Weirdest Courtship Ritual Ever
Thanks to Pop Culture Junk Mail, I discovered a very funny site dedicated to mocking sexist, illogical, badly drawn, and otherwise ridiculous Stupid Comics. I thought of you guys when I read this one, in which a woman loses 56 pounds in 5 weeks, then hooks up with the boss who ordered her to lose the weight in the first place:
Judging from the cover, this is either a story about a fat woman dreaming about being thin and having boyfriends, or about a thin woman bored with men who just wishes she could be alone and stuff her face for a change.
It’s entertainingly horrifying, as are many of the other comics on that site. And it conveys a very important lesson: if you meet a fat woman and you think she’s be hot if only she were skinny, just buy her an exercise bike. It works every time!
The original post and comments.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: BFD Classic, Fatism, Feminism, Humor, Media, Old Timey
Nice deja vu all over again, again.
The other thing that’s fun (that I neglected to do the last time I commented on this) to underline in your mind how truly deluded the writer is is to do the math. The nice lady starts at 172 and goes down to 116 FIVE WEEKS later, as the yellow caption above her pink-bikinied photo helpfully tells us.
An 11.2 pound average loss per week.
(And I don’t think they had gastric band or its equivalent back then, unless you count Premarin? Preludin? – or whatever they called the first amphetamines – which I don’t think was quite in vogue yet; I’ll have to check with my older female relatives.)
And they say it’s the wimmins who are not logical?
AAAAiiiiiiighghghhg! Just let me state, for the record, that I’m glad I live in this particular time period.
Stupid comics, indeed.
My mother used amphetamines, they were called mini-whites on the street, back in 1970. I used robin eggs when I tried them a few years later, back in 1980. Turned me into the bitch goddess from hell, so I decided being thin wasn’t worth being nasty to myself and everyone around me all the time. And yeah, with speed, you can lose 11 pounds a week, you don’t want to eat and you can’t sleep or sit still either, gotta run, run, run alla time on that crap.
Amazing what we’ll put ourselves thru to be thin until we learn better.
The more I think about the dynamic between Capt. and Mrs. Hairhelmet, the more I’m reminded of Secretary.
Miriam’s musing as she rides the exercycle about having the last laugh? Makes me picture Maggie Gyllenhall masturbating in the bathroom stall, hissing, “I’m your secretary!” The diet he put her on? Any chance it included, “One scoop of creamed potatoes. A slice of butter. Four peas. And as much ice cream as you’d like to eat.”?