15 Minutes Continued…
With an article at ABC News online. I haven’t had a chance to do more than skim it (although I didn’t say 1,500 comments per day, I said 1,500 visits per day). But look at the pretty screen shot!
Posted by mo pie
With an article at ABC News online. I haven’t had a chance to do more than skim it (although I didn’t say 1,500 comments per day, I said 1,500 visits per day). But look at the pretty screen shot!
Posted by mo pie
The big fat awesomeness continues! Well done, Mo!!!
How dare you fatty fats get publicity and be happy with yourself and confident?!! Bleaaahhh!!! You cause all my problems!!! Go back to Fattyville where you came from!!!
(Just wanted to be the first hater, that’s all.)
Oh girl. I am so proud of you!
(And I cannot BELIEVE the trolls lately. And I love how Wendy can’t help herself and still sounds coherent even when she’s trying to hate. SPELL WORSER, WENDY. EVEN MORE EXCALAMATUN POINTS.)
The article is good, the comments are just so very, very bad. I skimmed, but they seemed about 90% hateful.
The biggest thing I don’t understand is the haters unwillingness to hear the metabolism argument.
It’s like…I am fat partially because I have an eating disorder (compulsive/binge eating), but also partially becuase of poor genes. My VERY thin sister and I ate the exact same stuff growing up and played outside the same amount, and both played sports and were active kids. But she was always skinny as a rail and I was always a little chunk of chub. Because our metabolisms were so very, very different. WHY is that so hard to believe?
I’ve grown more obese in adult life in part because of an eating disorder I likely developed as a coping mechanism to deal with all the haters. If I’d had loving acceptance growing up I might just be happy and chunky rather than a good 100 pounds above what my setpoint likely is. Sigh (headdesk)
Yay, Mo! I am proud of you, too. Yup. :)
Well done, Mo.
God, I’m so sick of the “lazy” comments.
“WHY is that so hard to believe?”
Because people hate critical thinking even more than they hate teh fattiez.
Go Mo!
The recent mainstream media coverage of the fatosphere has confirmed something that I have long suspected: The bloggers are all thirty-somethings.
Where are the fat-but-fit 50-year-old fat acceptance bloggers?
Aren’t bloggers in general more likely to be thirtysomethings? We’re kind of the first blog generation.
I’m not blogging about it–I’m not sure I could manage to give a blog the attention it deserves–but this 44-year-old comments the heck out of it here and at Elastic Waist.
For the record, I don’t love my body, and I don’t hate it. I accept it. Believe me, that was quite an achievement for me.
Congrats x200.
It’s too bad that the picture on the ABC website accompanying the story is supposed to be a picture of a “fat woman.”
Is that what ABC thinks is fat? Holy crap.
Mike, I’m 44. And Vesta44 of BigFatDelicious is 54.
You go Mo!
I’m a 47 year old fatty. I’m not in the fat-but-fit category yet, but I’m working on it. Yeah, I’d heard of blogs but was clueless about them. I started my blog after reading a Blogging for Dummies book.
I’m very proud of all you “youngsters”. I’m sure more of us aging fatties will be along eventually.
aka Big Fat Kiss
I am a 61 year old fat woman, and I would love to blog, but I am a little un-tech to do it!
Ha! The Fatosphere is on MSN’s A-list search today. Of course, it’s a bit…condescendingly worded, but still. We certainly are getting a lot of attention this week!
My mother blogs. She’s 57. She doesn’t concentrate on body stuff, though she’s written the odd entry.
I’m not a thirtysomething either (28).
Wendy, you are awesome! (And you got me into this, as the first blogger – of any kind – I ever read.)
Mike, I’ll be 49 quite shortly and am sometimes known to blog.
All haters, be they fat bigots, religious bigots, racists, or homophobes, are insecure and hate themselves most of all. I imagine it is very threatnening to see fat people fight back, because fat is a publically acceptable prejudice. Good Lord! Now they might have to stop projecting their own issues on to others and start looking inward!
“Fat can be beautiful. Intolerance is ALWAYS ugly!”
p.s. 47 here!
I was having a problem with the picture of the woman myself. She looks normal, not fat. Most women have curves and most men like them.