Leave The Gordita Alone!
She lost her kids, she’s losing her dogs, she might be going bankrupt, she’s made a sex tape, her house was robbed, and TMZ and Chris Crocker each owe her one, big time. And it’s totally Taco Bell’s fault!
[D]o you think some of Britney’s downward spiral might be her toxic diet? We’re glad she was out having fun this weekend with sis Jamie Lynn, but maybe Brit could dial down the snarfing—as seen in the above trip to Tacky Bell.
Sometimes, fast-food swings = mood swings. At least that has been our experience, not to mention Morgan Spurlock’s. (Anyone see Super Size Me?)
Sure, we love our trash food from time to time, but this mac-and-cheese mama might feel and look better if she avoided the Travis Bickle Taxi Driver diet.
Oh give me a neglectful mother-effing break, E! Online. Here’s a video of her allegedly going to a restaurant. To eat food. Avert your eyes!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Britney Spears, Celebrities, Fatism, Video
While it does SEEM like Brit eats a lot of junky fast food (because, let’s face it, all the tabloids post are the few pictures of her at the drive-thru! where are the pictures of her at the grocery store? not as titilating, huh?), it doesn’t mean that’s ALL she eats or that it’s causing ALL her problems. I wish more people would actually try to HELP her, rather than slam her, exploit her, and generally salivate over her “fall from grace”. It’s disgusting!
Holy Fucking Gods! (sorry for the swearing, but really…)
Do we think that maybe the reason that she’s gone a little crazy is because she can’t leave her driveway without calling the police to clear the paparazzi? And how would she even grocery shop? No wonder she goes through drive-thrus. She can’t leave her car.
Jesus Christ.
First of all, sometimes a taco is just a freakin’ taco, people.
And secondly? I don’t really watch regular TV, so maybe I just haven’t seen things like that video in a long time, but seriously – if that kind of shit happened to me every time I left my freakin’ house? I’d lose my shit in about a WEEK. How the fuck is she even supposed to drive after getting camera flashes in her face by the dozen??
A little taco bell now and then isn’t going to hurt you. But OTOH, she has been photographed eating a lot more junk food than healthy food, and missing out on good nutrition can affect your mood. Though maybe nobody takes pictures when she’s eating an apple or a nice nourishing bowl of chicken soup.
Okay, I have enough on my plate (pun totally intended) just trying to find organic, fair trade, local food to shove in my own face – let alone scrutinize anybody else’s eating habits. How sad a commentary is it on the lives of these hacks that they think the most productive use for their time is to follow around pop stars (troubled or otherwise) and keep a food diary? SAD.
Ugh, Morgan Spurlock. While I did think he had a couple of valid points, his movie was so disrespectful towards fat people that I couldn’t take it seriously. I feel sorry for Britney Spears; if I had her life I’m sure I’d behave way worse than she does (if she does – I don’t follow it all that closely). I guess it’s too much to ask for the paparazzi to mind their own business, though.
I was in the checkout line at the grocery store, and one of the horrible tabloids had a cover featuring a younger, hard-body Britney, and then a photo of a *shocking* 160-pound Britney (puh-lease), with the headline “Britney hits rock bottom.” They focused on some (Photoshop-enhanced) weight gain as evidence that her life has fallen apart, not the booze, or the drugs, or losing her kids, or whatever. Just horrible. Leave the woman alone already.
I was never a fan of Britney, but I couldn’t live in that spotlight 24/7 either. I can only imagine what the tabloids would make of the fender-bender I had recently if I were famous. “Chubby MizShrew cracks, rams stranger in parking lot rampage!” Um, no.
And what damn business is it of anybody’s if she lives on Taco Bell? Seriously. Might not be ideal, and I’m sure it isn’t true, but even if it were? Not anybody’s damn business.
I saw that tabloid that claimed she’s 160 too. NO WAY. She might be 145 soaking wet. Face it, the girl had probably THE best body in the world and then she had two kids in like 6 months…now she just has a body, that many of us regular people would kill for, but in Hollywood is not acceptable because she’s *GASP* a size 6.
