BBB: Big Beautiful Bellydancer
Reader Rei sends us this video of an awesome bellydance performance. It’s the dancer’s first performance, and really a treat to watch. There are also a lot of really positive and supportive comments on the YouTube page, which is refreshing.
Rei says:
Here is PROOF that you can be a big girl and have some AMAZING moves. Her rhythem and grace show her excellent skill, it’s obvious that she practices a LOT and she has really impressive muscle control and flexibility (check out the back bend) . It looks easy…but what she’s doing is a lot of hard work (I know…because I’m a beginner myself) This is her first performance and she’s gorgeous.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Art, Exercise, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Theater, Video
I am so inspired to go take a belly dancing class now! (Although I’m not so sure that culture that is that diverse is really available here in Nashville, but I’m opening up my internet browser now to find out!)
There are some amazing dancers in your area :) While it doesn’t list everyone, this website has a great listing of teachers for different areas:
I love the video above. She has wonderful presence and muscle/body awareness in he motions. :)
Sorry – just saw the date on the post :) You may already be a belly dancer by now! LOL
Wow, she is really good. I wanted to join in from in front of my computer! I tend to wear a lot of flowy skirts, and sometimes I can’t stop myself from just dancing in place :)
Maybe I should consider lessons.
Okay, that seals it. I’ve toyed with bellydancing classes for awhile but now I’m convinced that oh man, I want to do this! She was quite awesome, I have to say.
Belly dancing is fun! And it’s helped me with my body image… it’s impossible not to feel sexy when you’re moving like that! Good excercise too =)
I want to dance like her when I grow up.
Another “Hey, now I’m empowered to take bellydancing classes” reader here.
Here in M’woky, there’s a whole troupe of bellydancers who turn up at festivals and such, and some of ’em are big girls. And i watch them and I’m envious of the inner power they have, the inner confidence they exude.
Time to stop being jealous and time to start being one of them.
I love the idea of bellydancing and I even once got a video out, but I’m too uncoordinated. I have no rhythm and I can’t follow music or move my body the right way for any kind of dancing.
Okay, that does it! I’m taking belly-dancing lessons, too. Perhaps you all should have belly dancing at BFD-con?
Tribal fusion! That’s my favorite kind of bellydancing (I had to do a bunch of research for a project a while back–there are a ton of different types and schools). If you want to see more, youtube up “tribal fusion bellydance.” Many of the group performances feature heavier members.
One that I liked:
It’s nice that there is an art form that requires a belly! (The ripped-lean Rachel Brice excepted.)
Also a chance to link one of my best youtube finds (wee child doing reggae-fusion bellydance):
That little girl throws off some serious attitude!
The first time I ever saw a belly dancing performance in person, the opening act was a fat, wonderfully dressed, incredibly enthusiastic woman.
I have probably never been more inspired in my life watching someone move. She clearly loved being on stage and being in her body, and hearing the applause and dancing. In that instance, I think, I began to feel different about my body and my place in the world. She clearly didn’t let anything get in the way of doing something she loved, and I think I’ll have to take up belly dancing too. I know it’s hard work, but it seems worth it.
Hey, I know her (on the internets)! She does triathlons too. Girl is a BADASS.
I discovered this video right after I started belly dance and it was seriously inspiring.
“I love the idea of bellydancing and I even once got a video out, but I’m too uncoordinated. I have no rhythm and I can’t follow music or move my body the right way for any kind of dancing.”
Start small, practice a lot, and don’t worry about music until you’re comfortable with the moves themselves–or ever, if you don’t feel like dancing in public. Just doing the drills to increase range of motion and control over the moves is incredibly relaxing and encouraging.
I’ve always felt stiff and performophobic, and I generally can’t keep a beat to save my life, but bellydancing feels good, and you can practice pretty much anywhere, anytime.
One time I saw Hilary Duff on TV doing some lame bellydance stuff, and this girl is a hundred times more talented and definitely much sexier. Thanks for posting, this rocks!
This is f-ing awesome! I never realized how much belly dancing has in common with flamenco – another type of dance that favors fat girl anatomy (it’s all in the hips). Nobody but nobody doesn’t look sexy doing flores.
I am late to this conversation but YAY to bellydance and to that bellydancer! Great structural rolls and hip drops on that girl, and I love the costume as well.
I have been bellydancing for eight years at various levels of seriousness and I can confirm that it is an excellent thing for pretty much everyone, and will allow you to understand and adore your body like nothing else. One of my most awesome moments was during one of my first classes, when I was working on costuming (y’all who love clothes, bellydance costumes–especially tribal fusion, word up h!–will consume your mind and make you spend more money than you ever thought possible) and my teacher was all “Hmm, you look okay, but I can’t see your hips very well. You need to emphasize them more.”
MY hips need emphasis? Have you SEEN my hips? Right on, Chaka Khan, this is the dance for me.
If y’all do have a BFD con in San Francisco you should try to see if you can fit in a Fat Chance Belly Dance performance somewhere in there. If your only exposure to bellydance has been at a Middle Eastern restaurant, prepare to have your mind blown.
Mary, there are some historical links between the traditional dances that led to modern styles of Belly dance and Spanish Flamenco thanks to the Romani (Gypsies) who helped to spread the dances across Europe from the Middle East.
Wow– just wow, that is amazing. I’m so, so envious of her ability to isolate her hips like that!
rei – that’s cool! I had no idea. Thanks for the info.
I live in Nashville and take Bellydance classes from Xenia. Hope to see you there!
That was awesome. I’ve been out of my belly dance class since I’ve been sick. I’m really looking forward to going back.
Wow! There is a rec center down the street from me that offers bellydancing classes.
*runs to sign up*
I Need a big beautiful belly dancer for my husband’s surprise 40th birthday party.
It is on Thursday October 25, 2007.
Can you please contact me if you do parties or know of anyone that does.
I forgot to leave my e-mail
I need this big belly dancer to e-maill me asap.
what an absolutely BEAUTIFUL video!
(and i wonder, did devasha get her bellydancer for her husband’s party?)
btw, maybe you’d be interested in contributing a post to our carnival of eating disorders? one of the topics there is body image and obviously you have some important things to say here. here’s the link:
Wow, this woman is incredibly beautiful and talented! I am very impressed!
Lovely! This talented woman is an inspiration. Her moves are very well choreographed and practiced. She is to be applauded! I love to dance. I also like being fat. Videos, comments, and websites like this give me the courage to be who I am in a world that tells me I’m only accepted if I’m a size 4, not 44. I hope they inspire others too. Thank you! Applause!
Wow! You are really good!!!! That is truly inspiring!
LOVE HER!!! I am not skinny either Not as big but us fuller dancers are not always accepted!! She’s great love the music…
I recently talked to someone about their trip to California where they took a bellydancing class. She said that never in her life has she seen something more beautiful than a big lady loving herself in her own skin. THAT is what makes up being beautiful NOT how much you weigh
Can someone please post the youtube link to this video? For whatever reason the video will not load from this site, and I don’t see an actual URL here. I’ve just started bellydancing, and told my teacher about this video. She was really interested in seeing it. Thank you so much
This should work, Talia:
She would give the recent Belly Dancing duo on Americas got Talent a run for their money!
I am also a plus size belly dancer. Ive been known to be very but people tend to think that because we are plus size that we cant dance. ill tell you we can. go see!