Beth Ditto LOVE Magazine Cover Released
And you guys, it is gorgeous. Hooray!
via Style Slacker.
LOVE is a new, aiming-for-high-profile magazine by Conde Nast, launching in the U.K. on February 19. It is purported to be all about luxury and fashion and fashionable luxury and I don’t really care, because I probably won’t read it. But I love their very first cover anyway, and that they are hailing Ditto as an icon, and chose her–instead of Kate Moss, another of their icons–for the cover.
Clearly they’re trying to be “edgy” by putting a fat and naked model on the cover, but it means that there’s a beautiful, naked Ditto on the cover of an international Conde Nast publication that’s getting a lot of attention, and I’m good with that. Thanks, you guys.
Posted by jenfu
Filed under: Art, Beth Ditto, Celebrities, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Magazines, Media, Tidbit, TV, Weight Loss
Ditto has guts. That’s what makes her beautiful.
I can’t be the only one though that wishes that women would do a little less posing naked on the covers of magazines, no matter what their size is.
Yes, but is she photoshopped?
She’s definitely photoshopped, and, yeah, she’s naked, but I still think it’s a beautiful cover and a gutsy move.
(I DO like that it’s more of an artsy/portrait type photo than a “Come and get me fellas” photo.)
That cover looks awesome. I love that she has the little roll at the back and side just under her boobs like I do. I don’t really like that roll on me so I like seeing sexy people who have it and don’t mind showing it.
I think the pic is absolutely beautiful. I applaud body diversity.
I also wish people in the U.S. would get over the prudery surrounding
the human body. Many places in Europe don’t bat an eye at public
nudity. A body is a body, it is not porn.
Funny, I just reposted an article on my own blog entitled “Why Women Should Feel Comfortable Naked.” It was in O magazine of
all places. If pic like these can help make peace with our bodies I am
all for them.
Thank you Beth for being a pioneer!!!
It is beautiful and yes it’s gutsy. No matter what size or shape my body is or how happy I am with it, being naked on the cover of a magazine is not something I could do. I’m so shy, being fully clothed on a cover of a magazine would make me ill. For her to do that, with a body that is so not the “ideal” (according to bullshit standards, blah blah blah) is very brave and she should be applauded for it.
Also, please don’t lump all Americans together as prudish. :) There are a lot of us that don’t have any problem with nudity and can clearly see the difference between a naked body and porn. This cover is clearly not porn.
I’m American, and I wouldn’t care if it was porn. I’m not horribly uncomfortable with either human bodies or with sexuality (although I realize that a lot of porn is problematic for other reasons). Anyway, it’s great to see an image like that on the Fatosphere feed. Gorgeous.
Thanks for drawing my attention to this! I think Beth is great and I’d rather see her nekkid than Kate Moss.
I’m actually going to hunt down this mag and buy it, I hope it continues applauding the fuller figure rather than using her as a novelty.
From what I remember Beth has actually been naked on the front of another magazine, possibly NME or I can’t remember which, but whatever, she is certainly comfortable in her body and THAT is why she is sexy and admirable.
I saw this photo of the magazine cover and I had mixed emotions. Recently, I have seen magazine advertisements with fuller figure women modeling and they look so beautiful. I have pointed out the advertisements to my husband and he agrees.
While I guess you would call me a prude, I did wish there was a little less nudity, ultimately I applauded. It is about time we celebrate the fuller figure woman.
I have never had a problem with the way I look as a big beautiful woman. I have never had people make fun of me or belittle me, execpt the teens in Taco Bell who mooed at me. I just patted my behind (meaning kiss it!) and went on my way.
The only reason I have a problem with my weight now is because of health issues. But I think it is time for the big beautiful woman to be celebrated!
Harrumph. Well I bought the mag and the editor’s letter was pretty inspiring and basically sent the same message as this site. Then I read the rest of the magazine and the main feature was praising runway models. There was a great article on Beth which I haven’t fully read yet, and an in-depth interview/article/photoshoot with Iggy Pop, who had not beed photoshopped one iota. Beth, and the other “models” clearly have had a ton of photoshopping done. I didn’t see anything in there that was any different from Vogue really – apart from the articles are WAY longer.
Is there a way I can get Love mag in the states? I’d really like to get a copy for the wife & I .
ah, now i understand why i’ve been seeing beth on the covers of american tabloids with the WORST BODY headline slapped over it and a censoring bar over her eyes. i was trying to figure out how they managed to put beth on there… she’s hardly the kind of gal readers of such a magazine would find interesting! (i, on the other hand, adore her.) i figured it was some kind of fat-as-spectacle thing, which it is, but i’d also assume that it has something to do with magazine covers like this shoving beth further into the eye of the usual public (i love the magazine cover, it’s very lovely.)
Wow. Shes gorgeous. I wish I had that confidence!
Obesity should not be promoted. It is one of the highest causes of preventable death alongside smoking and alcoholism. Flaunting her flab and trying to be sexy is irresponsible and embarrassing.
If she really loved herself and her body, she would respect it enough to eat well and do some exercise.
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you guys LIKE this?! thats scary…i happen to think this photograph is horrendous!she needs to excersice asap. im not trying to offend anyone but come on treat yourself better! im not saying women should be stick skinny but at least healthy enough to have blood and not cholesterol running through their veins!im not just saying thos because of her weight but come on this picture is completely tasteless even if there was a healthire girl on it.
Hey Karen? That’s your opinion. Not fact. You’re assuming a lot about a person based on her appearance, and to be honest, that kind of ignorance isn’t really flattering to you.
P.S. “I’m not trying to offend anyone but…” should stop just before the “but”. Then you actually *gasp* don’t offend anyone!
Karen, I’m not trying to offend anyone, but you should seriously learn how to spell. ASAP.
How do the nay sayers know she doesn’t eat right and exercise? Are they having lunch with her? (if so count me pretty freaking jealous!)
I go to the gym and spend an hour three times a week doing cardio and still I am a lovely 262 pounds at 5’11.
Also, why is “No offense” always followed by something that you would have to be dead not to be offended by? Why not be upfront and say “OK, time to insult you now!”.
Whatever, anyway I plan on peeping at the cover as soon as I am out of work because…well…no matter how tastefully done peeping at naked ladies on the company computer is pretty well frowned upon!
I am a huge fan, i’m personally totally in awe…
she’s all in one woman: talented, funny, witty, sexy and thank God = GAY how long has it been since that happened :)
aka soft butch
Wow, Healthy,
You have the worst attitude I’ve seen in a long time…
You are making an enormous (don’t pardon the pun) assumption that fat unilaterally means unfit.
Beth Ditto is the first body celebrated in mainstream media that closely resembles my own. When I was introduced to her and her music, I almost cried with joy.
I am a size 18, I swim twice a week totalling 4 hours in the pool. I walk everywhere in the winter and bike everywhere in the summer. I dedicate 4 hours on the elliptical machine each week. I grow and can my own vegetables. I am a vegetarian since birth. My BP is perfect. My cholesterol and triglycerides are spot on. And I’m nearly 40.
So you cannot tell me that I am unfit. I am at the top of my game and a hell of a lot healthier than when I was killing myself with exercise (I called it aerobic bulimia)to maintain a size *you* would deem appropriate and socially responsible.
Do yourself and the world a favour and go get better educated before you beak off. It only reveals you as an ignoramus.
I am refreshed and oh-so happy to see Beth and her body – a shape and size many of us share and so rarely see reflected.