Fighting Back
As V’ron promised in the comments of a previous entry, she’s fighting back against some fat hate that she witnessed in her corporate life. By blogging about it!
[Howard Tullman] mentioned early on that one of the programs they eliminated from Kendall College [of which he is the president] was the athletic programs. Was it because they weren’t bringing in revenue? Was it because they weren’t cost-effective? No, according to Tullman’s speech, 400-pound culinary students don’t really care about volleyball!
Huh? I was left wondering, well, do 127-pound culinary students have an interest in volleyball? Were/Are Kendall’s culinary student body made up of entirely obese students? Are all culinary students therefore obese? Of course! Only fat people know how to cook food, right? And thin people don’t eat that much, therefore they must not not cook well, because why? Why would they actually enjoy making excellent food prepared well? They certainly don’t eat it! They’re too busy playing volleyball!
You really have to go and read the whole entry and get the fat-chick-in-a-bikini story, too. Out of curiosity, I went and found Howard Tullman’s websites. On he posts “words of wisdom” including such gems as:
It’s like the fat girl at the end of the bar. As the night wears on, she starts to look really good.
There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.
To be fair, the vast majority of these “words of wisdom” have absolutely nothing to do with fat people or women-hating. But I’m feeling unsympathetic towards Maybe for the most part he’s a perfectly nice, enlightened guy, and a good college president. But I do encourage him to pop on over here and defend or clarify his fat phobic remarks. Before someone starts a Facebook group to organize a protest where all his 400-pound students show up in his office wearing bikinis.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Fatism
How are you going to “battle obesity” by cutting your sports program? Dude, isn’t that, like, counterintuitive?
Oh. BTW.
His resume’s on his website.
I’m just sayin’.
This man sounds like a pompus ass as opposed to an “enlightened man”. I’m amazed he even has the audacity to post bogus jokes like that as his “words of wisdom”.
I’ll have to start calling him mr. catch phrase. Pompous ass, definitely describes him!
Um, if I saw those comments and found out it was the president of my school that made them, I would probably be looking to transfer.
This reminds me of something a friend told me once. “I would never trust a thin chef”. I guess the idea is at least these people are tasting their food to see it’s ok. Rather than just cooking it, and refusing to eat it because they’re on a diet.
I can’t imagine any chef, thin or not, refusing to taste their food because they’re on a diet!