Fat And Disabled Contestants On Project Runway
I just found out there is a second season of Project Runway Australia, so of course, I had to look it up on YouTube. Watching the opening credits I spotted a fat chick, who reminded me of the awesome Jessica Biffi on Project Runway Canada. Then I started watching the episode, and I found even more diversity.
First, we have Yopie (yes, that’s like Mopie-with-a-Y, only pronounced Yo-pee) Stafurik, who is permanently on crutches due to having childhood polio. She says of her design skills, “I’m fucking good.” See her at 3:10. And then fat chick Kellyanne Russell shows up at 3:53 or so, and wins my heart completely with this:
“My name is Kellyanne Russell, I am 31 years of age. Being a bigger girl has really shaped the way I look at the world. I mean, I don’t believe you need to be a certain size or a certain shape to feel sexy. My butt is just the price I have to pay for having such great tits. Really. Sorry… am I allowed to say that?”
I love my small-breasted sisters too, of course, but as a well-endowed fat chick, I could relate, and it made me laugh. Kudos to Project Runway Australia for their casting diversity. Go fight win, Yopie and Kellyanne!
(P.S. Their challenges are waaaaaay better than the boring ones on this season of Project Runway America, yawn.)
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Fashion, Feel Good Friday, Humor, International, Project Runway, TV, Video
I’m amazed that they didn’t put them in an accessible apartment. They keep showing Yopie dealing with this huge flight of stairs on her crutches (and even somebody joking about how long it takes her). I live with a disability, and I would be pissed if I were her.
I LOVE Kellyanne’s comment about her boobs and butt.
I can SO relate.
Thanks for the laugh – and the fresh perspective. :)