The BFD Community
It is Feel Good Friday and it’s my thirty-fourth birthday today! How perfect, then, that I have two feel-good e-mails to share.
Reader Katie forwarded me an e-mail from the wonderful BUST magazine, which featured a little blurb about Big Fat Deal. One thing they said really jumped out at me:
The best part of Big Fat Deal is the community aspect. Commenters rally together and offer each other advice and support, unlike most gossip blogs.
I completely agree. And as serendipity would have it, I also got an e-mail from Sara, who wrote in earlier this month because she was worried about feeling self-conscious during her first sexual experience. This e-mail speaks for itself, really.
Dearest Mo,
I just wanted to follow up my previous message (about sex) with an update. Things went swimmingly and it was exactly as I wanted it to be. Sex was great, loving, tender, hot, messy and perfect. I even got so comfortable with everything that I went on top a couple of times! I got over the fear of him seeing my entire body (rolls and all) and just went for it. He later said he ‘loved the visual’ of me on top and ‘letting me take control,’ so there we are!
More importantly, I wanted to thank everyone on BFD for their kind words of encouragement and fantastic advice. I read them the night before I left for vacation and they were so wonderful that they made me cry. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so supported and lovely in my entire life.
Anyhow, that’s the story! Everything went well, he didn’t care one little bit about all the stuff I hate about my body and said I was the sexiest girl of all time. I personally think he’s a keeper.
Thanks again for everything! You have no idea how helpful you and the other ladies (and gentlemen?) in the community were for me.– Sara
I am so unbelievably proud of this blog today. Thank you all for helping Sara, and for challenging and supporting and helping each other. Group hug!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Feel Good Friday, Meta, Personal, Sex & Romance, Tidbit
i’m so glad everything worked out!
Happy birthday! And yay for Sara!
Aw. Sarah, you ARE supported, and you ARE lovely. (I am feeling a little choked up all of a sudden.)
Happy birthday, Mo! And thank you, thank you for laying the foundation for this often awe-inspiring community.
Happy Happy Birthday, Mo! You have a wonderful blog here. Yours is only size-acceptance blog I’ve found that I feel truly does accept ALL sizes. You’re terrific. :)
And what a wonderful follow-up to Sara’s story. I LOVE when the internet is a positive place.
Thank you. Reading your blog has helped me immensely this year and accompanied my way to recovery from an eating disorder. And I echo devil: I feel accepted whatever my weight or size, and I find no “skinny-bashing” here. Thanks for everything!
Happy bday, Mo! Welcome to 34. I remember fondly that year…. its #7 if you add them up :)
And I’m happy that Sara had a gentle and loving experience.
Happy Birthday! Hope your year is full of wonderful adventures.
I have tears in my eyes. This is such a refreshing topic, especially following on the heels of “subtle ways to tell your girlfriend she is too fat”.
I am in a relationship with an amazing guy. And I have allowed my own insecurities with my weight to interfere with my ability to “let go” and truly enjoy our intimate moments.
So not only am I thrilled for Sara. But I am also going to use this as motivation to just set my fears aside and fully be with the man that I love.
Woo to Sara and to Lucky Me!!! – this is the kind of thing that the internet was made for. (yeah, yeah, government network – bah!) This is the kind of thing that I point out to people who wonder how I can ‘know’ people online – it’s because of stories like this. Thanks, Sara, for sharing how things went for you – I’m so glad that it was so wonderful. You deserved it!
Yay to Sara – I was hoping there’d be an update!