Jack Sparrow Wasn't Available?
Anti-obesity ads from the Department of Health and Human Services are featuring Shrek and friends in their ads. Shrek is wildly popular with kids, of course, but is this really the wisest choice in the world, when Shrek endorses such a wide array of unhealthy foods?
The deal is full of food products like: Snickers, Frosted Flakes, Cheez-Its, Sierra Mist and M&M’s. On top of that, there’s a promotional tie-in with McDonald’s. So, unless these commercials urge kids to only eat these products once in a blue moon, it’s definitely a mixed message. Susan Linn, of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood asks: “Why would children follow Shrek’s advice about healthy living and ignore his entreaties to eat Happy Meals and Pop-Tarts?”
The more I read about advertising geared to kids, the more angry I get. If people are serious about curbing childhood obesity, maybe an obese ogre isn’t the best way to get your message across. Of course, nothing against Shrek. In the first movie, the message about inner beauty was a good one.
Posted by mo pie
Filed under: Advertising, Health, Kids, Movies
There seems to be a never ending supply of mixed messages regarding healthy eating habits (and weight). Anorexic looking film stars ina magazine that is sold next to the candy aisle at the supermarket checkout. Non-stop warnings about the negative effects of saturated fats and the positive effects of fresh fruits/veggies and whole grain foods. Yet hot dogs and mac-n-cheese is still the quickets and cheapest meal for a family on a tight budget.
Yeah, mixed messages are the standard at this point, I think. There are too many interests advertising too many things. And, since children can’t be informed consumers right out of the gate, they are an advertisers DREAM. Impressionable and easily impressed. Which are not the same thing.
I think Jack Sparrow would’ve been a great idea. I’d fallow whatever he’d say..ehehehe
Speaking of mixed messages: Keeber is giving away pedometers with their cookies.
Not to mention the message in both the previous Shrek movies, that Fiona and Shrek were both much happier as Ogres than as a glamorous prince and princess. WTF, Shrek creators?
Aren’t Shreck and Fiona both overweight trolls? Pot, kettle.