Is Courtney Love [Sic]?
So, Courtney Love can’t really spell. But she sure does post a lot of stuff to her MySpace page! Man, translating it is like trying to extract meaning from Finnegans Wake. But for you, I gave it a shot.
idid the cover ofGrazia, im unsure why but my publisicts knows whgat hes doing all she kept asking me was weight this and weighttht and how much i exerr cise nde what exactly do i eat etc etc etc, it got so frustrating, i tried bring the intervuew back to spirtuality and music and rock and roll, i hope i made dent, then i resorte dto just nmedropping!
This means that the media askes celebrities about their weight obsessively as if its the most important thing on earth about them. I am guessing this mostly applies to female celebrities. (Speaking of which, I love Jessica Biel saying “I’m comfortable with my body.” Yes, Jessica, I’m sure you’re comfortable having the perfect body. But seriously, if Jessica Biel gets questioned about her body, it does sort of prove my point.)
ye si am drinking ensure it has 250 cals in it and im not going to explain or cpomplain but i reAlly really really do not hasve an eating disorder- tyhosxe who saw the beginning of this at MWR recall i said this was an sthroplicigakl experiment – and knowing you cant fiot anything szent for free is a fucking nic efeeling, illsay fucking a nice…
This is the first half of the quote. She’s saying she drinks Ensure, but she doesn’t have an eating disorder, and she likes being able to fit into free sample sizes. Also, her weight loss is an anthropological (sorry, “sthroplicigakl”) experiment.
…i dont kno who wmuch longer illkjeewp going but i wont go back to us 8 , dont lik ethe way i get treated at that totallty normal sxexy size, az 4 or a 6 is fine, my priblem is i NEVER think im fat! i ALWAYS think im fabulous, wich i hope all of you can relkate to and the MOST annoyibng thing to me other than people lookin ove r4my shoulder or touching my hair is when wopmen staret talkinmg about beiong fat or thiercellulilte
So she always thinks she looks fabulous, and she doesn’t think she’s fat. However, people treat her better when she’s skinnier, so she is refusing to go back to a size eight. Also, she wants us all to be able to relate to her continuous feeling of fabulousness. Oh, Courtney. Not exactly the most empowering message there.
as far a ds my body = im eithert too fat or too skinny so just shut up abvou tit
I mean, judging from the pictures, she does look unhealthy at the size she is now. But Courtney has a point, nevertheless. Is calling her too skinny just as bad as calling her fat? Should we just leave her alone? Is this post a big fat piece of hypocrisy, or is this stuff worth talking about? Man, I think I’m going to go back to Finnegans Wake. It’s less confusing.
Via the Idolator.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Celebrities, Courtney Love, Gossip, Jessica Biel, Media, Music
Oh my god. After looking at those pictures my limbs hurt. Between the bad spelling and emaciated physique I guess this is the model she wants her daughter to follow. Eck!
I think Frances is 15 years old now, old enough that she’s not only not going to copy her mother, but that she might actually go out of her way to do the opposite. I mean, you can’t have Courtney Love for a mother and not stop and think about what emulating her (not to mention her dad) might lead to.
It’s true that we constantly judge the bodies of female celebrities as either too thin or too fat. I’ll be looking at that stupid magazine rack at the grocery store check out, and one week there’ll be a picture of Jessica Simpson looking emaciated with a headline of “Too Skinny Stars!” then the next week there’ll be a picture at an angle that makes her look fat with the headline of: “Jessica Simpson’s dramatic weight gain!” They just can’t win.
Thank you for translating “sthroplicigakl”. I NEVER would have figured that out on my own! Heh.
I’m close to someone dyslexic, so I had no trouble with sthroplicigakl, in context. But I think perhaps Ms Love needs a secretary. Or perhaps just a scribe. Or possibly a minder.
I can sort of understand the sample sizes thing. If I was sent desirable free stuff I couldn’t use all the time, I’d be kind of annoyed. (Just as well I’ll never be in that position, eh?)
I mean, I well remember not being able to fit into any of the clothes my friends were trying on when I was a teenager (in the days when Miss Selfridge didn’t do UK size 14). And that hurt, and sent a clear message that my body was unacceptable. I’d imagine that in the circles in which people get sent free clothes, attitudes to appropriate body sizes are probably, well, still rather adolescent.
I’m not saying that means it’s an appropriate reason to go thinner than is healthy. Just that it’s partly understandable.
Hey – about Jessice Biel. There’s this undercurrent of snark in this post that seems to imply that Jessica somehow has it easier than any other woman in America in terms of relating to her body and physicality.
The article that was linked is from the press circuit for Blade III. Jessica’s muscles in that aren’t for show or CGI, they are the real damn deal. I think it is great to see a visibly very physically strong woman be celebrated.
Jessica Biel is very open about how hard she works to maintain her physical fitness and how much she enjoys that part of her life. She might have won the genetic lottery, but she is definitely an inspiration to me.
“Jessica Biel is very open about how hard she works to maintain her physical fitness and how much she enjoys that part of her life. She might have won the genetic lottery, but she is definitely an inspiration to me.”
Amen to that! Whenever I see powerful female bodies (Williams sisters, Layla (sp?) Ali, Angela Basset and yes, Jessica Biel) It inspires the hell out of me too because they are fit , strong and sexy.
This was so bizarre and kind of sad.
“Is calling her too skinny just as bad as calling her fat? ”
I think this is a tough question. One I struggle with a good bit. While you generally can survive with excess fat, the lack of so much fat and muscle can certainly kill you. And the range between the “ideal” or even the true average weight of women and so skinny you’ll die is much less than the range between the former and so fat you’ll die. So people who are “too skinny” would likely be in more immediate health danger. But what is “too skinny” and for who? Medically, if your body stops stops functioning in different ways, that’s obviously not good.
Anyway, from an anti-healtist perspective I don’t like “too skinny”. It can be used in abusive/sizist ways, just as “too fat”. My professor shared with me that growing up he was “too skinny,” and was ostracized (whereas I was “too fat”). Are there very skinny women whose bodies are supposed to be that way? Yes. If their bodies function well at that weight and that is the weight they are supposed to be, I think “too skinny” is obsolete. However, I can’t deny that the outward look of the body and health do have some connection. But we cannot forget that more often than not culture colors our lense…hence women who are sick and their outward appearance shows that, but are praised by people about how great they look because they have lost weight.
In short, friggin complicated, but one shouldn’t throw any absolute around carelessly.
It is not really fair to judge either courtney love or jessica biel, because, as the post alludes, as female celebrities their bodies and lives are not really their own. jessica biel is lucky not because she’s hot, but because she is fortunate enough to have a healthier approach to how she looks and her self-image than courtney love does.