Ralph Lauren Doesn’t Know When to Quit
Oh my GOD, Ralph Lauren! Keep your Photoshop brushes in your pants! What is wrong with you people? Earlier this month, an insane Ralph Lauren ad appeared, in which their long-time model Filippa Hamilton was photoshopped into a creepy, unrecognizable insectile creature from outer space. Hamilton was reportedly horrified by the image, and said “I think they owe American women an apology, a big apology,” she said. “I’m very proud of what I look like, and I think a role model should look healthy.” She also claimed to have been terminated from her contract when they told her she was “too fat” to keep modeling for them. Which explains the creepy photo? I don’t know! It remains creepy.
And now another one has surfaced! The company apologized for the first ad, saying it was “mistakenly released.” How can they explain this one? My guess is that someone in their art department is clinically insane.
I’m not a consipiracy theorist, I swear it. But I’ve got to tell you, it’s not hard to start thinking that maybe this isn’t an oopsie do, tee hee! Maybe Ralph Lauren is making some kind of twisted commentary about women’s bodies. Maybe Ralph Lauren and Karl Lagerfeld are best friends! Maybe someone ought to retire their Photoshop license.
Posted by jenfu
Filed under: Advocacy, Celebrities, Fatism, Gossip, Magazines, Media, Photoshop, Politics
Ralph Lauren: we’ll turn you into an inverted triangle! But you’ll be SEXY.
I just can’t even fathom how skinny the ‘shopped model’s LEGS must have ended up. If that was a full-length shot, her shoes would have been Barbie shoes. Her whole foot would have been a centimeter long.
And the thing I don’t understand is WHY. I mean, what is the point? Do the pants or shell look ANY BETTER in the photoshopped version? Nooooo. Maybe it is just a way of garnering publicity.
Maybe Ralph fell in love with a Bratz doll and thinks all women should resemble her?
I think they’re hiring aliens. Look at that woman! Skinny body, large round head…aliens I tell ya!
Looking on the bright side, things like this remind people how fake ads and magazines are.
Unfortunately, though, I don’t see it stopping people from saying, or thinking, that they should look like that.
There wasn’t anything wrong with that second image that adjusting the color and light balances didn’t fix, they did not need to do any more retouching!
Some of these retouching artists need to go back to 101 art classes and learn when to stop fiddling with it. In fact, do you even need to have any art training to retouch photos? I think we should start requiring it. Life drawing, color theory, intro to photography, and 101 classes in digital image manipulation. Obviously not everyone who does it for a living is qualified for the job.
Maybe it’s an attempt at subversion by a secret body-positive mole, like some sort of satirical take on the fashion industry – a demonstration of the fact that ad execs don’t blink an eye at depictions of such physical absurdity? Maybe it’s a viral campaign for a Gumbi movie? Maybe it was all a dream?
okay, i’m out.
I’ve been coming around to the theory that they did it for publicity and it’s all done deliberately.
I agree with Carolyn. I’ve even found myself hoping that this will create a backlash against the super super bony thin models, since the Photoshopped pictures are so grotesque.
Wow, I didn’t new that, thanks.