Tagline Fun
Okay, it’s Friday, let’s do something fun. See the revolving tagline at the top of this very blog? We need some new ones! Here are some random ideas I’ve picked up from you guys:
Way more “pro-woman” than those Dove real woman ads.
Are you a BFDiva?
You can read this even if you’re skinny, or have a penis.
It’s fat-tastic!
Okay, so maybe those aren’t quite up for the requirement. Anyone have any genius ideas? Or even not-so genius? Let’s have ’em!
Posted by mo pie
Large and In Charge
Posting anonymously in case you think these are kind of stupid…
WAY more fun than a summer in fat camp!
Born to be Wide
This fattie is harder to kidnap.
Fatphobes will be eaten.
Supersize This!
Big thighs make one Wise.
More to love!
Chubby is the new black!
Whee! This is much more fun than doing my job!
How about:
“Putting the ‘ass’ in class!”
“Fat girl, terrestrial, my summer, my night”
(from a cool Wallace Stevens poem, “Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction”)
“There is no “I” in fat.”
(but there’s a big WE! Making it…er…fweat! Hm…)
“Fat is not a river in Egypt.”
(this one is for the embittered ex-OA crowd)
Hahaha! I like “Putting the ‘ass’ in class!”
OMG! I just saw that ‘harder to kidnap’ on a bumpersticker about a week ago…
damn, too bad I can’t think of something, well,
All that keeps coming to mind is:
“Our milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard!”
Hold on to your love handles!
I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly!
I love my love handles!
I can wiggle it more than just a little bit!
Revolting? REVOLT (have to work on that one, it’s from a belly on the we love bellies website, it has a line through the “ing”, I just love it.)
EveryBODY is beautiful.
Join the revolution, stop hating your body.
Love: one size fits all
“My hips are mighty hips, my hips are magic hips. I have known them to put a spell on a man and spin him like a top.”-Lucille Clifton
This is from the empowering poem, Homage to my Hips.
This blog comes in all shapes and sizes (this is why I love it, by the way).
That’s all I got.
I love “putting the ass back in class” :) I belong to a forum set that uses quotes from the forums as the tag line for the boards.
Here are more ideas:
Shaking it like a polaroid picture.
Chewing the fat since 2004.
Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s BFD.
BFD. Read fresh.
I am woman, phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me – Maya Anjelou
“putting the ass back in class”
this just continues to make me grin like a crazy lady….
love it!
so much!
Fabulously At Large!
Okay, I just added a bunch of these to the rotation! Keep your eyes peeled.
Yay! I just spotted “putting the ‘ass’ in class!” :-)
“And Food Acceptance For All”
“Body Liberty and Food Acceptance for All”
Mary Garden said:
“Yay! I just spotted “putting the ‘ass’ in class!” :-)”
Good thing. It rocks quite hard.