The Fat Experience Project
You have most likely already heard about The Fat Experience Project, but it’s worthwhile enough to hear about one more time!
One day, FF and I talked about the fact that we were fat. It was a surprising conversation. I had never talked to another fat person about being fat. We kept it light. We talked about “Chub Rub” – the chaffing between our thighs on hot summer days. We talked about our low-hanging bellies – We called them meat curtains and envisioned theatrical events that could take place beneath them. We talked about uncomfortable plane seats. We talked about diets and childhood humiliations. We made fun of ourselves. We made fun of other fat people. We leaned in close and whispered terrible things we’d never said out loud before. We laughed until we cried. We laughed so hard we had to leave the restaurant where we were having lunch. It was the least politically correct conversation I’ve ever had, and it RADICALLY changed my life.
I have created The Fat Experience Project to humanize the life lived large.
No more headless bouncing bellies on the news with the “Obesity Epidemic” stamped across the screen.
We have faces, names, lives and stories.
What’s yours?
It’s a really well designed, professional site and such a great idea. And how freaking cute are all these contributors so far? Sorry to be shallow! You’re all very cute.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advocacy, Fat Positive, Meta, Tidbit
It is an awesome project and there is some super cuteness over there.
I’m actually working on writing something to send in. Even if she doesn’t post it, writing it all out is like therapy.
this is great! we often quiet ourselves out of shame and this is a way to rip down that wall of shame. awesome!
Nice article, but be real ladies we all have given the same answer of I don’t remember, because we are shame to say Wal-Mart or Lane B, or whatever low end store it was! Besides its not so much about the label but how Fabulous you look and feel!!!!!