The Full Body Project On The Colbert Report
Leonard Nimoy was on The Colbert Report last night talking about his book of photography, and why his book should be on every coffee table in America. It was so exciting!
The audience cheers for the women pictured (note that these are nude photos and might not be work safe), Nimoy makes some great points, and Colbert breaks out his trademark satire to great effect.
Here’s my problem with it, mister. Society has agreed what beautiful is: blonde, thin, big tits. This is questioning what society has agreed upon!
What I seem to hear you saying is that ‘everybody is beautiful.’ What kind of message is that? There’s nothing to shoot for then!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Art, Fat Positive, Feel Good Friday, Humor, NSFW, TV, Video
Whoa. I think BFD hates that I heart Stephen!
That can’t be right. We all heart Stephen!
I enjoy how, for just a split second, Colbert looks somewhat abashed at having said “tits.”
Awesome. This is a double wonderful for me, since I adore Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek ;)
I especially loved at the end that Stephen asked for some naked Len!
But I too wanted to hug Leonard Nimoy when he said that this book belonged on every coffee table but especially in homes with teenaged girls because they needed to realize that bodies are beautiful. He seems so incredibly earnest.
As soon as I walked in the door, my bf told me about this. He said it was super! I’m about to watch :)
I watched this last night as well. I was worried because as much as I love Craig Furgeson, he was kind of an ass when he had Nimoy on his show. But Colbert was awesome and I love him even more!!!
It was a wonderful interview and very funny.
We’re not Leonard Nimoy but a bunch of un-famous women got together to make a short film that shows all types of women’s bodies–similar to this, but not just heavy women–all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors.
It’s called “Fifty Nude Women.”
(I posted this link a couple days ago for the 14-year old too, but I keep posting too late for anyone to read it!)
I hope some of you will check this project out. We made this as a simple resource for people to be able to see realistic images of women’s bodies, as opposed to the hyper-idealized pop-culture stereotypes.
Sorry if “double-posting” is bad form, though.
I love Stephen Colbert. Hilarious. (And I love that Leonard could get his earnest message across but still have a sense of humor. Awesome!)
I really do love Stephen Colbert. His ironic sarcasm is the only way they allow his opinions to stay on the air.
My AIM screenname for many years was spockissexy.
I rest my case.
This is why Stephen Colbert is beautiful. I love the ‘candid snapshot at the mall’ and I love Henry Mattis.
Boo, comedy central videos won’t play in Canada. Anyone know if I can see this somewhere else? It hasn’t been youtubed.
We’re regular Colbert Report watchers here but we haven’t watched this episode yet (will tonight, thank you Tivo). Sounds fantastic.
I was so happy to see that last night, and I was wondering if anyone would blog about it. I actually kind of know one of the models (the lady furthest left in the descending staircase picture) through her pictures at deviantART. I thought Nimoy was great, Colbert had an appropriate sense of humor about the whole thing, and he gets extra brownie points for not asking Len *giggle* if he personally found his models sexually appealing like most other interviewers. And I have to admit, it really did make me smile when I heard an appreciative “Yeow!” when one of the pictures was displayed.
I don’t particularly care for Stephen Colbert, but I can tell you that I’ve officially transferred all of my Alton Brown love to Leonard Nimoy.
That was one of the funniest and simultaniously touching clips I’ve seen.
Leonard Nimoy is an awesome guy.
I do love me some Colbert. And now some Nimoy. Never was a Star Trek fan, but I’ll definitely have to check out his book.
for the first time ever I saw carson kressleys new show last night…AMAZING.
different but the same as leonard nimoy.
will the world change?
we can only hope.
Eden, Try here
There are video clips.
“What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!” to both of those guys.
Oh, wait, isn’t that the clip in Mo’s post?
It was wonderful. I loved the way Leonard Nimoy laughed.
We’re in Canada, so we can’t watch the ComCentral clip. We’re on Linux, so we can’t watch the MS-proprietary clip on the Comedy Network site.
Hubby is now torrenting it. I WILL SEE MY NIMOY, DAGNABBIT!!!
I loooove Stephen so much. And Leonard Nimoy. I knew he was going places when he did that Bilbo Baggins song. ;-)
Though I’ll admit I’m a little paranoid after the whole Alton Brown thing- I’m now worried that someday I’m going to read something about the tv personalities that I love so dearly being anti-fat. And that would make me sad.
Leonard Nimoy, yah! I am going to buy a million copies of this book and send it to my sister and mother and friends! is it wrong to find leonard nimoy a little delicious in this video? naw!
Coming back to say:
that was fabulous!
Leonard Nimoy and Jane Fonda are my heroes this week. Ah, septuagenarians, how I love you.
Hubby wants to know if any of the FBP images are available in poster form — has anyone seen such a thing? We’ve been looking for something new for our living room wall. :)
Stephen! Leonard!
The giggling!
Yay Leonard Nemoy. I always knew he was awesome but I think he’s now officially one of my favourite people.
Go Nimoy! That’s the way to be, I’m so excited now, one of my favorite people is body positive!
Amanda: Aha, torrenting! Brilliant idea.
Leonard Nemoy thinks size acceptance is logical. Who are we to argue with a Vulcan?
Awesome! Nice show it is ! I really love it and everything I’ve read by Leonard Nimoy so far. His book “Full Body Project” is my favorite: , and I really appreciate the larger female form he showed us, and think that is a celebration of beauty. Huh!
It’s great to see Comedy Central audiences cheering him on.
Sweet. I need to buy that book right now. ^_^
For other Canadians, I was finally able to see it using IE (I usually use Firefox). The video stuttered, but the sound was fine.
Loved it – wish it was longer!