred to anyone at PETA that the way we fatten up animals for slaughter is to feed them grains. Lots and lots of grains. Just a thought.
Uh, my sister is a vegetarian and she is as fat as I am, and at one time was fatter. Could that be because genetics accounts for 70-80% of your weight and not what you eat? Oh there I go, talking about facts and proof from scientific studies. Those are total lies, everyone knows you get fat from stuffing your face with twinkies and doritos. Oh wait…aren’t both of those vegetarian foods?
I hate PeTA so damn much it’s unreal. All thier stuff relies more on publicity stunts instead of facts anyway.
I love animals. I have 3 dogs that were shelter dogs. I volunteer at a dog shelter. I think PeTA are out of their fucking minds. The end does not always justify the means and PeTA has proven that time and time again with their stunts that go horribly awry. In the city where I live a bunch of PeTA members decided that they were going to target a fish market that housed live lobsters in tanks. So what did these rocket scientists do? They cut the power to the fish market. No power = no oxygen being pumped into the lobster tanks. PeTA = lots of dead lobsters. Jackasses!!! These people are the poster children for ill conceived campaigns and ideas.
PETA has got to be the most rediculous groups around and theres always some hollyweirdo willing to donate money to these idiots
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