Tell Us What To Read Today
I don’t think we’ve ever had an [afvw*] thread, so consider this the inaugural one. Feel free to mention your projects, recent cool things you’ve seen, or awesome entries that you’ve written or read, whatever—and chat about it all in the comments. I’ll kick things off and recommend Rachel’s post on competitive eating.
I’ve never heard the phrase “old maid’s portion,” but I have been at office parties and such where women will absolutely refuse to take the last cookie or piece of cake, all the while bemoaning how much they want to be “bad.” Inevitably, some male coworker sails along and grabs the offending piece while the women look wistfully on.
It’s a great post, and I’ve been meaning to recommend it to all of you. And now I have! So, what else should we go read today?
[*alternative feminist vocabulary word]
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
I’d tell people to go read my blog (which I only recently started). I wrote an entry yesterday about the documentary project I’m doing for my advanced doc film class about my weight. I went out and did street interviews, and actually asked people if they thought I was fat and WHY. It was pretty incredible. I’ll probably post the finished documentary essay on my blog after I finish it…
Blog at:
P.S. Thanks so much for being such a great blog, BFD. Yours is one of the first ones I read, and now I feel really into the FA movement, to the point where I got my own blog! Huzzah! Still read you everyday! Thanks Mo, for the [afvw]ing! :)
This is the only thing of any note I’ve written lately (omg school! I start school NEXT MONTH), but I am fond of it because I wrote it when I was angry.
Real Women Have Bodies. I’ve linked it elsewhere, so it may be familiar to some.
I’ll [afvw] myself too!
I’m an erotic romance author and while I don’t have a specific FA post to point to, I do have a few free reads…, which feature my fluffy characters.
All of my works feature curvy, quirky chicks, hunky men and sizzling sex. While I don’t have any naughty pictures outside my blog, be prepared to blush if you read some of my freebies and excerpts! Just sayin’. LOL
Thanks for the [afvw] opp, Mo!
OK….I’ll [afvw] my blog!!!
(how the heck do I make that a clickable link?!!??!)
I’m documenting my preparation for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk. I signed up last year as a personal challenge to myself since I was at my heaviest weight (245lbs) and walking 60miles in 3 days seemed like such an insane thing to do. But, if I could do it, then I could do just about anything.
OH…it automatically makes it a link! YAY!
Thanks so much for opening your space to a bit of self-promotion.
I’d like to invite your readers to come look at my LiveJournal, men_in_full (, where I talk about artistic representations of fat men, mostly on the positive side. (Yes, there are some out there!)
As long as we’re all [afvw]ing ourselves (is that even possible?) I say come check out my new purse and join my Pedometer Walking Challenge so you can get heart-healthier and maybe even win a $25 gift certificate!
Love you BFD!
this is great, thanks!
i’d like to promote this:
I will [afvw] my writing blog, Jeanie Writes Genre:
Short stories, ficlets, manuscript excerpts, writerly blatherations and mo– well, no, actually, that’s pretty much it.
Can we not call this ‘pimping,’ please? Considering that fat acceptance people are pretty much all feminists, I can’t be the only one reading this who takes exception to the use of that word (not just by this blog, but by MTV and pop culture in general).
Don’t leave us hanging, J—we need some alternative feminist vocabulary to use instead!
J, i agree, and i actually just came on here to ask mo pie to not approve my comment because i had a sudden lightening bolt of horror when i realized that i was posting that link in a “pimp” thread and, uh … just a tiny bit inappropriate given the content. but the comment is already up, so just let it be known that i’m embarrassed…
I can just replace all instances of the word “pimp” with our chosen Alternative Feminist Vocabulary Word, if someone will tell me what it is. Problem solved!
I totally agree! I hate the word, it’s use in this context is not only inaccurate, it’s offensive. I have no wish to be “pimped,” involved in “pimping” someone or something else, or give the word any more longevity than it currently enjoys in pop culture.
Can I recommend the following excellent substitutes:
In reference to one’s own work/blog/etc:
I welcome readers to …
I invite comments on …
I’m happy to share the following…
I’m tooting my own horn over at….
In reference to the work of others:
I’m sharing the following…
I loved this….
You might be interested in..
Can we get a shout out to…
I heartily/enthusiastically/etc. recommend this…
Pimping… yuck.
mo pie, how about just “promoting”?
oh and PS: now that you’re changing the wording, don’t delete my link! : )
How about shameless self-pandering?
I think “[afvw]” has a nice ring to it, but that isn’t bad either!
I shall do some shameless self-promotion too. Just started a blog, which will be of things in general I’m into (art, music, women’s rights, fat activism, cuisine, nature, etc.). Haven’t made many entries yet. I think there’s only the intro, a music review and a feminist rant where I suppose (just suppose, I’m not a qualified doctor nor psychologist) that Alzheimer in my home country Mexico, as mostly it happens to women, may be indirectly caused by having an oppressed life and never getting to enjoy childhood and teenhood and, heck, adulthood either. But yeah, go and read it. Why not? :)
I recently read the book “Good in Bed” by Jennifer Weiner (who also wrote “In Her Shoes”). It’s all about an overweight woman who breaks up with her boyfriend, who then writes about their relationship in a magazine with the first article being titled, “Loving a Larger Woman.” It’s chick lit, but has it’s deep moments. It’s great as she goes through the stages of hating herself and not feeling worthy of being loved to accepting herself, loving herself, and finding someone who really loves her for her.
