Amanda Seyfried On Her Diet Of Spinach & Seeds
In an interview with the Examiner, Amanda Seyfried admits she’s “not naturally thin,” and goes to extremes to make sure she gets acting work.
“I’m on a raw-food diet,” says Seyfried. “It’s intense, and sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach and some seeds… If I didn’t run and work out, there’s no way I would be this thin. But I have to stay in shape because I’m an actress.” She adds: “It’s fucked up and twisted, but I wouldn’t get the roles otherwise. If I had been bigger, I don’t think they would have cast me for Mamma Mia! “
Here’s the really depressing quote:
“I’m not a beautiful prom-girl type,” she has said. “It’s very easy for me to gain weight. Even though I tried not eating for a week when I was really young, I couldn’t do it any longer because I liked my food too much.”
Oh honey. It’s not that you “liked food too much,” it’s that NOT EATING FOR A WEEK IS FUCKING INSANE. Also, it’s called “starvation.”
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Celebrities, Diet Talk, Eating Disorders, Exercise, Movies, Tidbit
So sad! At least she gets that the pressure to be thin is totally f*cked up.
Someone off topic, but…that title made me crave a big spinach salad with sunflower seeds on top. And lots of vinaigrette dressing, of course. NOM!
I think she’s adorable no matter what, and if she ever chooses to give up these ridiculous diets, I will be ready to welcome her into her rightful place in the ranks of Fabulous Plump Girls.
I love her a little bit for being so frank about this.
That is sad. I’m glad she was frank about her diet and exercise though. There were several links below to stories with female celebrities saying “I don’t ever diet or exercise”. That’s kind of like the kids in high school who said, oh, I don’t ever study but I still have all A’s. For one thing, many of those kids were lying. And some of them were not lying, but why did they have to brag to the rest of us? Kristen Stewart, I’m looking at you. Emma Watson, I can believe you don’t diet because you apparently play a lot of sports. Sadly, one of the comments on the Emma Watson article was “Well I think she really should diet.” That is even sadder to me than Amanda’s story.
Is that a reliable source? Not trying to question your choice of an article, but her quotes seem a little extreme and blunt for the average celebrity. If she did say all that, wow.
Oh, Amanda. It’s not liking food too much that makes it unavoidable. It’s that food is required for you to live. Here’s hoping when you get out of LA you can add some goat cheese, strawberries and vinaigrette to that spinach and seeds.
After what happened to Brittany Murphy, reading these quotes just made me shudder. People wonder why starlets become messed up in the head.
But good for her that she at least knows the difference and is willing to say it out loud in an interview. Baby steps.
At least she knows it’s messed up. I hope she does all her acting now, uses her money down the line and takes over with a saner model, assuming her brain doesn’t atrophy from starvation.
I’m glad that she’s forthright about it, though the quotes are v. strange because of that candor. Here’s hoping that she can sock away a ton of cash now, then get set doing guest star roles or theater, where weight requirements (seem to be) less stringent. Because spinach and seeds are awesome, but not if you’re craving a donut.
I hated reading that interview. There are quite a few actresses that aren’t pencil-thin. It sounds like she’s battling some of her own opinions that lead her to think this.
I agree that the source is questionable.
Assuming it is real, it frightens me that it doesn’t seem portrayed as overly odd. Oh, and her eating disorder? Past, not current.
Again assuming it’s accurate, the Kristen Stewart one seems to hold her up as what we should all aspire to because she doesn’t watch what she eats or exercise and she’s still thin and therefore HEALTHY! Gabourey Sidibe *obviously* doesn’t diet or exercise and should because not doing so is unhealthy, but nutritious food and exercise are unrelated to health for a thin person.
The complete article is up at now:
For those questioning the source, it may not be clear if you don’t read the article that is linked here, but the blogger lifted those quotes from an interview that Amanda Seyfried did for Esquire magazine. I don’t know how reliable Esquire or the actual interviewer are, but the blogger isn’t claiming to have done the interview herself at all. What is confusing is that to those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area the site might look like it is affiliated or endorsed by the San Francisco Examiner Newspaper, but the newspaper website is a different URL.
THIS is why I left L.A!!!!!!
Perhaps the anxiety/depression meds she’s taking wouldn’t be necessary if she was eating. In my experience not eating is depressing.
Ugh. May I never, EVER have to go to california.
But at least she’s being honest. I tried not eating for a couple of days to see if I could do it, a few times. I think the longest I made it was about 30something hours. And I was ready to shiv someone for a biscuit by that time. Definitely not healthy.
She tends to be super frank in her interviews. Like, on the red carpet recently, she basically said she hates Big Love and is glad to be rid of it. I think she is super talented, and I’m sad to hear she eats this way (or doesn’t eat as the case may be), but she’s very blunt, as a rule.
I love her and this makes me sad. But I do admire her bluntness and the fact that yeah, she knows it’s messed up. I have to roll my eyes whenever I read an interview with an actress who says they just do pilates twice a week or something.
ginag, it’s just L.A and Orange Counties that have this madness. The rest of the state is great! (Well, except for the crappy economy.)
I am an actress in Los Angeles and whenever I get upset about my size 6 figure I remind myself of Kate Winslet. She is also a size six, exercizes and eats healthy. I also do yoga, go runnnig and avoid junk and fast foods, and guess what? I’M A SIZE SIX. nothing is wrong with having a womanly figure. I think being healthy should be people’s main concern, not how skinny they can get. and shame on Amanda Seyfried for being a bad examples for young women in America and giving in to the lies hollywood would love to impose on people. She is a very talented actress and I think that f she was healthy and took care of her body but wasn’t SCRAWNY she would still have a career. I think its sad the female body is no longer celebrated and women feel like they need to be rail thin with no curves so we look like men, only with boobs.