October 23rd, 2009
I just found out there is a second season of Project Runway Australia, so of course, I had to look it up on YouTube. Watching the opening credits I spotted a fat chick, who reminded me of the awesome Jessica Biffi on Project Runway Canada. Then I started watching the episode, and I found even […]
Filed under: Fashion, Feel Good Friday, Humor, International, Project Runway, TV, Video | 2 Comments »
October 12th, 2009
That’s right, fat people will be the death of the mitten industry! At least, according to this article sent in by Jez. Brace yourselves for a glimpse into our terrifying future… If Americans keep getting fatter, there will be no need for mittens in the future. That’s what the results of a new federal study […]
Filed under: Fashion, Fatism, Humor | 30 Comments »
September 25th, 2009
My friend Michael recently posted a list of the webcomics he reads, and included a comic called Sweet Fat Life. So of course I had to click the link and read some of the archives! I also discovered that there’s a spinoff site called I Love Myself: Big Bodies in Art. If you’re a fan […]
Filed under: Art, Feel Good Friday, Humor | 6 Comments »
September 15th, 2009
I was glad to see this post from Fatties United bringing up the bit Jon Stewart did on The Daily Show last night. My husband and I watch TDS and Colbert on a daily basis; like so many people, it’s where I get most of my news. When I saw this sketch, I wavered between, […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fat Suits, Humor, TV, Video | 39 Comments »
September 9th, 2009
At least that’s the gossip on E! online. In case you hadn’t heard, two women (Wilson and Michaela Watkins) were fired from the show as two women were hired. (Still no new black comics, though; I love how a show that prides itself on its political satire has exactly 0 black people in its cast […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Fatism, Humor, Politics, TV, Video | 26 Comments »
August 21st, 2009
This week is all videos and Whedonites and internet drama, apparently! Thanks to a spammer (apparently a very effective spammer) following fat chicks or girls who say they’re fat on Twitter, I found this video, called “Fat Girls,” at Funny or Die. Is it a “BBW tribute” as they claim? Or is the “BBW” the […]
Filed under: Fatism, Feel Good Friday, Humor, Music, Video | 15 Comments »
August 20th, 2009
I saw this video on Wil Wheaton’s site, and even though I wasn’t familiar with The Guild, (other than seeing Felicia Day mention it on Twitter) I watched it. The song is incredibly catchy and the video is cute, and I also noticed that one of the actors in it is a fat chick. And […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Humor, Meta, Question, TV, Video | 19 Comments »
August 15th, 2009
The new TWoP editorial team is at it again; this time with “overweight versions of our favorite shows.” Including Gross Anatomy and Large and Obese. Oh, how clever. Jennie in the comments pointed out an especially dumb one: My least favorite? “Gained (Lost),†described thusly: “On their way to a fat camp in Australia, a […]
Filed under: Fatism, Humor, TV | 12 Comments »
August 11th, 2009
I’m writing this post in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, after a long and taxing Monday that those of you who follow me on Twitter are sick of hearing about, I’m sure. So my brain is broken, and instead of a real post, I give you… the five Google Alert e-mails that I clicked […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Exercise, Fatism, Humor, International, Links, Magazines, Ricky Gervais, Science, Sex & Romance, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 13 Comments »
August 4th, 2009
I found out on Twitter that Kimberley Locke from American Idol is hosting a reality show about fat people joining a band: “Making the Curve” — in which talented, plus-size women “prove that they have what it takes to form a hit pop musical group.” Because… everyone in a band… needs to have… the same […]
Filed under: American Idol, Fatism, Humor, Movies, TV, Video | 24 Comments »
July 29th, 2009
Courtesy of my friend dogofthefuture comes… well… no commentOriginally uploaded by mo pie I think Wendy might have something to say about this.
