"Fat People Smell Bad," Says Subway
Quiconque e-mailed me to alert me to a Subway commercial, which she blogged about, that implies that people who eat fast food get automatically fat and that, among other things, this means they smell bad. I know, I almost can’t believe it either. (As soon as I or anyone else finds the video, I’ll add it to this post.) As she describes:
An announcer asks a slackerish dude, “What do you get with a burger combo meal?” According to the announcer, in addition to the fries and the drink, the burger meal also comes with elastic waist pants, seat belt extensions, diet books, and extra-strength deodorant.
There’s also a Jezebel post about a similar ad in the same campaign, where a cashier tells a woman that ordering a cheeseburger means she’ll lose her boyfriend and have low self-esteem.
This article also talks about the offensiveness of that particular ad simply from a feminist standpoint:
Apparently, eating at McDonald’s makes you completely unlovable. The more troubling and implicit theme is that a woman’s worth is wrapped up not only in her waist size – something she should worry about even if she is Hollywood stick thin – but in her boyfriend as well…
These commercials prey on young women, a portion of the population that is already predisposed to having the kind of low self esteem that leads to eating disorders. It’s made all the more abhorrent by the fact that that the woman in the commercial is thin enough that the idea of one meal at McDonalds making her “fat” and “undesirable” is ludicrous.
I had Subway for dinner tonight, as it happens. I have Subway several times per week, as there’s one right by my house and one right by my work, and I like their sandwiches for a quick healthy meal. But given this new advertising campaign, I am going to think long and hard about visiting there ever, ever again. And in the meantime, both the advertising agency and Subway will be getting feedback from me. (The chain can be contacted here, but I’m sure there’s a more direct way.)
Here is the video of the low-self-esteem commercial. As I mentioned above, please keep your eye peeled for any more videos in this campaign. I’ll also add contact information for the chain and for the advertising agency as soon as I’m able to find it. Feel free to provide that info in the comments if you find it. Because you guys, THIS IS NOT OKAY.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advertising, Fatism, Feel Good Friday, Feminism, Food, TV, Video
I don’t eat there. My teen aged son pointed out their commercials to me a awhile back. Those were the ones where folks go through a fast food drive through and get offered saddlebags, etc with their fries. He thought they were really offensive. He won’t eat there now, and he likes their food. I don’t. I think their sandwiches taste terrible and I don’t see what’s so healthy about them. I guess compared to a fast food burger they’re healthy- but most things are. Doesn’t mean when you want a burger you’ll be satisfied with half a piece of cheese and a couple slices of tasteless turkey on stale bread (did I mention I don’t like their food?).
I owe my obsessive showering and perfume wearing to that stereotype that fat people smell bad. I can’t stop worrying about it because I’ve convinced myself it’s true.
ARGH. This is maddening. Especially since I love Subway so much.
I’m sick to death of this idea that fast food = fat. I know people who eat fast food all. the. time and they are stick thin.
Um, wow. Just…wow.
I am not easily offended, but Subway just managed to do it. That blows my mind.
I just saw this commercial for the first time last night, and in addition to “elastic waist pants, seat belt extensions, diet books, and extra-strength deodorant” they also add a therapist and (I can’t remember the exact words) “anti-paranoia pills”.
My jaw honestly hit the floor watching that. I haven’t been a big fan of Subway since they changed the way they made their sandwiches (old skool wedge style FTW!) but this pretty much sealed the deal against them in my mind.
I don’t understand where society gets this idea that fat people smell bad. It has to tie into the stereotype of us being so lazy we don’t even want to take the time to bathe or shower.
Also, I sweat a lot when I get hot or if I’m doing physical activity of any kind—but doesn’t almost everybody? It’s kind of ironic that fat people also get labled as sweating a lot, since we’re not supposed to be doing anything but sitting around and eating, and you don’t sweat doing that, unless your place has no A/C.
Come on haters, make up your minds. You’re getting dumber and dumber all the time with your mixed messages. As for Subway, I’ve never had a sub there. I’m not a big sub eater, but when I want one, I prefer an actual deli sub.
Excuse me, but SUBWAY SMELLS BAD. God, talk about the pot and the kettle. I couldn’t eat there even if I wanted to because of the smell.
I have never liked Subway. I’ll walk a block away to either Panera Bread or Potbelly before I’ll go across the street to Subway. These commercials will keep me from going there.
