What Is The Most Ridiculous Diet Of All Time?
A fun list of the 25 most ridiculous diets of all time. The tapeworm diet appears, of course, but the baby food diet does not. Egregious oversight! My favorite one on the list is number twelve:
The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About: This diet gives the tapeworm a run for its money. Why? The weight loss “cure” consists of nothing more than ingesting the urine of pregnant women. Whether this is effective or not really doesn’t matter-there is absolutely, positively, a better way to lose weight than injecting yourself with pee.
The most ridiculous diet I was ever on was this diet involving pickled beets, string beans, and vanilla ice milk. My mother used to put me on it every so often. I do still enjoy all of those foods, but somehow, the diet never seemed to work as a long-term weight-control plan. Imagine that.
So, on this feel good Friday, let’s laugh at stupid diets. What’s the most ridiculous diet you’ve ever been on? And what’s your favorite diet from this list?
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Feel Good Friday, Personal, Question, Weight Loss
One thing I can say I’m especially thankful for after reading many of these responses is my mom never putting me on a diet. She’s always had plenty of body image issues of her own– always putting her own and stangers’ bodies down while I was growing up and now still(which I’m sure is harmful to daughters in itself)–but she never made disparaging comments about my body or made me feel not pretty or good or thin enough or like I shouldn’t be eating that cookie or bowl of ice cream or whatever. I think it would take me years and years of therapy to get over what some of your mothers have done to you guys, particularly those of you who were perfectly healthy to begin with.
The ramen, mac-n-cheese, drinking too much coffee because I’m working two full time jobs diet worked great for me.
My mom was (and is) very much the same way, and I am grateful for it. However, I still suffered from ED-NOS when I was a young teen and starved myself into an amenorrheic state!
So a while ago, back in my home town in Mexico, everyone was raving about a magical cure. I was down for vacation and everyone kept telling me it was wonderful and that so many fat women had lost weight. All you had to do was go to the doctor and he would put this little machine up to your ear and it gave you a little shock and you would lose weight guaranteed! You just had to keep going back every two weeks to get it done. After hearing so much about it, my mom finally decided to take me to go see the doctor. Now, I never believed a single word of it, but heck, why not give it a try? Well sure enough, we go in,the doctor shocks my ear and tells me that now I will lose weight, but not if I don’t follow this huge diet booklet, word for word. I laugh, say ok and walk away. Turns out, that this doctor was just giving everyone the Atkins diet but all these women believed it was the magical ear shock that was doing the trick. I looked at it and decided I couldn’t follow it because it took out cereal, at a time when I was in high school and only had time for cereal in the morning. Turns out the women who were on the diet were women who were at home all day and were able to eat the smaller meals because they didn’t have classes where if you were even chewed gum the teacher would threaten to kick you out.
I can tell you how hilarious I found that people still refused to believe that it was the new diet they were following that was making them lose weight, not whatever “magical” ear thing the doctor was doing.
Several years ago my mom, me and my sister all decided it would be a great idea for us to jump start our weight loss by doing Herbalife together… during our family vacation. (?!) We were so cranky from not getting to eat actual food more than once a day – and my brother and dad chowing down right in front of us didn’t help either. Awful!
Weight Watchers.
Because they alloted me so many points that I didn’t change my habits and thus, didn’t lose any weight.
I am currently on a plan that most would find ridiculous, and I don’t feel like being told I’m a bad fat person so I’m not going to get into it. Suffice to say in the long run I’ve learned a lot about what areas will always be a struggle.