In Case You Missed It: Thunder Thighs Rule
Although I saw this news about this when Kate Harding Twittered about it, I didn’t get a chance to post the link until today! It’s a story about a study that suggests having larger or more muscular thighs is better than having thin ones.
People who have agonised over their fat thighs might be able to relax a bit — Danish doctors said on Thursday they found patients with the thinnest thighs died sooner than the more endowed.
Obesity, age, smoking and other factors did not reduce the effect, the researchers reported in the British Medical Journal. “Our results suggest that there might be an increased risk of premature death related to thigh size.”
One study of something that is “unlikely to be clinically useful” so, not very scientific, really. And you guys with thin thighs probably don’t need to worry too much. And there is plenty in there about how large waist size and abdominal fat are both harbingers of doom. But it’s nice to see an alarmist headline about thin-thighed people for a change!
Thanks to Ian for the link, and to H for this link with the e-mail message “Tiny thigh? You might die!”
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Fat Positive, Health, Personal, Science
Do you ever wonder if there’s some sort of CGI map of the human body somewhere, and everytime one of these studies comes in, someone has to click a few buttons to change it?
“Uh oh, add ten pounds. No, take them off, no, add them – and make the thighs thicker.”
I facebooked this with the headline “I’m going to live forever!”
Ha! (And thanks for the link on FB!)
Wow – does that mean I can wear short shorts again? Will “chub rub” become a status symbol?
Like I said over at Big Fat Blog, I guess this means I’m going to live to be 100!
Let’s see if health nuts are as strident in recommending thigh-fattening for the lean of thigh for their health’s sake as they are when they pontificate on the unhealthy effects of being even a tad overweight.
I love it.