I would imagine she’s doing a lot of stress eating these days. ummm, let me think about this, before during college exam finals I’m pretty sure I ate every meal at McDonald’s for about 3 weeks straight. The woman just lost her kids. Cut her some slack, if she wants to eat a taco, let her eat a taco!!!
It kills me that people call her fat.
I agree 100 %
When I watched the (admitedly lackluster VMA performance) I wanted to cry that the Associated Press bothered to do a story about whether or not Britney is fat. The AP was careful to get a lot of voices in the story, but I wanted to cry.
I wish all of my running and exercise would leave me looking one-tenth as toned and slim as Britney.
The papparrazzi (sp?) are harrassing the poor girl and I honestly think they’d be thrilled if she ended up ODing or committing suicide so that they’d have more to write about.
They disgust me and I refuse to watch ANY tabloid stories….even then they make the regular news.
Um…I’m confused. I left a comment here earlier. Was it rejected because I used some profanity? It would be good to know so I can edit appropriately in the future. Kthx
It wasn’t rejected, it was just held for moderation because of the profanity. But thanks for bringing it to my attention; I was able to search my email, find the message right away, and approve it. (I might have accidentally deleted it.)
If anyone ever sees their comment disappear, it’s not because I’ve deleted it! It’s the spam filters. Just let me know and I’ll fix it. Thanks!
OMG, if going out to eat, even at Taco Bell, becomes a giant production like the above video I wonder what it would be like for Brit to try to go to the grocery store. I bet that’s why there are no pictures of her at the grocery store, because it would be impossible for her to do it. Hopefully she’s got people to do grocery shopping for her, because to have to deal with that every day would drive me to drugs and drink too. The paparazzi seriously need to be given some guidelines. I don’t think anyone would trade normality for fame if they knew they’d get harassed like in that video. It actually makes me feel sorry for her.
I think the reason people are giving Britney such a hard time about her weight is because, yes, she did have 2 kids and it’s normal for her body to look like that, but to be a pop star dancing like she does, she needs to be more in shape than what she was at VMAs. I mean, she took a long break from working when she was pregnant, and it took a toll on her body. It was just too soon for her to try and start back up already without any warming up, as would it be for anyone who has a physically straining job.
Now, besides the fact that she put on weight due to pregnancy, I know people that used to work with Britney, and has been known to eat way too much junk food. Plus she’s no stranger to diet pills, laxatives, overexercising before a show or a big event, and her weight would drastically fluctuate.
I saw the video to her new song. Kinda boring but if anyone sees that can can still think Brit is fat needs to get their vision checked!
Ashley, I still don’t think it’s any of our business whether or not Britney eats “way too much junk food.” Who determines that, anyway? At the end of the day it’s still her choice.
Certainly as an entertainer she puts herself out there, and we can look at a particular performance and say, “yeah, she wasn’t looking/sounding so good that day.” Whatever. That may, or may not, have anything to do with whether or not she ate Taco Bell.
And, again, we see everything out of context, even if it is “I know someone who” or whatever. Everything we see and hear about famous people is filtered in one way or another: given a positive spin by their publicist or manager, or a sensationalist spin by the tabloids and the entertainment shows, or simply subject to the personal opinions of the friend-of-a-friend that we hear stuff from. Most of it is pure BS anyway.
Yes, certain things we do see out of context, but some things are just there right in your face and you see with your own eyes. Britney’s performance for example. We all saw it with out own eyes. We know for a fact that she did that performance not too long after having 2 kids and in the midst of having a long list of personal issues, emotional and mental problems she’s been having. It’s obvious that she was not in good shape.
My take on the whole Britney thing is:
She has problems like everybody else. As for how she looked at the VMAs, I don’t think she looked bad at all and as for her performance, did anyone see the heels she had on? That would explain why she didn’t move all that well. As for her diet and all that crap, I really don’t care what she or anyone else eats. It doesn’t affect my life one bit.
We all know what she eats etc. but do we know really how she feels? Just looking at her as another human, she seems sad and not at peace. Which is a bigger deal for me than her weight. Who knows… it’ll be interesting to see her in 20 years time.
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Nice blog btw