I’ve been boycotting Subway for awhile because of their insulting ads. I blogged about their ads previously. FAT IS NO WAY TO GO THROUGH LIFE. It’s just like being drunk and stupid! (Animal House reference)
I’m fat, my husband is thin, and he’s the one who sweats all the time and gets stinky.
Yeah, it doesn’t get more blatant than that does it. I think that I will be writing a letter later.
WOW. Holy Shnikey. Dont think I’ll EVER be eating at Subway again, my 6 yr old is gonna hate that. It’s his favorite place.
fillyjonk, I AGREE. Holy crow. There’s a Subway in the dining hall next to my office on campus. Sometimes I gag walking by it. I don’t know what they’re cooking but it smells RANK. Kind of like rancid meat. So really, they’re ones to talk.
Man, just when they were starting to win me back with the catchy “Five Dollar Footlong” song. I’ve seen the new ad a few times, though I’ve never caught the part about deodorant. I do wonder what the hell the deal is with the therapist to “deal with the paranoia” is. Honestly, I always liked Subway, but with this new playground bully ad campaign, I have no desire to give them my business.
Makes me ask “What would fat Jared think?”
Sure, they don’t use him for promotions as much anymore, but when he was still fat, would he find Subway’s commercials funny?
If I was him, about to start eating -insert fast food place- everyday, I would definetly NOT choose Subway from these commercials.
Before reading this, something about these commercials DID bother me, but I wasn’t sure why. I think it’s because they say everything so fast, and I hardly paid attention. But you’re right, it is wrong. I sent a customer feedback form. Everyone else who’s commenting should to! There has to be someone who reads them, and should notice the influx of messages concerning their advertisement and think twice.
You know another commercial that annoys the hell out of me? (it’s on right now) those damn Lipozene commercials.
I almost threw something at the television when I first saw this ad. I tend to stay away from Subway because I really don’t like subs all that much but this sealed it.
This is why I only eat at Quiznos or Blimpie’s when I want a sub….
My bf and I saw this one the other day – he was like, “did they just say ‘deodorant?'” I said, “yes, because you know, fat people smell really, really bad.” *eye roll*
I also really hate the therapist and meds part – not that I think fat folks have any more need for therapy and drugs than anyone else, but if they *did* — geez, Subway do you think it could have anything to do with the rampant spread of the malicious stereotypes found in your commericals?!
It sucks for me because I’m a vegetarian, and Subway is a fast-food place that I count on for a meatless meal. There’s usually a Subway around, even if there aren’t other, slightly higher-end places like Panera. But I think it’s going to take an *emergency* to get me to eat there now.
Last I heard, SUBWAY had its advertising done by an agency in Denver, headed by a fellow called David Smith. Have no idea who buys the airtime for these noxious commercials.
As for SUBWAY’s claims regarding the healthfulness of their product [and by the way, that IS the correct term: food is NOT “healthy” unless it’s still alive; it’s healthFUL], people whose diets preclude the intake of large amounts of salt avoid Subway like plague. One of my thinner friends, diagnosed with high blood pressure not long ago (this is a petite size 8 gal) was told that Subway’s food has an outrageously high sodium content, especially their pressed turkey.
The folks responsible for creating Subway’s ad campaigns have gotten on my nerves for the last time: from now on, I’m taking my sandwich dollars to my local supermarket deli counter.
I happened to catch one of those ads and what kills me is it ends with them advertising how they have so much meat on their sandwiches. Yes because eating your sandwich with lots of meat, mayo, and cheese will be so much more healthier than a burger.
Now that we have a braeda I’ve really gotten over Subway.
I think I took it to mean that fat people sweat more, not necessarily smell bad. But even th at is ridiculous. I mean my roommate is like a size 8 and she sweats like a banshee! She has special prescription deodorant! I however can use the over the counter stuff and I smell lovely thank you!
For anyone who has read it, Subway always reminds me of Famine’s “CHOW” in Good Omens. For those who haven’t read it, that’s Famine of the four horsemen of the apocalypse fame, and he has created completely indigestible foodless food for people to ‘diet’ on. It’s sad, because as another vegetarian pointed out, they are a reliable source of a meatless meal, but I can’t stand how bland their food is!
Ugh. They are the only “fast food” chain I can tolerate eating at (let’s just say I have issues with grease and leave it at that, mmk?). Also when I was a vegetarian it was the only one where I didn’t feel like I was going to accidentally eat some kind of meat juice.
I mean, I’m pretty sweaty right now (probably smelly too), but I’m pretty sure that’s from the mile and a half my wide booty just ran.