For a much better description and explanation, go to Weiner’s site.
I’m working on my thesis which is scary, I’m doing an audience participation study on two ensembles with low student attendance and trying to figure out why.
We are not known for our music program here at AU, but we have really competent ensembles who play for the joy of it. I’m trying to figure out if we have an ignorant or ambivalent population. I’m really excited/scared to become a primary source.
There’s a sequel to “Good in Bed” that either is just about to come out, or has just come out. I read about it in Entertainment Weekly last week. I think Weiner doesn’t know how to end her books, because everything ends in melodrama in “Good in Bed” and it sounds like the sequel has the same problem. But it might not be a problem to everyone!
We could call it the booty shakin’ thread…
Sort of a “Woot! Look at me shake my booty cause I rock!” thread.
Booty Shakin’ over here:
. (_!_)
Booty Shakin’ over there:
. (_!_)
My next book
Booty Shakin’ everywhere:
. (_!_)
I mean, everyone likes to shake their groove thing, right? Okay…. maybe I’m the only one…
Sorry to hijack the comments… hmm, well I didn’t have a good proposal, in true academic fashion I identified a problem but put forth no solution. I like ‘afvw’-ing. I also think we could use SSPing (shameless self-promoting) or something. Dear, I’m terribly not creative today.
Anyway, I have a blog too that I haven’t updated in two months, and it isn’t about fat acceptance, and I’m embarrassed that I just realized that I don’t have a sidebar link up to BFD, but I’ll afvw it anyway.
What? No BFD link in the sidebar!?! Forget it, then, you can’t link to it! :)
My blog is full of NOTHING! So if you want to waste some time, go on over and check it out. I try to be serious every now and then and post about real things but usually, it’s just my observations. heh
If anyone is interested in doing a guest post reviewing one of Celia’s books, drop me an email! There’s a free book in it for you!
Mo, you are truly a lovely and fun person. :) Your responses in here have made me totally smile.
Also, I want to shake my booty now. Booty shakin’ Anna!
“I can just replace all instances of the word “pimp” with our chosen Alternative Feminist Vocabulary Word, if someone will tell me what it is. Problem solved!”
Acronym for “Shamelessly Self Promoting”.
With the attendant subtle scatalogical humorous reference.
Because I am twelve. But so seems to be the rest of current American pop culture.
I will be back in a “mo” with some links. There is an article, and there is commentary.
“Booty Shake” is an awesome afvw. I don’t have anything to promote, but I’ll shake my booty anyway.
Hold on…can I shake my partner’s booty? My fiance is a writer, and his website is:
It’s pretty awesome. His writing is pretty bizarro, if you’re familiar with the recent literary movement. Also, one of his daily posts has some fat-positive stuff in it. Here it is:
Anyway, he’s one of my favorite writers. And I wouldn’t just say that because my partner, it’s really true. If you like really weird, socially conscious stuff, you’ll probably like it, too.
Oooo, is it the same eating disorder activist Jennifer Weiner? I have a couple of her books in my Amazon cart. She kind of makes me sick; she’s as old as I am and the published author of not just one, but multiple books.
Rachel, I’m pretty sure there is only one Jennifer Weiner, so it must be her! I didn’t know she was an ED activist; that kicks ass.
Rachel, are you thinking of Jessica Weiner? (I only suggest this because I was similarly confused not long ago.)
Oddly enough, I just picked up “Good in Bed” at a booksale today. I just checked, it IS Jennifer Weiner. I’m curious, though. Is she the girl who had an eating disorder and goes around the country speaking about it at colleges and universities? For some reason her name sounds right in that context, but I’m probably confusing her with someone else.
I also picked up a Weight Watchers cookbook, which you can read about on my blog:
I only recently started reading FA blogs and only shortly before that had I finally come to terms with talking about my size on the Internet, so while the blog’s been around for a while, the FA content hasn’t.
Hi everyone!
I love this blog and thank you for letting people share what they are reading. I’ve gotten a lot of good ideas so far. And I would like to add one more. My blog of course! I am an overweight Canadian woman living in Japan teaching English. I was shocked at how negatively I was treated here because of my size. My blog discusses the Japan culture and how it relates to weight issues and also documents my weight loss journey. I hope you check it out and enjoy.
Keep up the great work!
The bit from Rachel’s competitive eating post reminded me of something. When I was in Prague years ago, I was at a wine bar with some friends and someone asked if anyone had gum. I pulled out my pack and offered it, but there was only one piece left. It was promptly refused because, as one of the guys at the table told me, “Even a prostitute wouldn’t take the last piece.”
Um … what?