Best of September
As of October 1, the new and improved Big Fat Deal has been live for six months! (I know this because my Technorati ranking plummeted. It only keeps links for six months, I guess? I don’t know how it works.) Anyway, on to September!
Well, I got married this month! And while I was busy losing my mind over that, we revisited some BFD entries of yore, talking about what our fat makes us afraid of and why we are beautiful.
We continued the debate about double standards when it comes to men and women, and fat and thin. In a different post, we debated whether fat pretty girls had it too easy. We also talked about the connection between sexual trauma and obesity
Also this month, that crazy Glamour cover was airbrushed all to hell, and the editors insisted it hadn’t been airbrushed, and we were reminded why it matters. Then there was the fat ticket guy and that annoying Ben Stiller trailer. Bleh.
On the happy side, my friend Chris got knocked up, and we talked about plus-size maternity clothes. Weetabix contributed an awesome post (66 comments and counting!) about fat chicks on television. And I was really excited about my big old High School Musical 2 post, but nobody actually cared. So I’m linking it again. Because Martha is a fat chick on television, right?
Finally, you may have noticed that anne is no longer listed as a contributor. This is not because we don’t love her, and not because she got surgery and is now all skinny, but because she has been busy working on her other project and hasn’t been able to post here. Once her schedule clears up, hopefully she’ll be back!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
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