Mischa Barton: "Just Be Happy And Secure With Yourself"
I know very little about Mischa Barton, but apparently she’s lost some weight recently and the tabloids have gotten all OMG TOO SKINNY about the whole thing. She responded publicly, and People magazine has the roundup:
She notes that she is thinner these days, as recent photos in the media have shown, sometimes accompanied by pointed speculation about her health.
“I still love my Pilates and yoga, and have cut back on fatty foods a bit,” she says. “My time in India and Paris really just helped me lose a little bit of weight but there’s nothing drastic going on!” Except, perhaps, with the media, she says.
“I think it’s very unhealthy for young girls to read about and pay attention to,” Barton says. “To my female fans: Just be happy and secure with yourself and don’t let other people’s perceptions of you dictate the way you live your life.”
In a separate statement to Celebuzz, Barton laments, “This whole situation is ridiculous. One minute, I’m too fat, the next I’m too skinny.”
I like it when celebrities seem like reasonable people. I mean, I guess there’s a chance she’s secretly all coked out and hysterical about her weight, but at least what she’s saying makies sense in my brain, and in terms of her actual words, she’s not wrong. That’s certainly something.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Celebrities, Feminism, Gossip, Magazines, Media, Tidbit, Weight Loss
Just be happy and secure with yourself and don’t let other people’s perceptions of you dictate the way you live your life.
okay I guffawed here — “just”? yes, it’s just that easy. Maybe I’m reading it wrong and am too cynical today but come on . . .
“I still love my Pilates and yoga, and have cut back on fatty foods a bit,” she says. “My time in India and Paris really just helped me lose a little bit of weight but there’s nothing drastic going on!”
Except for the part where an already extremely slim person felt that losing additional weight was a good and desirable thing, that is.
Isn’t she always on the small side? How do you honestly tell when these celebrities have lost weight? I’m so used to seeing them thin that I don’t notice when they get thinner. Between the weight obsession and the baby obsession you’d think the stalkerazzi never had anything else to talk about.
I share Sarah’s reaction.
Oh, just be happy and secure? Why didn’t I think of that? Hey, now my body image problems are solved forever!
Although I appreciate her intentions, of course. She gets a cookie for effort. I know how filler words can slip in and produce a tone you didn’t necessarily intend when you’re talking.
Isn’t she always on the small side? How do you honestly tell when these celebrities have lost weight?
She said she had. And she sounded pleased about it, like it was an achievement (“my trips…helped”) which I think is a bit troubling.
I imagine being a celebrity is something like those days when you walk into school/work and someone says you look tired or sick on a day when you looked in the mirror up until 3 seconds ago you were feeling pretty good about yourself… only a million times worse.
At least she’s giving lip service to something positive, no?
Everything is always easier said than done, especially the “if you don’t succeed…” thing? That one’s a bitch. And I just made a whole sentence that is 75% cliches.
I too am cynical… I mean, what the hell…I don’t know about the rest of you but when I manage to get away from it all – I EAT!!! I RELAX!!! I HAVE A GOOD TIME!!! I sure as hell don’t diet. I think she should have come back fatter after getting away from all the “drama”. After all she was surrounded by fantastic food and drink.
I like how Mischa behaved when she became a tabloid target from having gained weight. A lot of the same things came out of her mouth then as now, when she looks coked-out to the gills and starved to the brink of death. I like what she’s saying and all, but it’s hard to take her seriously when her actions don’t exactly match her words.