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I’ve been that fat girl.
So sad.
Doesn’t sound like he has very good friends.
She is lucky to be rid of him, the asshole.
“But I am still in LOVE with you” is code for “but we can still have booty calls, right?”
(Or at least it would be if this was actually addressed to the fat girl. Which it’s not. This is even sadder.)
I think, given the totally anonymous nature of Post Secret, “But I am still in LOVE with you,” means just that. Post Secret serves as a confessional for a lot of people when something they have done is still haunting them.
When I saw this PostSecret, it really reminded me of the play Fat Pig by Neil LaBute. I saw it performed when I was on vacation in Chicago in January, and it is fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone. It’s about how we let other people’s perceptions dictate our relationships and how we feel about ourselves. I cried like a baby at the end.
When I saw this I initially felt sorry for the girl. But the more I think about it, the more I’m happy for her.
It’s sad that a boy lets his friends decide who he can date. If he’s that much of a wuss, she deserves better anyway.
That being said, the whole situation sucks. For both parties.
Oh, that’s sad.
Yep, I feel bad for both of them. I don’t think he would waste the time making up a post card and sending it in if he didn’t mean it. But like Shae I also agree that she is better off with someone who can think for themselves and is a little more mature. Hopefully, eventually, he’ll learn to love unconditionally and without shame.
When I saw this on post secret, I felt sorry for both of them. This guy sounds extremely insecure, but is still hurting. It’s easy to say that she’s better off without him, but is she? Yes it’s right that she deserves for him to be more mature, they could have grown together, How do we know what she’s feeling?
We don’t know how old he is, but I think a lot of us can remember (or are still experiencing) what it is like to have so much pressure and teasing from our friends that it’s easier to do anything to shut that up. No matter how much it hurts
Rock on, Shae. Why should she accept some guy who caves to pressure from his friends about his girlfriend’s body? The blessing? His friends saved her a lot of trouble.
I want a man who can stand up for himself and for me.
I agree with Freya.
And at least he knows he did the wrong thing.
What a jerk!
The handwriting and the message make me think that he’s probably in high school. Which makes sense, but – it’s one of those wounds that fat girls receive as they grow into fat women. It’s common. And it’s sad. But there’s hope that he’ll grow out of it. And I know she’ll find someone who loves her for who she is.
It makes me sad to think about how it is that we bow to others’ perception of what’s okay. I still struggle with this, although I’m getting lot’s of practice at letting it go, as well.
Whoever said this was LaBute nailed it. Textbook.
“But I am still in LOVE with you.”
Then SUFFER for your weakness, dude. And learn from your mistake.
I remember seeing that one. Made me want to write him back, saying “I’m sure she’s so glad she got rid of you. You don’t deserve love.”