Best of August
The down-and-dirty version: I had an awesome shopping excursion with my friends. We talked about the upcoming episode of Ugly Betty with Posh in a fat suit. We debated the merits of Starbucks and their new milk policy. We got all cultured and discussed a piece of art (the artist even came by to participate). We discussed a possible BFD-con, which I will plan as soon as I no longer have a wedding to plan. Also, it turns out that celebrities eat baby food, and so do some of you guys.
Our most controversial posts this month included a discussion about weight-loss surgery in the wake of Star Jones finally admitting she had it. And our most popular posts were Is Fat A Feminist Issue? and What Should I Eat? (maybe the secret is the question marks). In the former, we heard from some men who claim it is not helpful to frame the discussion of fat hate as specific to women. In the latter, we had another flame war. So that’s always fun.
Thanks for your continued support and all your fantastic comments this month. Here’s to September! Clink!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
Thanks for this. Relatively new to the blog and have found a few discussions I had missed.
I just noticed the mini blogroll on the left side – thanks for the link to the BSC Headquarters! I loooved the Babysitter’s Club Books (even though some stories were really lame) and love the idea of looking back on the stories. :-) Sweet nostalgia…