Best of October
O, October. What happened during you?
We talked about skinny people quite a bit, it turns out. We asked how they should interact with their fat friends, whether “thin” would be a good disguise, and the concept of “thinism.” Hi, skinny people!
We talked about villains like Ursula the Sea Witch and Rachael Ray, and erstwhile hero Rikki Lake. We also talked about fat sins, things that we do that undermine our efforts to be fat role models. If that’s even what we’re trying to do.
Big conversation this month about the obesity map, the “carbs are evil” thing, and society’s obsession with weightertainment. And we had not one, but two giant controversies this month: one was about the role of science in the fatosphere, and one was about an annoying website. In that one, we kind of turned on each other in the comments, like sharks eating their young. Let’s try to avoid that in November, shall we?
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
Speaking of things in November, how about a clothing exchange? I know it’s been brought up before, but I don’t know how BFD would feel about hosting it?
Hmmm…. I think that would be interesting. I have a bunch of untouched clothes that I saved from the Goodwill pile because they are brand spanking new and I can’t deal with giving them away. Any thoughts as to the logistics of how this would work?
I have a trash bag full of clothes too! The only thing I could think of would be a local thing for Bay Area peeps, though.
Perhaps people could just post in the comments a brief description of what they have (i.e., “2 pairs size 18R Lane Bryant black chinos) and what they are looking for (“sz. 16 summer clothes”). If there are any interested takers/givers, then go to email for pictures/shipping info?
Personally, I’ve got quite a few clothes in the 18/20 2X/3X range that I’d like to pass on, and I’m looking for more 16/1X/XXL summer clothes (since I’m in Hawaii). I don’t want to Ebay anything, but nor do I really want to Goodwill NWT/NWOT clothes-I’d rather pass them on, you know?
Yeah, I guess the danger lies in that you get something that doesn’t fit/isn’t flattering since you can’t really try the clothes on. However, since we all pretty much know the styles and fits that look best on us, maybe that wouldn’t be so much of an issue?