Best of July (And Ad News)
The big discussion about Good Luck Chuck was a definite highlight this month; I urge you to go check it out and make sure you didn’t miss anything. This was also the month of the final Potter book, not only a highlight on the blog but a highlight of my year.
I did a guest post on Elastic Waist that I hope you all enjoyed; ditto my guest post at Body of Work. I was busy. You guys made lots of great suggestions for my wedding dress, which I still haven’t at all decided on. But I’ve spent happy hours clicking all the links, so that counts for something. We talked about art and advertising and willpower and Sarah Jessica Parker. Man, we’re good.
We argued about Dan Savage. We judged some people. And we revisted the idea of former fat people, leading to another really interesting and worthwhile discussion. I urge you to check out those comments as well. Ooh, and the conversation about quadrants of the brain, and the line between dieting and disordered eating. Another good discussion.
We talked about 10 ways to be a body positivity advocate (which is now permalinked in the sidebar). We talked about contagious fat. And in just under the wire, the “shocking” news that Star Jones had weight loss surgery. Good old Star Jones. God only knows what we’d be without you.
On a meta note, we just sold our first BlogAd, for a book I haven’t read. But the author likes Christopher Guest movies and The Office, according to her bio page, so I went ahead and approved it because I also love those things. (Please don’t be another Jemima J! God, that would be embarrassing.)
I also joined LinkShare and have started putting up referral links. As an experiment, I am containing it all on one sponsor page, so it won’t clutter up the main blog with ads. There are some coupon codes on there, and I even found some plus-size sports bras, since we were just talking about it! Anyway, I hope this will be a non-intrusive way to support the blog if you’re so inclined. (Oh my gosh, and also, Lane Bryant is having a buy one item, get one half off sale in case you’re interested.)
And there you go! Go see Hairspray because it totally rules. (It does; I saw it. It rules.) See you in August!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
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