Fat Superman
So I saw this link in my referral logs, to a site that seems to be… Norwegian? Swedish? Finnish? Anyway, whoever they are, they link BFD in their sidebar, so thank you, people of Snorwinnland!
Scrolling down the home page, I spotted this entry, with the arresting image of a fat Superman. I have no idea what it portends, but I liked looking at it, and thought you might too.
Happy Friday!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Art, Celebrities, Feel Good Friday, Meta, Photoshop
It’s a Worth 100 pic, and if you know Worth 100, it’s a site where people enter contests to show off their mad Photoshop skills.
But whenever a superhero or celebrity is made to look fat for one of their contests, it always has a negative connotation.
Google says it’s Finnish after running it through their nifty new detect language option.
It’s off someone’s weight loss blog and she says something like (I’m not Finnish, just understand the language a little bit so if anyone can correct my translation, please do): “For Monday afternoon I will leave you with this comforting thought: even the great Superman suffers from summer-bloat under Lois Lane’s judgmental gaze. If even the wünderkind of the planet Krypton suffers dissappointments with scales and measuring tape then there’s still hope for us mere mortals.”
It’s Finnish, and it’s a weight loss blog :P The first post talks about how much weight has been lost so far, and the title is “Do you want seconds?”
Riksti, your translation is spot on. :) “Salskea” is just a fancy word for “handsome”.
I actually fancy Fat Superman. A few of the guys I’ve fallen for have looked a little like that. And some of the clients I’ve seen too are about that size.
Yeah, fat Superman is hottttt!
Yes, it is a Finnish weight loss blog. My Finnish weight loss blog. And yes, fat Superman is hot indeed.
As a woman who weighs 119 kilos (134 kilos at my heaviest) and suffers from nasty knee and back problems I’m now losing weight to stay healthy. I added links to certain FA blogs because I wanted people to be aware of them and because, most of the time, I agree 99% with what is written on them and feel that fat people should educate themselves on these matters. We do not have good FA blogs in Finland.
That said, I also, more than anything, want to be healthy and more content. If mo pie & co. find it offensive that I link here, I’ll gladly remove the link.
Hi Kirjokansi, thanks for stopping by! I certainly appreciate the link, and am happy when people who are trying to lose weight are also engaging in dialogue on FA issues. So in other words, welcome!
Fat Superman reminds me of the original TV actor (George Reeve?), who was kinda portly by modern standards, as was Johnny Weismuller as Tarzan.
Portly by modern fashion-mag standards I mean, still h.o.t.t. it you ask me!
hey he looks strong and mean! love it..is fat super woman next – I hope so! hahaha
Actually, there’s a “fat” Wonder Woman floating around on the internet. I put fat in quotes because a lot of people will look at her not think she’s fat, but she’s fat in the same sense that a lot of football players are.