Filed under: Food, Humor, NSFW, Tidbit | 16 Comments »
July 15th, 2009
On this list of 10 Dumbest iPhone Apps is something called FatBurner2k: It’s a good thing Apple put this app in the “Entertainment” category. Otherwise one might be tempted to take seriously the claim that it can “help your body consume fat molecules using disharmonic, molecule to molecule, physical oscillations.” Translation: It vibrates on your […]
Filed under: Humor, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 7 Comments »
July 6th, 2009
I ran across this hilarious article in the always-reliable and utterly trustworthy very serious newspaper, the Daily Mail: a woman in London decided that she wanted to lose weight, and that weight-loss surgery was too risky, but that she would pay a hypnotherapist to trick her into believing she had! At Joh’s first session with […]
Filed under: Diet Talk Warning, Humor, International, Media, Science, Weight Loss, WLS | 21 Comments »
June 30th, 2009
In a “Perspective” a radio piece for KQED public radio, Lisa Lyon compares the effects of driving a new car to the effects of losing a lot of weight: people treat you differently depending on how you look and what you drive. Big surprise. But I was most interested in the car talk; it made […]
Filed under: Humor, Media, Personal, Question, Tidbit | 26 Comments »
June 29th, 2009
So this is a teen (tween?) band called Chair, with a song called “I’m Fat And Nobody Likes Me.” Finkbuilt describes it as “Awesome teen angst comedy mischief pop by Chair. Kind of NSFW, sophomoric and juvenile.” On YouTube, they are being compared to everyone from Jack Black to Moldy Peaches. Take a look (again, […]
Filed under: Humor, Kids, Music, NSFW, Video | 12 Comments »
June 4th, 2009
While I was off hiatusing, Kirstie Alley was on the cover of People magazine talking about how she had
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Cold Hard Cash, Food, Gossip, Humor, Kirstie Alley, Magazines, Media, TV, Weight Loss | 19 Comments »
April 10th, 2009
I was entertained and sort of fascinated by Mike’s post about the new Big Mac Snack Wrap, currently being tested in Canada, the home of the Maple Leafs, half of Niagara Falls, and Robin Sparkles. The sad, sad, Big Mac Snack Wrap. It is apparently half a hamburger patty with some sauce, pickles, and lettuce, […]
Filed under: Advertising, Diet Talk Warning, Food, Humor, International, Kids, Personal, Science | 23 Comments »
April 1st, 2009
Thanks for the link, Michael!
Filed under: Humor, Tidbit | 4 Comments »
March 30th, 2009
Matt sent along a bit of interesting celebrity news last week. He writes that according to Aint It Cool News, Jim Carrey is going to gain 40 pounds to play Curly Howard. He adds: In the FA community, it’s pretty accepted that fat actors have a better shot at success than fat actresses, but here’s […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Gossip, Humor, Movies, Tidbit, Video | 5 Comments »
March 25th, 2009
These new guidelines for childhood obesity programs are just amazing. Rachel has them listed at The F Word, complete with highlighting. In this case it indicates not white-hot rage, but happiness. Consider guidelines like… Interventions should focus on health, not weight, so as to not contribute to the overvaluation of weight and shape and negative […]
Filed under: Advocacy, Exercise, Fat Positive, Humor, Kids, Science | 7 Comments »
March 13th, 2009
I opened The Onion today and laughed when I read this tiny article: MODESTO, CA—Telling friends that she “just ate a huge thing of yogurt four hours ago,” local woman Vanessa Stroud chided herself Tuesday for feeling hunger, a natural urge experienced by all living creatures to ensure they consume the sustenance necessary to maintain […]
Filed under: Feel Good Friday, Humor, Magazines, Tidbit | 9 Comments »
March 5th, 2009
I received this letter from Sara, and immediately asked if I could post it here and get your feedback. Hello Ms. Pie, I am having a bit of a dilemma. I am about to lose my virginity (at 22) to a man who I really love. That’s not the problem. The problem is that I […]
Filed under: Fat Positive, Humor, NSFW, Question, Sex & Romance, Video, WLS | 48 Comments »
February 13th, 2009
Mary alerted me to the existence of the blog “This Is Why You’re Fat,” which features pictures of extremely unhealthy, often disgusting-looking, food. Some highlights include “Deep Fried Peanut Butter-Covered Brownie Wrapped In Cookie Dough” and “French Fry-Encased Hot Dog On A Stick.” Cripes. The title is unfortunate, conflating unhealthy food with fat people (remember […]
Filed under: Feel Good Friday, Food, Health, Humor, Tidbit | 24 Comments »
February 1st, 2009
You may remember my husband Ian from that one time he waved at the camera when I was on The Mike and Juliet Show. But he has his own claim to fame; his macaroni and cheese box collection. I was gone this week (thank you, Jen, for holding down the fort) because I accompanied him […]
Filed under: Celebrities, Humor, Meta, Personal, TV, Video | 27 Comments »
January 13th, 2009
Steps include “refrain from consuming food” and “cease to feel emotions of any kind.” The ninth step, however, is my favorite: Step 9: Self-confidence is the most attractive trait a person can have. For this reason, strive to love yourself and accept yourself exactly as you are. This will be difficult if you are overweight, […]
Filed under: Humor, Tidbit, Weight Loss | 15 Comments »