Which reminds me, I’ve decided to find a 5K to run, and during the race I want to wear a white tank top and write something along the lines of “OMG! Teh fattyz! Dey runz!” on the back in sharpie…because I’m kind of an asshole. :) Except I’d probably sweat it off and wind up with black marker all over me…but it was an amusing thought to get me through my workout.
Hey, we gots us a troll, and a famous one too! So Chris, tell me when Dateline’s new “To Catch A Fattie Eating at a Fast Food Joint” begins. I can’t wait to see it, since your last “To Catch” series ended up in the toilet when people started not taking it seriously anymore.
Did anyone notice that in the video posted that the lady was willing take everything else along with the “burger combo meal” except for the loss of self-esteem?
We have Subway in the UK, too. Haven’t been in one recently – it’s mainly my husband who goes for them – but having seen this, I’m afraid we’re going to be eating elsewhere.
This stinks of wrong in so many ways I can’t begin to count them.
I stopped eating at Subway long ago when the first started running fat hatred commercials (guy on water skis) and haven’t given them any money since. Those commercials were the last straw anyways since our local Subway couldn’t get my order right, even with me standing there and telling them “I said NO mustard!!!!”
Liza, that’s an AMAZING idea. Have you thought about getting it printed? Or with an iron-on transfer? It would last much longer. You could show it to your grandkids or something. :D
I have banned Subway. Forever.
K, I work at a library, and for some reason, libraries are magnets for stinky people. And those stinky people come in all sizes, trust me. I sure wish they didn’t come here, but they all do…
Unfreakingbelievable. But what else can you expect from a company that is run by a company called Doctor’s Associates, Inc.? Caring and compassion?
Ew ew ew! I agree– what would fat Jared do?
(Here from Feministing. Great blog!)
I have been boycotting Subway for awhile and will continue to do so!!! Does anyone have their address to write and tell them?
I am so glad you are addressing this! Every time I see that commercial I get pissed off and change the channel.
fillyjonk … WORD!
There’s a Subway on my block and sometimes I gag just walking by there. I can’t imagine what’s in there that’s making that smell, but I sure can promise you that I’m never going to be eating any of it.
Getting urpy just thinking about it.
fetchfox, I did notice that, too, and I almost thought it made that commercial a milli-smidge less offensive than the other one. But that’s like comparing poo to slightly less stinky poo.
(Although, I sort of chuckled at the fast-food worker in the back screaming, “no substitutions!”)
If Subway smells it’s probably because the food isn’t fresh. They tend to change the dates on the sandwich toppings if they still seem fresh rather than replacing them.
Mo, I saw this commercial yesterday (for the second time) – I’d noticed the “deodorant” remark the first time I saw it. Last night – no deodorant, they took that part out. Interesting, no?
The Subway shop I go to smells like fresh baked bread – yummy! And, I guess I’m in the minority because I don’t find either of those ads offensive.
That ad was an eyeroller.
But it’s incredible how much you can internalize fat phobia. Just today, I had a sobering experience. A fat woman was in the convenience store today. I was behind her in line, another fat woman in Texas wanting a cool fountain drink. I suddenly smelled mildew. Strongly. I started to get mad at the woman in front of me for not drying her clothes as soon as the washer stopped (that’s what makes my clothes smell like that) and why she wanted to perpetuate the stereotype of smelly, sweaty fat people.
The smell wasn’t coming from her. It was coming from the dank, dirty bucket an employee had been using to mop the floor.
I couldn’t believe I made such an assumption.
Hello again. I thought I’d share with you the email response I received back from the complaint I filed. Not a lot of help…. I wonder if it was personally written to me :O
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dear Ms. *********:
Thank you for taking the time to share your comments.
We were sorry to hear that you were offended by one of our recent television
commercials. We can assure you that no harm was intended and we apologize
for causing you concern.
The SUBWAYR Advertising Department works with a Board of Trustees, as well
as a national advertising agency and several local advertising agencies, to
develop national advertising that tells customers about our great products.
In addition, all of our ads are tested with numerous consumers before they
are aired to ensure that the overall reactions to the commercials are
positive. Our ads are meant to be fun and humorous and it was never our
intention to offend.
As a leader in the sandwich-making industry, we want sub-lovers everywhere
to know that SUBWAYR is dedicated to the concerned citizens that have helped
us grow our business. Again, thank you for taking the time to express your
views. Your input and concern is appreciated.
