Good Morning, San Francisco
I thought of you guys today! We worked our way to the very front row of the stage at San Francisco Pride (the city’s annual gay pride festival) to see Nikki Blonsky’s performance of “Good Morning, Baltimore” from the upcoming movie Hairspray. She looked adorable; she sounded fabulous, and I cheered as loud as I could.
I guess this is just more evidence for Weetabix’s theory, but I can report that the crowd absolutely loved her. There were way more people in the audience for the Hairspray performance than for Gavin “Our Hottie Mayor” Newsom or the band “Sistas In A Pit” (who were tragically not mud wrestlers, as we initially thought). Hooray for Pride (and pride)!
P.S. We totally need a Body Pride festival. Let’s get on that, shall we?
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Celebrities, Hairspray, Movies, Music, Nikki Blonsky
P.S. We totally need a Body Pride festival. Let’s get on that, shall we?
I was thinking the same thing this weekend! I’m in!
I can’t do Pride…it is so crowded that I get a little overwhelmed by it all. I did go to the Alameda County Fair, though, and spent time watching people and thinking, “who came up with the statistics that over half of us are overweight?” Perhaps, Alameda County is not representative of the rest of the nation, but it was a pretty normal weight crowd, in my opinion.
Kate – you and me both!
I was filling out the Big Fat Blog Fat Activism survey and one of the things I noted was that numbers are really where it is at for any sort of activism. It’s hard to be the only fat girl at the table talking about size acceptance and that seems to be what is going on for a lot of people in their offline lives. Gathering together with a lot of fat-positive people in the same geographical area? That would be AMAZING.
Mo Pie, I am REALLY taken with this idea of a Body Pride event. I keep coming back to this entry (and I wrote one of my own) in hopes that it will take other people the same way.
Portland, OR has a Body Pride festival of sorts–you just missed it. Check out
Joy Nash did her fat rant there this year–awesome!
Well that’s a shame; I would have loved to be there. I, too, keep coming back to the idea. I’m not sure what Fat Girl Speaks means for us, if we should join forces or just have a sister event, but the idea keeps turning over in my head.
(Also, as I just posted at The Rotund, I would like to be more inclusive than calling it a “Fat Pride” event. My vision is something that would celebrate all bodies, not just the large ones.)
Mo, Stacy Bias, who lives in Portland, is one of the founders and ongoing organizers of Fat Girl Speaks. She’s also helped organize Chunky Dunk (a fat-friendly series of swimming get-togethers) and Cupcake (fat-friendly dances). She’s an activist and all-around cool chick. Look her up–I don’t know her personally, but my sense is she’d be willing to have her brain picked about organizing a sister event or something similar.
I live on the wrong end of the West Coast- It sounds like there’s so much great stuff going on in Portland and the Bay Area. Southern California does not seem so full of happenings.