Two Meta Notes
First, I’ve registered for BlogHer, which will be in San Francisco on July 18-20. I’m trying to plan a BFD meetup as part of the BlogHer conference, and the organizers have told me there’s a good chance they will be able to accommodate us. So hooray! If you’re going to BlogHer or thinking about it, let me know. I’ll keep you posted on what type of pass you will need to attend the BFD event. I’m really looking forward to hanging out with the BFDivas in person!
Secondly, the blog will be on hiatus next week—or at least I will. I’m not promising I won’t post anything, or that Weetabix won’t, but as of this very moment, I need to take a break for a little while. I’ll post an open thread each day for general chatter. See you soon!
Posted by mo pie
I’ve been thinking of going to some part of BlogHer, but since I also have NAAFA happening around that time, I imagine I’m going to be a bit conned out. Still it would be lovely to have a meet-up with anyone there.
I’d love to go to BlogHer but airfare requires signing over your firstborn child. Good luck at the event!
I may not do the whole conference but I am totally down for driving up and doing the BFD part!
I am SO THERE. Yeah!
I’ll be at BlogHer. Count me in!
I bet Jennette is thrilled to hear that your readers will be congregating at BlogHer. She might need to pack some heat.
LOVE your blog! – just discovered it through Squidoo lensmaster BigGirlBlue. I’m going to take some time and read through your archives. Also, just checked out BlogHer and joined…what a good day!
Breaks are so important to take when needed. Have a good rest!
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Straggler here…count me in for the meetup. :)