In Case You Were Trapped Under A Rock In April
Hey, guess what? We made it through one whole month of big fat deliciousness! Thanks to everyone who’s read and commented and updated their links. Our Technorati ranking as of today is 48,342. I know, it doesn’t look very impressive. But it’s impressive in my heart, since we started out at over 2,000,000. So thank you so much for that.
Looking back to see which posts generated the most discussion this month, the clear winner is Are Americans Fat And Lazy? which even features some controversy in the comments. Runner-up was our post talking about The Secret and how it is kind of evil. (Plus, an Ayn Rand shoutout.) We also were very upset about Old Navy which has seemingly confirmed the pulling of its plus-sizes from the store. (More info is here, via Lara Frater. You can write to Old Navy to complain, which I will shortly be doing.)
We also talked about the possibly wrong, potentially very damaging story about how fat people cost employers more. We felt bad for this girl. We reclaimed the word fat. And probably my favorite post of the month, by Weetabix, started a discussion about the audacity of fatness.
Here is the April archive page; a new mini-blogroll for May will be coming soon, and the ones for April will go to an archive page. Some new tweaks are coming through, thanks to your suggestions. If there’s anything else you want to suggest, please feel free. Thanks! Happy monthaversary!
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Meta
I would like to suggest that every month we have a monthaversary recap.
Because I enjoyed this one very much.
Oh, and 50K out of 2 mil means you beat out 1,950,000 other blogs.
Not bad for a snarky girl, her uppity friends, some ham, and pie.
I hope you don’t mind that that just became a new tagline.
Yay monthaversary for BFD! You all are truly truly truly outrageous and I am loving the writing here.
“I hope you don’t mind that that just became a new tagline.”
Ha! I will waive my micro-royalty check in exchange for microprops, since — thanks in great part to your wisdom & advice — I am about to become a guest blogger elsewhere (email @ 11).
Yay, bfd! I’ve watched you grow up from a wee sprite. Happy monthaversary! And many more!
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