Thank You, New York Times…
…for featuring this blog in today’s Science Times section. I haven’t even had a chance to sit down and read the article, because I’ve been so busy at my actual job. But it’s been fun to get a huge spike in hits, many emails letting me know that people saw the article, and even some comments that validate the entire existence of blogs like this, such as:
Do you all really think that by discussing your fat-asses in a blog like this that the rest of the world will still not point and laugh, or loose their appetite upon seeing you in public. Personally, I think if blogging will keep you all at home and out of the public eye GREAT!
One would think a New York Times reader would be more erudite; I’m sure all the other NYT readers are!
Big Fat Deal is a body positive blog that is sort of a gateway drug to the fat acceptance movement. I hope you’ll stick around, poke through the archives, and find out what we’re all about.
As soon as I get a spare moment to read the article and the other fatosphere responses to the New York Times piece, I will. In the meantime, welcome!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advocacy, Fat Positive, Media, Meta
“But I find it equally contemptible to sweep science under the rug because it’s not politically correct.”
Do you apply this philosophy to ALL things, or just fat people? Scientists are not exempt from human prejudice, and will pick out studies supporting their own personal beliefs. You can claim to be sympathetic to the obese, but your posts here say otherwise.
And an “overwhelming scientific consensus?” I beg to differ on that point. Science is helpful, but it’s not the grand god of humanity either. There are so many exceptions to the rules.
The thing about being fat is that I do not look how I feel inside.I will put on a nice dress, put on my make-up, and leave the house feeling great. Then, I will get a glimpse of myself in a store window and I look horrible. Why do I even try to look nice. I used to be pretty when I was thinner and younger. I STILL FEEL PRETTY, but I try to look nice, and it never works.I am sick of being fat.