Kelly Clarkson Bikini Controversy!
So, recently there have been some pictures of Kelly Clarkson (the fabulous, fabulous Kelly Clarkson) in a bikini, eating a hot dog. And of course her body isn’t absolutely perfect, whatever that means, so she’s a whale. And she’s eating a hot dog, which of course is disgusting also.
There are some things in life you don’t want to be too good at. One is eating, because….well… you get fat. Take Kelly Clarkson for example: You’re hanging out with your friends in the Bahamas on Sunday, but you realize you aren’t the sex symbol you once were. My bad, she was never a sex symbol, but you know what I mean. If you’re wondering why you have more cellulite than that hippo wearing a one piece bathing suit, it may be the 17 hot dogs you forgot to throw up. fatty.
This comment is gross on so many different levels, it kind of makes me want to throw up. At least some people don’t mind seeing Kelly dig into a hot dog. And this week, one of the Best Week Ever guys pointed out that “you don’t have to be an Olsen twin to be hot” when they showed a clip of Kelly bouncing around on Ellen.
She really is adorable. And I hope she doesn’t let these worthless, petty people make her feel like she needs to lose one ounce, or change one bit. God, I should totally get tickets to her tour.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: American Idol, Celebrities, Fatism, Kelly Clarkson
Hi, it’s Snoskred here. I’m just dropping by to let you know that I read your blog with google reader whenever you update, and that I enjoy your blog. I’m re-doing my links on my blog, and I have linked to you in the sidebar.
She looks totally hot in that bikini!
I’m not a fan of her or her music–in fact, I don’t know anything about her, but I still adore those pictures. And, dude, any woman who can sit on a beach in a bikini and eat a damn hotdog probably knowing that, uh-huh, there are going to be pictures of it posted on the internet or in People magazine or wherever with captions calling her ugly names? Is my sistah.
Sometimes I prefer animals over people.. Who really gives a flying HOTDOG that she is round.. She is not obese.. by any means.. she is a lovely young woman who won american idol a while back and has a great voice and is basically a good person. Why people can be so horribly ill minded about what she chooses to eat or wear really is pathetic. What a pathetic judgemental bunch of losers.. Totally annoys me to no end when I read stuff like that.. FOCUS ON THE BIGGER ISSUES PEOPLE. THE PRESIDENTAL ELECTION COMING UP, THE WAR.. YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS.. OR MORE IMPORTANTLY THAT PERSON THAT LOOKS BACK AT YOU EACH MORNING IN THE MIRROR.. I PROMISE YOU YOU ARE FAR FROM A PRIZE YOURSELF…
HMM I was a bit hostile in that last comment wasn’t I .. I will say that is directed toward those idots who made those comments about Kelly Clarkson.. not anyone that reads this blog LOL… sorry for that.. I just get so irritated at what people focus on… geez..
what a bunch of douchbags. My ass is just as big as hers and I like myself. And I love hot dogs too. screw them!
Kelly is a beautiful person, inside and out. Anyone who doesn’t realize that is obviously mental!
A nice Easter Basket of anorexia? Oh, lord, these people kill me.
I don’t like pop music, as a general rule, but I kind of want to go buy her album just to support her. Because I think she looks awesome.
And a life in which you aren’t allowed to eat a hot dog on the beach…. You know, I don’t think being thin is worth that.
Posts like this are why I love this site. You stand up for the right of women of all sizes to be themselves. Whether you’re posting music celebrating women who rock some serious size, or just celebrating the right of a normal girl to enjoy a hotdog on the beach, y’all are on point always!!!
Seriously, sometimes I find other people just utterly incomprehensible.
She looks fine. She’s cute in a bathing suit, even soaking wet and laughing/flinching from getting splashed. She looks like a normal human being. And while I am neither a fan of hotdogs nor pop music, I truely cannot figure out what even begins to be objectionable about Kelly Clarkson eating a darned hot-dog.
I get so tired of the Plastic People that it’s actually nice to see a celeberty that hasn’t been airbrushed to death and is enjoying herself like a normal human being.
Also, does this remind anyone about the Barack Obama bathing suit ‘controversy?’ (He also looked just fine, for gods sakes.)
Kelly looks HEALTHY. I know it must be a shock to see a successful starlet actually eat something and not have a 3″ gap between her legs. She looks beautiful!!
Is it bad that I want to slap the people that made those horrible remarks about her?
I have so many thoughts and such, but I just got back from a wonderful camping trip and can’t be arsed to give those idiots my energy. Rock on to KC for eating a hot dog on the beach.
She looks like she’s having so much fun, and that’s all I see when I look at those photos: a cute young woman in a bikini, enjoying her life. It is sickening that anyone can look at those pictures and make “whale” comments.
The post also had a link to a previous entry mocking Scarlett Johansson in a bikini, though that post focused more on mocking her style choice.
She’s got a pear shaped body, she’s only going to be able to do so much, and obviously by her flat stomach and lack of hips, she pretty much has. I can’t believe that someone would call her a whale because she actually has a shape to her rear end. I thought butts were in, did I miss something? I also can’t believe 450something comments on the first site about her in a bathingsuit. But I guess I just perpetuated it by commenting here.
What a brave girl! I’m so impressed with her for not letting all of this stupid flap keep her from enjoying her life. Also, she looks great (as I’ve always thought). I still think KC is one of those people everyone kind of arbitrarily decided to pick on just to make her go insane (like Amber Benson, or Kristen Davis, or Christina Ricci, those porkers).
Also, it *is* nauseating, that comment. It’s the kind of thing that reminds me how it’s never a good thing to hand one group of human beings a stick to beat another group, even if that other group really, REALLY deserves it (violent criminals, etc.). It warps people to pick on other people, and warps them even more to feel justified in it.
I think she looks great! I only wish I looked that
good in a bikini!
Good site. Thanks.
Kelly Clarkson is the most luvable girl in the world to me ,SHE IS A BEAUTIFUL PERSON INSIDE AND OUT , I just love her to pieces ! I wished I was an Oscar Myer wienner.
Hey!… I love hotdogs. And damn’t, I love a woman who eats! hands down on her showing those judgemental, bastardous (if that’s a real word…), assgoblins who’s boss! FIGHT THE POWER, KELLY!
Oh, puhleeze! She looks great in that suit! So what if she has hips and thighs? She’s a woman, not a stick figure! Go, Kelly! You rock!
I don’t mean to be nasty, but when I’m looking for porn, I scour the internet looking for girls who look just_like_that. Not disgustingly huge, just NATURAL. She’s gorgeous.
the girl got ass brothers love it and so do you white boys you just won,t come out and say it it good she have ass she know she have it
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There are some true idiots on here for sure. This babe is hot. Anyone who doesn’t think so is either dead or oriented the other way.
And to the dumb insulters, insulting her is like telling the neighborgirl that you look at her naked every night through her open window shade. Yep, you never get to do it again. And you most likely will never see Kelly in a bikini again either. Idiots.
oh God she’s so fat and she used to be so cute 5-6 years ago
I would NOT let her blow me