I Hope We Do You Proud
Rachel posted this today:
I received a call today inviting me to be on Fox’s Morning Show with Mike and Juliet on Monday morning in New York. The fabulous Lara Frater and maybe one other blogger will be joining me in response to the New York Times article on fat acceptance bloggers.
Wait, wait. Here’s the best part. We’re on with a Dr. Jennifer Ashton and….. drum roll…. Meme Roth.
I had vowed never to mention Roth’s name on my blog – she’s vile and I don’t want my blog’s good karma tainted with her hate-mongering – so I never thought I’d ever share oxygen with the woman. But the chance to promote the idea of fat and body size acceptance on a national platform is too good to pass up.
My friends, “maybe one other blogger” is yours truly. I am still in Colorado for the gallery opening, and I am headed off to some events and things today. I haven’t had time to look at clips of the show or anything– although Ian tells me today’s segment is “What Wives Need To Know About Money,” which is just silly. What do wives need to know about money? We just do whatever our husbands tell us!
I am very excited and terrified, by the way. I need some happy good luck vibes!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advocacy, Feel Good Friday, TV
Mo, wow! Just wow!
I don’t know if I could stand to sit next to Meme Roth for assuming Jordin Sparks will die of diabetes just because she admitted she likes junk food and is larger than the girls Simon would like to get jiggy with.
Congrats! You’ve put a ton of work into BFD, and its only fair that its getting you even more fun activities out of the deal. Now go on up there and hit a home run :)
Can you get some kind of official “okay” to embed the video of your appearance on your blog? Seems only reasonable…
I was so excited when they told me today you are going to be on! Unfortunately, it appears as if it will be just you and I versus Roth and the doctor, but Lara will be in the audience sending us good karma vibes.
We’re getting in NY midday – we should totally do dinner together Sunday night.
You and Rachel will both wow them, I’m sure. :D Like Marianne said, Awesomeness all around! Congrats! *clap*
Hooray and good luck!
Congrats!! I don’t have cable, so hopefully someone puts up a link to YouTube or something once this airs – I’d love to see it. You will totally do us proud!!!
How cool! Good luck :)
Wow, Mo! How exciting and wonderful! Hopefully it’ll end up on YouTube because I’d really like to see it. Also, I don’t know who this Roth woman is, but she sounds kinda icky.
If they introduce Meme Wrath as an “obesity expert” (or worse, “noted obesity expert”), I hope one of you corrects them that she’s an image consultant, which might explain why she thinks she can tell somebody’s health by looking at them.
Good luck! We’re all pulling for you!
Uhg! I wish the dating site spamming the comments here would STOP!
Wow! That is so cool. Good luck!!!
Rob Riggle interviewed Roth on The Daily Show last year. It’s a classic. http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=127672&title=cupcakes
Good luck, Mo! I’m sure you’ll do great!
Wow! Much good fortune to both of you (you don’t need luck when you have right on your side), remember that you have a lot of people who wish you the best, and don’t let the Momrath outgrabe you!
15 minutes is fast on its way to becoming 9 Days Wonder!
OK, now I get it. She wanted to give Jordan Sparks the _image_ of being fat and diabetic.
Oh, I hope you’ll YouTube this, I’m just dying to see it. You’ll have to be stronger women than I; I’d have to strangle Roth on sight :P
Sweet! You go girl! When will the show air?
Ohmigod… good luck! That lady makes me super ill! (Meme Roth, not the chick on the morning show…)
She makes me super ill, too. I think she’s one step too far onto the path of the psychotic.
I gave this to Rachel. Here is your copy:
OK. Just a few things. ‘Cause I’m sure you have your own talking points.
WEAR STRONG SOLID PRIMARY COLORS. Think primary – red, yellow, blue.
No little prints; no checks. Confuses the camera.
Subject. Verb,. Object.
We progressives tend to get caught up in the profundity of our genius. And we’re smart, but it’s one of the reasons Senator Kerry was defeated. His sentences were TOO LONG for the American sound-bite mind.
Plus, it’s Fox. :D
FRAME SENTENCES IN POSITIVES, NOT NEGATIVES. If you say “Fat is not bad”, the audience will hear “Fat is Bad”. Say “Fat is Good”. (I’m simplifying, of course.)
WEAR MORE MAKEUP THAN YOU THINK YOU NEED. Otherwise the camera will wash you out.
(If you want to know how come I know all this, it’s cause I do it for a living, in a way. But you don’t have a lot of time for prep. Oh — one more thing — ASK AGAIN if anyone else will be there in your segment. Then if they’re honest with you, you can be prepared, and if they’re not honest, you don’t have to answer.)
P.S. Take her down.
LOL, littlem, that was so short, yet poigniant. Loved it! And good luck Rachel and Mo!
awesome! at last, my hatred of meme roth and my love for you will intermingle publicly… on fox! not how i pictured it happening, but…. good luck and knock em (er, her) dead!
Kick asses and take names!
just be yourself–no agenda, no plan, just yourself. i think your honest self is going to be the most powerful thing you’re bringing to the table. can’t wait to watch!
and Sony, that link to the cupcake segment on the daily show…AWESOME!!!
Are you coming to NY for it? If you are, email me I’d love to see you for a second or two!
All the best with the interview, that is very cool :)
Good luck! can’t wait to hear how it goes. punch meme roth in the face, that would be awesome!
Hey, I just found a website that makes me sad. it’s http://www.theskinnywebsite.com If you look in the about page she says that the pro-fat movement is bad because it’s dangerous and unhealthy, but that she has no problem with anorexics because of some live and let live that she preaches but obviously does not practice. the website is apparently pretty huge.
Congratulations, I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see it when it gets up on teh tubez…break a leg!
Good luck. I know you will be totally fab.
Sony, that daily show segment with Roth and Dr. Riggle is hilarious!! I love how they mock her :D Good luck to you two going on the show – better you than me (I’m nervous just thinking about it.) I’m sure you’ll do everyone very proud :)
GO MO GO! I am so bloody excited for you! Good luck comrade!!!!
Go Mo! Yay! This is so exciting!
I was offline most of the weekend but I heard the news from Weetabix. Yay!!!!