The Size Of Your Ass Is Less Important Than The Size Of Your Hippocampus
Some tight science courtesy of our resident scientress, La Wade. It’s a New York Times article that talks about something called neurogenesis, which is, as the name suggests, a process by which we can actually generate new neurons. The human subjects of one study did aerobic exercise for four hours per week:
But something else happened as a result of all those workouts: blood flowed at a much higher volume to a part of the brain responsible for neurogenesis. Functional M.R.I.’s showed that a portion of each person’s hippocampus received almost twice the blood volume as it did before. Scientists suspect that the blood pumping into that part of the brain was helping to produce fresh neurons.
The hippocampus plays a large role in how mammals create and process memories; it also plays a role in cognition. If your hippocampus is damaged, you most likely have trouble learning facts and forming new memories…Many neurologists believe that the loss of neurons in the hippocampus may be a primary cause of the cognitive decay associated with aging.
If four hours of aerobic exercise per week seems scary, keep in mind that every little bit probably helps. There’s also a very delightful list at the end of the article about other things that help the neurogenesis process along, including drinking wine, eating chocolate, being social, and smoking marijuana. I can see the first official BFD-con taking shape right now, can’t you?
Posted by mo pie
Fascinating! I guess this is why researchers are always telling us that exercise delays the ageing process. Plus, more reasons for me to enjoy my wine and chocolate. Best news I’ve had all day!
I will sign up happily for everything except the marijuana. Where’s the list?
Wow! I’m surprised at the marijuana, actually. I always think of that as something that makes people less sharp.
Yes! Yes!!!
Wanting to write as well as Mo et al can be a powerful incentive to trudge one’s way to the gym. It was just about the only thing that was going to get me there last night, and I’ve finished three reports today. I want those neurons back!!!
(P.S. I do recommend carbing up a bit about 20 minutes prior to gym-going; you’re less apt to be gasping for lack of endurance.)
Low levels of marijuana can be very beneficial.
Its all in the dose…probably a joint a month’ll do ya.
I’d take the marijuana thing with a grain of salt. The handful of studies that have looked at this were done didn’t even involve marijuana…they used drugs that selectively stimulate certain receptors in the brain that are also stimulated by marijuana (and are this called “cannabinoids”) and found that that promoted neurogenesis in rats’ brains. But marijuana itself has broader effects, and also, it may not have the same effect in people as on rats. It’s possible that marijuana might promote neurogenesis in human brains, but I don’t think the evidence clearly points to it yet. But we can still smoke pot at BFD-con!
Hmmm, then why is an acquaintance of mine who spends hours a week on aerobic exercise so bloody stupid?
YEah, I just saw the concept of BFD-con and perked right up.
Hmmm, then why is an acquaintance of mine who spends hours a week on aerobic exercise so bloody stupid?”
No food, therefore no nutrients to the brain?
Depressed serotonin and other neurotransmitter levels as a result (in part) of sustained starvation?
Bad genetics?
Just guessing.
Not enough fat in her diet? That’s what brains are made of you know.