Rosemary Crispin x8201
Customer Care Representative
Customer ID: 1577415
I think Subway needs to fire their advertising people. I love Subway sandwhiches, despite their God awful advertising. I think they should say, “Listen, if the best you (advertisement) can come up with, are ads either making fun of the competition, or ads making fun of fat people, then you do not belong in advertisement.”
Seriously, it seems sometimes they’ll just hire anyone to go into advertising, morals or not.
I don’t know what it is, but Subway always smells weird to me too. Not exactly appetizing.
These terrible commercials show how ingrained the fear and hatred of fat are in our society. Many fat people won’t find them the least bit offensive and will consider going on the Subway “diet” because of them, I’m sure.
And yes, I also think Subway reeks, and they get my order wrong, too. How that is possible, I don’t even know.
Thanks, Cyn. I hadn’t thought of iron-on.
I signed up for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in Central Park in September. We’ll see if I actually have the ovaries to do that when race day actually comes around. I guess I need to become able to run 3.2 miles now…
Anyhoo…I should mention I’ve never seen the deodorant part of the ad, but I do remember the one where one of the sides was “loss of boyfriend” and I remember being disgusted both by the idea that a) no man could ever love a fatty (I think many people on here who are happily married/in relationships will vouch that THAT isn’t true) and that b) women are primarily concerned about their weight in order to please teh menz.
My weight loss has been about how I feel. People need to stop assuming they know why someone has made a decision like that.
Lois how is it possible they can get the order wrong? It’s the same reason that McDonalds, Burger King ect. gets your order wrong. These resturants hire the lowest denominator of employee.
I know some people think it’s racist to yell at someone who does appear to understand you. However, when they’re at a job, their job is to understand you.
I usually will talk to them like they’re children, because they tend to be at the mental level of a grammer school kid. You have to watch them make the sandwhich, you have to point out when they make a mistake and say “no no no, that was wrong.” like you would to a child. Is that insulting, to treat someone like that, for most people yes. Alot of times it can’t be helped, that is really the only way they will understand you. I think the managers are too lazy to bother training their employees, and leave that job up to the customers.
I saw a Subway ad a couple times a day, that came across like 2 schoolyard bullies trying to crack each other up.
“If he eats at the fast food place, like he’ll have to wear pants with a waistband”
“Haw haw haw, and have to use a seatbelt extender!”
“Oh don’t forget he’s paranoid too, cause fat people are dumb, and there’s no reality to them whining that people make fun of them”
“Yeah, and they’ll need a shrink to whine to, cause they have so many problems, and nobody listens to them…cause they’re fat!”
*both losers laugh like crazy*
Seriously, I think that’s who they’re hiring for advertising. Idiots who think, cause they think making infantile schoolbaby jokes about people who are different, everyone else will find it funny too.
Thank Heavens my husband and I aren’t the only ones who found the deoderant commercial offensive.I had to rewind it,cause I thought I was hearing it wrong.I used to eat at Subway once in awhile,but never again.I agree with many of you they need to either fire their advertising people or get new consumers to try them out on.Cause they are not funny commercials at all.Overweight people have it hard enough in society without Subway adding fuel to the fire.They better take a second look at the commercials before they send them out into the communities.I know plenty of thinner people who smell like they haven’t showered in a year.And I also know many overweight people who don’t smell at all.Shame on Subway,and shame on anyone who agrees with their commercials.
OK…I actually saw the deodorant one last night…I honestly wouldn’t have noticed the deodorant if it hadn’t been on here, because either they put the item out without actually saying it or it was going too fast for me to catch. Either way, the whole commercial is ick. I don’t need elastic waist pants, thanks, I wear jeans too, they just involve a little more denim.
I suppose their reasoning is that fat people sweat more.
Like Brittney, I wrote to complain. I got the exact same reply, word-for-word, except with my name at the beginning, a different customer service rep’s name at the end (but the same extension), and a different customer ID #.
I actually find this encouraging, because it means they’re getting enough complaints to be worth drafting a carefully-worded standard reply.
Although, on further reading, it might be the reply they use all the time for all their ad campaigns. It’s not very specific.
Anyone else notice the counter boy is Marc’s boyfriend (Cliff) off Ugly Betty?
The “Ugly Betty News” site is calling the ad funny.
I love their food… but they will no longer have my business until they pull these offensive ads and apologize. I can make my own damn tuna sandwiches.
Having back-read the comments: Brittney, that letter you got sounds more like “we’re sorry if you don’t have a sense of humor” than a real apology.