WALL-E: Funny Or Offensive?
So, I listen to this Disney podcast called Magical Definition (hey, I enjoy Disneyland) and they were talking about an upcoming Pixar movie called WALL-E; perhaps you’ve seen the previews for it? It looks super cute.
Jim Hill talked about the test screenings for WALL-E on the podcast, and he also mentions it on his blog (bolding mine):
Well, “WALL-E” has had several test screenings over the past six months. And while audiences have supposedly fallen in love with the movie’s title character, they have also reportedly raised some concerns about this new Andrew Stanton film. Which allegedly has been described ” … as the darkest motion picture that Pixar has ever produced.”
Among the issues that these test audiences have supposedly cited are “WALL-E” ‘s depressing settings (i.e. The first act of this film is set on Earth 700 years from now, where — thanks to humanity’s wasteful ways — our planet is now basically one big trash heap floating in space) as well as the picture’s depiction of people (i.e. In the future, mankind has grown so slothful that everyone weighs 500 pounds and has lost the ability to walk on their own. Which is why we all make use of these devices that look like floating barcaloungers).
On the podcast, Jim says “to certain audience segments, that’s not satirical and funny and light, that’s kind of offensive.” So, I can’t decide. Is it mocking the “obesity epidemic” or is it mocking obese people? And if they’re still tweaking the movie, how can they fix it?
Posted by mo pie
hey, Jeremy. no need to be rude when defending a movie that you liked. i guess you totally missed the message of this movie, [which i liked very much, btw].
Hey, I watched wall-e myself and (spoiler alert)
In the end of the movie the humans rebuild earth and start LOSING weight.
Really I dont know why people are being extremely offended of this movie. IT IS JUST A MOVIE! Movies are not real. (and if you think so you need to get outside a actually live a life)