Celebrity Fatwatch: K-Fed
So, apparently Kevin Federline has gained some weight and the gossip blogs are buzzing about it. In a way, it’s refreshing to see people care about the weight of a male celebrity for a change. His publicist had this to say:
“Since when does a picture qualify the New York Post to assume someone is not healthy?” Federline’s publicist, Marilyn Lopez, fumed. “Golfing over the week end doesn’t sound terminal to me.”
It’s a good point—it’s the whole “let’s mock fat people exercising” thing. But that’s the whole point of celebrities: we see photos of them and judge them! For instance, in the golfing photo, I judge K. Fed’s horrible hair. Where have you been, Marilyn Lopez?
Also, if the story is true that he warned a restaurant not to serve dessert to Britney because she was too fat, maybe this is just karma. On the other hand, why would a restaurant refuse service to Britney on K-Fed’s say-so? Implausible.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Britney Spears, Celebrities, Feminism, Gossip, Tidbit
The man has stuffed a jacket into his shirt – it’s not weight gain.
I find it hard to believe he’s gained that much weight in such a short time, too… I’ll totally buy that it’s a jacket.
I’d totally buy that he’s got something stuffed in there- it looks all weird!
I also hope that rumor about him isn’t true- not that I dig K-Fed but that would make me HATE him, rather than just be ambivalent.
that is NOT a belly. it’s either the abovementioned jacket in his shirt or it’s photoshopped.
I agree it doesn’t look like his body, though why he would store something like a jacket in the stomach of his shirt… Oh my. Anyway something that bothered me in the caption of his picture and in general lately is the throwing around of the term cankles. Everyone has cankles these days. The think is, I can clearly see his calf, his foot and a thing in between. Doesn’t that mean he has normal -ankles-?
I’m pretty sure there are golf-balls in his shirt or something similar.
I think he’s pregnant.
It does kind of look like golf balls, but… why would he need thirty golf balls in his shirt? I’m going with “pregnant.”
I think he has golf balls in his shirt so that he can do multiple tee offs. In other words, hit the ball, pull another from his shirt, hit the ball again. It sounds silly to me, but then the whole concept of golf always seemed a bit silly too, so what do I know.
Either way, I don’t care what this guy or Britney or any of the other celebrities are doing. I wish we could stop paying attention to such useless and uninteresting people.
I can’t believe a blog I like so much actually got me to go look at a picture of Mr. Federline and a gossip piece about him being fat. I never thought I’d stoop so low. Sigh.
Well one thing’s for sure – he doesn’t have “cankles.” I have one cankle but that’s because I have huge scar tissue on one ankle from a car accident many years ago so it just goes from foot to calf. Very few people I see have cankles, though some do have swelling of the ankles.
And, er – that totally looks like golf balls – it’s all little round lumps. Jeesh.
Though to be honest I couldn’t pick the guy out of a lineup – I’ve never followed this particular media debacle.
and REALLY there is just so much more for which we can mock the Fed-Ex——leave his weight out of it.
maybe he tucked one of his kids in there. he is superdad these days, isn’t he? i think it’s sweet. aw.
Bit of a stretch to call him a celebrity, don’t you think?
This is so OT but I just read a story about how Katie Price wanted real women to model her new lingerie line instead of just her celebrity self. There is a pic here. Apparently she thinks celebrities present a non-realistic standard and wanted women to see that her line is designed for ALL women.
Just thought yall would like that :)
That’s not a real belly. He’s got something stuffed in his shirt. Doesn’t take much to make some people believe anything!
He’s obviously just trying to get more publicity, and it worked!
I was standing in line peering over someone’s shoulder at the picture of K-fed trying to figure out who it was. I don’t even think it was him. And if he gaining it’s probably for a movie role. Which is usually the only reason men get fat (insert sarcasm).
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